Both Trump and yours truly, perceive the world in a macro rather than micro lens. If we are to concede, as Charles and Mary Beard opined, history is a product of economic determinism. We, Trump and I, share what might properly be called “foresight.” Russia comprises eleven percent of the total land mass of the planet. It is rich in natural resources as well as inhabited by people whose bedrock is European culture. WE recognize that leftist attempt to besmirch the evolutionary contributions of Western Civilization, the most ethical, inventive, and advanced civilization among world peoples. In their efforts to defame their own culture, leftist have invented the terms "white supremacy and racism to batter people who evince common sense and rebel against failed leftist governance. Theirs is a philosophy of involuntary suicide, for they believe all cultures are ethically co-equal, when emphatically they are not.
The MAGA Revolution is one of common sense which is lifting us from the corrupt, wholly insane or “stupid” government foisted on the masses of sensible people by the Obama/Biden administrations. How refreshing it is to see the country being rescued from leftists waste, corruption, and injustice.
Change is taking place more slowly in Europe, but common sense is making a strong comeback, certainly in Eastern Germany, Italy, France, Hungary, Netherlands, and even in Sweden. Outrageous crime attendant to the influx of illegal aliens will eventually lead to MAGA-type rebellion that will sweep Europe. Ukraine has no sane remedy other than peace, and to obtain peace, it will have to accede to the wishes of Russia. Trump knows this, and he’s a true warrior for peace on the planet. Had Trump not been swindled in 2020, there would have been no war in Ukraine. With each passing day, the opinion of Russia by Europeans is rising, for there is no way Europeans will commit troops to be ground up in the meat grinder.
Trump too knows that sending NATO troops into Ukraine is probable cause for WW3. If this occurs, Russia might well strike Europe preemptively with nuclear weapons. And, yes, this entire scenario will have been caused by the Obama/Biden foreign policy. Trump offers a viable solution to the war. No solutions whatsoever have been posed by the left.