The two current staffs

I posted this on TOS
I don’t think he brings more than 1-2 current coaches from Oregon…Not including Mirabal who is a lock. (Obv Moorehead isn’t coming). Many of these veteran coaches have been Pac 12/Mt. West their whole coaching career.

Other than Mirabal I think the most likely candidates to varying degerees will be. One up and coming analyst I’d keep an eye on is Costa.

Decent Shot
1.Bobby Williams (been with Cristo a while and his long history with special teams help)
2. S’alavea (again though he’s one of those guys who’s been out west forever)

4. DeRuyter (I don’t mind him at all, I like veteran DCs)
5. Mclendon
6. Choice
7. Yates

Probably Not
8. Wilson
9. Mastro

All just a guess obviously

Coaches I want to see us keep

1.DVD…young and energetic. I think he has a future

Like these guys
2. T-Rob
3. Likens
4. Hickson (Think he’s doing a good job, but honestly his position requires less acumen than most on staff, so not like can’t be replaced)
5. Aristide (Recruiting only, I know nothing of his coaching skill level…Won’t cry if Cristobal goes another route. The LB on this team deserve to be fucking coached for once)

I obviously don’t think we are going to keep 5…I think we’d keep 3 tops, outside chance at 4. And 2-3 is most likely number…I actually think Diaz built a decent staff

Field ( I don’t mind him, and he does work recruiting, but againnoet Cristo has been coaching with Bobby Williams since Bama days)
Justice (did a good job this year…But Cristo/Mirabal is as good as any combo in the nation at OL right now, they are trucking them out)

No chance

Ignore the bold

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I hope TRob and Likens are kept, not as high on DVD as you are. I wouldn’t be opposed to DVD because with talent he might be able to show he is a good coach.

I saw a report that said Joe Brady might be interested in Miami. With what he did with Burrow I would jump for joy having him work with TVD, Garcia and Brown.


i would keep those for recruiting purposes and maybe Simpson too if it means getting Stewart and Kelly.

I would make the argument that Simpson is as big a reason as any that they aren’t committed

We don’t have a DL commit at either position.

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Keep the best recruiters, pretty much lose everybody else unless they are some sort of tactical genius.

Hire the best available spread OC and attacking DC or the whole thing falls apart.

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DVD literally throws footballs all practice; he’s barely a coach. Given cristobals stance we don’t need to keep a guy around who can’t coach a lick for his recruiting ability (Cristobal will make sure this staff can recruit).

This team needs actual coaches. If dvd wants to be in the recruiting office go for it.

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I’ve never heard this…

Anyone else?

I men I don’t doubt he defers to T-Rob and obv he is the least experienced coach we have.

I think Likens is my #1 choice to keep — great WR production this year, good routes, etc. Trob a close #2 — not off anything he did this year but from prior years as recruiter. DVD and Aristide are intriguing but wouldn’t mind if they weren’t retained.

Feld would be great

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So … Snidely Whiplash is going to be Miami’s new strength coach.

I hope Dudley Do-Right doesn’t find out.


I like what I am reading about the guy.

DVD was D1 corner because he was fast. You can’t coach speed.

I would be really surprised if he was even a mediocre coach. As a recruiter, he doesn’t strike me as a killer. He was the most interested player in recruiting back in the day.

So between rumph, dvd, and Ed Reed…3 former pro canes on the former staff that couldn’t coach a lick. Argh.

Ed Reed’s job title does not allow him to coach.


Hell no on Simpson


The rest can skate and honestly if we booted them too I wouldn’t even be upset. With the money we have, not really worried about us failing the staff here BUT we need to knock this OC out of the park. No Chud, no Dorsey, no Ponce. We need a HOME RUN.

Would James Coley come over as TE coach?

Like these guys
2. T-Rob
3. Likens
4. Hickson

I am with you on those 3. I think Likens did a great job with the WRs this year and that Hickson was able to recruit top talent in his time here. Considering all the injuries and a sub-par front 7 T-Rob did well with the DBs and has a solid reputation as a recruiter.

And I’ve read he’s pretty much a lock to come.

On a side note…I’m hearing T-Rob won’t be retained. He and Cristobal don’t get along.