This is how it ends

Not even comparable…Even when the capital incident is included. Next

Just another of many posts that prove your ineptitude.

The rioting across the country was horrible. I’m not disputing that.

The fact that you think the first non-peaceful transition of power since the civil war - and resulted in deaths - some of them cops - isn’t a big deal frankly doesn’t shock me.

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I’d say your comparing mischief with a billion dollars worth of damage, thirty murders, and hundreds of injured police. How many fires did Trump supporters start? How many Molotov coctails were thrown by Trumpers.?

The leftists who proclaim conservative fascists are the fascists. They want control over people. They insist only government can help the people, and always in the name of the people they burn the cities and visit violence on individuals. The Soviets killed a hundred million in the name of the people.



Here’s the difference between you and me. I am acknowledging how bad the rioting was last year. No one wants to see that. And I’m sure you’ll agree.

What you refuse to acknowledge is how bad the capital insurrection was. Not only in terms of violence (people died), but in terms of how damaging it was to our democracy. You act like they showed up just to say hi. Hell Trump even recently went on record saying they all came in and were hugging and kissing the police.

It’s complete crap - and you are looking the other way.

In terms of how bad the capitol riot was compared to the hundreds of left wing riots, I would assign it a grade of D, that is, an insignificant scuffle without weapons. The apex riot was for the thug and five times loser George Floyd where they burned a city.

@bikki228 - I’ve addressed the riots across the country and I’m trying hard to be civil here. There were absolutely weapons at the capital - guns, spears and Molotov cocktails. Cops were killed. You gloss over this.

What you know is true - but won’t admit - is that if Trump had won and Biden had urged supporters to March to the capital - and literally the same thing happened - you would be calling for the death penalty of all involved in a unanimous act of sedition and an attack on our very foundation of democracy.

Admit it.

But because a bunch of white people with MAGA hats on did it, it’s no big deal…

Unless of course they were disguised and actually BLM or ANTIFA - in which case - off with their heads right?

You’re a smart guy Bikki. Smart enough to know that what you say is self serving and one sided - facts be damned.

And I know it too.

Every single one of his posts is this way.

It is why they are ignored mostly, especially when he posts a book. You can’t read it without a straight face.

Unlike many other posters, bikki is self-aware and knows exactly what he’s doing. It’s a bit of sport for him.

One day of mostly peaceful citizens who did relatively no damage to the Capitol vs months and months of lunatics burning buildings and businesses, attacking men and women in the streets and destroying federal statues…

Yea- your position is reasonable.

It’s not even a comparison.

There was NOT ONE SINGLE GUN BROUGHT INTO THE CAPITOL! The insurrection should best be described as political mischief which went array. Compared to the wholesale burnings, murders, maimings, lootings, and destruction, it was really quite an unimportant event, similar to the Democrat invasion of the Senate during the Kavenaugh hearings. The libs have become delusional trying to equate real mayhem necessitating the greatest non-wartime mobilization of the National Guard to a little political mischief. 51 has gone into a tizzy about this as if it was the most abominable act in recorded human history. It’s like comparing nuclear bombs with cap guns. There were NO guns, cap, or otherwise.

Mostly peaceful? Is that why a cop is dead?

The capital rioters also destroyed federal property.

Honestly I’m not shocked that you don’t see (or won’t admit to it) how shameful that day was for our democracy.

But hey you justify it as fine because the election was “stolen.”


This is patently false. Numerous protesters were armed. They simply went home and were arrested later.

In addition to guns, there was bear mace, bats, a spear, etc.

And let’s not forget the pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails.

This is my problem with you two. Everyone acknowledges the rioting last year was bad. But like Trump, you say that 1/6 was just like any other day.

Tell that to Sicknicks family.

What have they been doing to the federal court house in Portland. They tried to burn it with the people inside. Their molotov coctails actually went off. Some were placed in police cars. In one instance, the cops were in the car. Your comparison is an absurdity.

You said they had guns, then took them home. No gun was brought inside the building, and they took them home, so they wisely decided they were not needed.

The insurrection was a big NOTHING but will likely result in false per- and prosecution while in Portland all charges are dropped. Two tier justice.

Show me proof that this is the case.

I showed you proof that plenty of weapons were there.

Once again, you show your true colors. I’ve gone on record in saying that the riots in Portland for example were terrible. They absolutely were.

That you refuse to acknowledge that the capital riot was horrible - not just because of the violence but also because the damage it did to our democracy - is further proof that you have an agenda.

You’re forgiving the capital rioters because most were a bunch of MAGA hat wearing white people. Had they been black, or ANTIFA, or BLM, I guarantee you that you would be singing a much different tune.

It’s time to call this what it is.

There should be equal justice under law, and those who are committing the most crime s are Antifa and BLM. The insurrection is a big nothing. The guy who had the molotov coctails should be charged with conspiracy to commit and whatever weapons violation under the D.C. code.
What is the horrible is the burning of Minneapolis and murder of more than 25 people, 200 police hospitalized, billions of dollars in damages, hundreds injured The “insurrection” was little more than the Kavenaugh insurrection where the perps all walked. The Democrats are making a mountain out of a mole hill, screaming for gun control when hammers kill more people than rifles. If the feds don’t charge real criminals in Portland, then they should do the same in D.C. If the feds charge them in D.C., they should do so in Portland. Otherwise, you do not have equal justice. Some insurrection. No guns, just people clowning around, trespassing. It was a minor incident save for a cop who over reacted. You’ve become hysterical over a minor event.

Who killed him?




Read the news. Two men have been indicted.

This is my point. There are no suspects from what I’ve read.

They interviewed a firefighter that was tussling with cops but to my knowledge he hasn’t been charged in connection to the death.

Do you have some other info that I don’t?