The Irony!

GSC is one helluva a researcher. When he posit sa view he backs it up with fact. His interpretations are eminently logical, much better in my opinion than yours, 51. Plus he has less snark in prose than you do. Same goes for Skeeter who is Don Rickles quick on the repartee. Skeeter is phenomenal in evaluating football talent and has a broad understanding of the game’s strategy. Both of these guys supply this board with a wonderful bevy of issues. Everybody on board depends on Skeeter’s ratings, and he does it all while living in Pennsylvania. Any human who thinks the past election was not a fraud is naive. There 's more apt actually to be a tooth fairy than believing Joe Biden was the most popular man running for high office in history. Take away the votes from seven corrupt cities, and Trump won by a landslide. Don’t worry the truth will bubble its way to the surface because there is an angry multitude in the country, and a half wit demented man in the White House.

Only fools believe in white supremacy, white privilege, and systematic racism. It’s all a crock of manure. What we see is Antifa, BLM, and the other militant wings of Hamas, oh, I meant the Democrat Party together with MSM, the propaganda wing of the party institutionalizing fascism, trying to crush dissent through censorship, cancellation, reputational libel, and even firings from the workplace. Republicans don’t do these things. Yet, you 51 continue believing that Democrats operate on a higher moral plane. While the flames licked out of the courthouse in Portland, people were barricaded inside, and only by a miracle were they rescued from incineration which was hardly mentioned by MSM. On social media, you are not allowed to express certain beliefs. What you are seeing is the fascist workings of collectivism in action which belies liberalism in its classical iteration. GSC, Skeeter, bikki, Indiana, even 305 are the true liberals believing in the Bill of Rights. Sorry to say 51, you think you do but actually do not.

Bikki - does this include his “article” claiming that deaths did not increase in 2020 over 2019, while specifically giving the disclaimer that the data did not include COVID deaths?

Me thinks you don’t read a lot of “articles” he posts. And by articles, I mean tweets from someone at computer in mom’s basement.

You’re a smart guy Bikki. But on some things you choose to believe what fits your worldview. Facts be damned. And I respect that - I think we’re all a little guilty of it. But it doesn’t make it true.

Just as quick as he is to threaten to assault posters who disagree with him?

I never said that. And show me where I I supported the violence in Portland or Seattle, and I’ll agree with you. I didn’t support any of it, nor the insurrection on 1/6.

In fact - I don’t know I ever saw you disavow it. Care to do that now?

And no, the election wasn’t stolen. I realize you all say that (as does Trump) to make yourselves feel better losing to a candidate who is mediocre at best, but it’s the truth. And the fact the right can’t get past this is a major reason this country is so fractured.

I pray to god Trump goes away somehow so that there’s a Republican in 2024 worth voting for.

This fuckin clown keeps saying I threatened him…I did not threaten you. I made you an offer that we can handle it that way if you like.

Skeeter: I don’t like that you disagree with me, so, I could totally beat you up.


I don’t care how you judge it…It still doesn’t make it a threat.

Watch out…conservatives are wimps who can’t fight, that’s why they cling to their guns


I own guns to kill shit. Deer, hog… and god forbid someone that thinks they can come into my home to hurt my family. Don’t care if they take my shit, I don’t own anything I consider valuable, just don’t expect to attempt to hurt my family without getting killed.

The old saying, don’t show up to a gun fight with a knife applies. I don’t know what someone would show up with so I’m going to be prepared. TKD, guns, knives, …

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Actually, I don’t think its applicable. Who cares why you have guns. I have guns. I can’t imagine grown men fighting in the street like children, but if you do, bring whatever you want, I’d think. Just keep it in the car when you’re throwing hands like a man. If you pull out a gun bc you don’t want to get your ass kicked in a fight you accepted or instigated, yeah, you’re a pussy. But, a grown man fighting just because he can’t control his emotions is also a pussy

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Agree. At 18 I got out of a car to fight someone only to have them pull a gun on me. Now I’m too old to want to fight. I’ll just stay in the car because a fight doesn’t prove much. There is always someone bigger, faster, stronger, more experienced…

Not sure we need assault weapons in the streets but I’m not your average conservative.

Yeah. You’re lucky he didn’t fire.

I generally make sure to remove myself from a situation before it gets even close to that. It’s not worth it.

A liberal talking about controlling emotions…Now that is funny. The meltdowns and little cunty temper tantrums you people throw…A whole summer and fall of them. And you are talking about controlling emotions? Basically progressive liberals should be defined as "Overly emotional people that fake or mistake their emotions as empathy and then meltdown and create problems and use items like the media to tell us the way we should solve all these fake problems…Their emotions make them think they can save the world from every little imperfection as if a certain utopia exists where nothing bad every happens. They refuse to leave the rest of us alone because they are emotional wrecks and attack everyone who doesn’t share their bleeding heart.

The guy who says “bring whatever you want”…But then cries when things go bad in charlottesville…And then cries because they went too far at the capital but not at Portland…Sorry if we don’t respect your tough guy routine warden.

I said the same thing 90s said a dozen times on this board in January…You can’t start the fight then cry when something goes too far…Imagine crying for authority in DC after screaming defund the police the last 7 months. You people are fucking pathetic.

I find this ironic.

What’s an “assault” weapon and how does it differ from a pistol? Or a shotgun?

Last I checked, those two bring plenty of assault to bear.

Are there Guns that don’t “assault?” If so, what do they do? Complement?

You threw them about Orange Man for for 4 years…No different. Just stop…you are going into full clown mode. Have a little pride.

Not sure what this means. You want to criticize me for taking umbrage with a man making fun of disabled people?

If so, guess what? That makes you an asshole. Just like him, for doing it.

It means what the fuck it says…You sat here and cried your fucking eyes out about Trump for how long

Ohhhhhh…The ole disabled people fallback. No pride at all with you.

It’s sad there are people out there that don’t know, or care, that making fun of the disabled isn’t even remotely ok.

Especially when you’re running for president.

But coming from you it’s not that surprising.

I know…you care soooo much more than me…Let me guess, lou’re a liberal huh?

Here comes another 30-second insta-response from the little bratty board moderator hoping to get the last word in.

Good nite gentlemen.

If you’re asking me if I care enough to take exception to people who make fun of disabled people, then yes, I do.

Probably best you just said goodnight - it’s not like you’re helping yourself with these responses.