Trump and Vance destroy Zelensky

Says the guy who thought it would be over in a week. It’s several years in and they’re doing pretty damned good so far. NATO hasn’t even gotten involved yet.

It’s “insanity” not “stupidity” and Einstein never said it to begin with. It traces back to a book by Rita Mae Brown in 1983.

If Zelensky held no cards, they wouldn’t be trying to get him to cave in and hand over land to Russia and minerals to the US.

Also, these aren’t peace negotiations. Name a single thing Russia has been asked to give. This is a surrender. You and Trump already surrendered yourselves to Putin long ago.

Except the entire western world has united against Putin and Trump. Also, your team has lost every in European election recently, so again, you’re full of shit.

False. More horseshit.

Prior to the invasion by Putin, the US did about $30-$40 billion annually with Russia while doing $1 trillion with the EU. At every step, you’re overwhelmingly wrong.

You should stick to high school Spanish.

Weird how the narrative used to be that Biden was forcing the Ukrainians to die for US interests…

Now even MAGA supporters are admitting that Ukraine is choosing to fight!

Weirdly, Putin keeps sending men to die for a war he cannot win. He’s even killing North Koreans for his own stupidity.

Correction: They WERE good for business. If you think any Western company is going to re-enter the Russian market after Putin stole billions from them and nationalized a lot of industries… I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Bikki has laughably claimed this war was over many times. He’s on record saying the Ukrainian Armed Forces no longer exist after just a few months of fighting.

Denial has never been so strong.

Pointing out Ukraine’s part in all this and also all the US is done for them isn’t necessarily “shilling for Russia”…This Zelensky piece of shit needs to be called out.

Remember when this cunt told us how one side had lost every election since the 80s…How’d that work out for him and his “team”?

So you are basically an extreme non-trumper?

Both Trump and yours truly, perceive the world in a macro rather than micro lens. If we are to concede, as Charles and Mary Beard opined, history is a product of economic determinism. We, Trump and I, share what might properly be called “foresight.” Russia comprises eleven percent of the total land mass of the planet. It is rich in natural resources as well as inhabited by people whose bedrock is European culture. WE recognize that leftist attempt to besmirch the evolutionary contributions of Western Civilization, the most ethical, inventive, and advanced civilization among world peoples. In their efforts to defame their own culture, leftist have invented the terms "white supremacy and racism to batter people who evince common sense and rebel against failed leftist governance. Theirs is a philosophy of involuntary suicide, for they believe all cultures are ethically co-equal, when emphatically they are not.

The MAGA Revolution is one of common sense which is lifting us from the corrupt, wholly insane or “stupid” government foisted on the masses of sensible people by the Obama/Biden administrations. How refreshing it is to see the country being rescued from leftists waste, corruption, and injustice.

Change is taking place more slowly in Europe, but common sense is making a strong comeback, certainly in Eastern Germany, Italy, France, Hungary, Netherlands, and even in Sweden. Outrageous crime attendant to the influx of illegal aliens will eventually lead to MAGA-type rebellion that will sweep Europe. Ukraine has no sane remedy other than peace, and to obtain peace, it will have to accede to the wishes of Russia. Trump knows this, and he’s a true warrior for peace on the planet. Had Trump not been swindled in 2020, there would have been no war in Ukraine. With each passing day, the opinion of Russia by Europeans is rising, for there is no way Europeans will commit troops to be ground up in the meat grinder.

Trump too knows that sending NATO troops into Ukraine is probable cause for WW3. If this occurs, Russia might well strike Europe preemptively with nuclear weapons. And, yes, this entire scenario will have been caused by the Obama/Biden foreign policy. Trump offers a viable solution to the war. No solutions whatsoever have been posed by the left.

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Trump needs to keep going forward. This train wreck is awesome to watch. Trump has gone all in. This shit show maybe to the same level of his failed casino.

I’m saying you’re not a moderate. You like to think you are but you’re not.

If you’re a moderate so am I. If I say it enough it has to be true right?

Then what is he?

He’s a liberal.

Do I think he’s a raging, fanatical liberal? No. He’s a “moderate liberal”.

A liberal that will tolerate certain conservative or libertarian view points. But that’s not a moderate.

In fact, in my view I don’t think true moderates exist. We all fall on a spectrum somewhere. It’s never dead center.

Moderate is a term that people use to make themselves stick out of the pack. Dare they say they are a liberal or a conservative. Heaven forbid it!

I have views on both sides. The problem is most republicans are full of shit. They say lets cut spending but each one elected spends more then the next guy. Trump spent more the last time in office. People go well he is going to lower taxes, who the hell is paying for those cuts. Money has to come from somewhere. Its bs economics.

The right runs on fear…immigrants are taking over - lol. Gays and trans are taking over, lol. Problem is you have a view as, i support the second amendment but having sensible guns laws would make sense. God forbid we mention gun laws. The right will tell you we want to take their guns away. Fear, fear, fear. It is bs.

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And that’s your problem. You think YOU get to decide what a moderate is and isn’t. They don’t exist in YOUR book therefore, one must be what YOU think they are. The level of arrogance in you is astounding. That’s probably why you like Trump so much. You’re just like him.

My god SC.

Moderate is a qualifier word. It makes no sense without the word it supports.

It’s like saying “I’m basically” Or “somewhat”. Ok- basically or somewhat WHAT?

I’m somewhat intense. I’m basically shy.

It only makes sense by saying I’m “moderately liberal” or I’m “moderately conservative”

Think about how many permutations of political ideals someone can hold.

If your absolutely for abortion and socialism but for gun rights- does that make you “moderate?

What if you’re isolationist but a capitalist?

How can you call these people the same thing? They both can’t be “moderate”. Doesn’t make any sense.

I’ll agree that colloquially the term is used incorrectly to describe someone from one side of the spectrum that holds a belief that doesn’t conform to “a side” but an Antifa member who happens to be anti illegal immigration is anything but a moderate.

If you can’t understand that I don’t know what to say.

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Well, first off that’s not what a moderate is. Your definition is flawed, making your premise incorrect.
The claim assumes a “true moderate” is one who must be exactly in the center of the political spectrum. But, that’s not how moderation works. Moderate doesn’t mean being mathematically equidistant from all political ideologies. It means holding positions that are generally not extreme.
In fact, your argument supports the idea of moderate. You claim everyone falls on a spectrum, implying that political views are a range rather than binary, thus supporting the concept that moderates are simply people who land closer to the middle than extremes.

Saying “moderates don’t exist because no one is exactly in the center” is like saying “short people don’t exist because no one is exactly 5 feet tall.”

Your argument unintentionally reinforces the idea that moderation exists along a range and confuses theoretical purity with practical reality and ultimately collapses under its own logic.

Unlike “basically” or “somewhat,” which are adverbs that require another word to modify, “moderate” is an adjective that can describe a person, policy or stance on its own.
“Moderate” is a fully functional adjective that describes a position or person without needing an additional modifier. Your argument relies on a false linguistic comparison and doesn’t hold up.

You need to go back to elementary school and learn your words, and potentially about gravity, refraction and heliocentric theory.

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Fucking guy

What the fuck is wrong with this dude? You are arrogant because you think you get to define moderate?

@GardenStateCane …Forgive them. They know not one they speak. In other words, it’s not them typing, it’s the meltdown.

Yes, “moderate” is considered a qualified adjective because it describes something as being within reasonable limits, not extreme, or of medium intensity, essentially adding a qualification to the noun it modifies; meaning it provides specific information about the degree or level of something.,known%20for%20her%20moderate%20tastes.

We can use google too.

Trump has these fucking maniacs distraught. He literally just typed the same thing as GSC.

Does the make @CaneFanSC arrogant too?

You can’t make it up skeeter.

They will argue just to argue…. And anything the media prints they believe is true.

They are complete NPC’s

I mean look at how angry this SC has become…He used to be a good poster, respected him. Complete wack job now