Stimulus variant UBI

That’s adorable. Just last night Mike Lee of Utah was claiming the voting rights law was created by Satan. Daily, you support the party defined by their hyperbole. What a joke

You really are a moron…it’s amazing just how much so.

If a pandemic happens and companies learn they can lease smaller offices having people work from home as we’ve learned over the pandemic, you think somehow there’s deceit or a grand scheme or manipulation? You’re a fucking idiot! They just learned people actually can work from home and still be efficient so they don’t need to lease the space. Seriously, you’re the guy hiding behind his couch thinking lizard people are in the closet.

I get that you think it’s deceit, that’s your view and that’s certainly consistent with how you’ve treated the whole COVID situation. I won’t change your mind.

I’m just telling you I don’t see it the same way you do.

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UBI, unemployment, guaranteed employment, minimum wages… they are all attempting to address one BIG issue: the wealth gap.

Yes, we 100% have a wealth gap that is only getting worse. I don’t think UBI or any of the other items above solve the problem by themselves. The wealth gap is real and growing. If we want to be FREE, we need to address this along with supporting small business. This would mean anti-trust laws being followed! This would mean Congress representing citizens NOT large companies and donors… If you want to avoid being replaced by robots and AI, don’t allow extremely large companies to form and roll-up smaller competitors.

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Says the guy who thinks we should be on lockdown for 99.97 survival rate

Tighten up that mask you little liberal hero. (both masks…or all 3…however you are choosing to save the world with your little bleeding heart)

Ya I don’t give a fuck about a wealth gap…And I’m not on the right end of it, nor was I ever.

I don’t want the government’s money nor do rich people owe me anything.

I obviously don’t want nor see the need for UBI, for the negatives listed above…But if they can make something small work then obviously there are people that need helped. I just know nothing’s free.

Got it. You just want to keep on working until death. F that!

Indeed. All this money we’re printing and giving out fairly indiscriminately is going to come back and bite us.

I would have agreed until I read up on mmt. So long as Congress and the FED keep inflation under control, the printing press during a recession is a good thing. I’m not a fan of the latest round as I don’t think we are going to be locked down for much longer from an economic POV. By June, we should have most of the country inoculated thus we just gave away more money when it really isn’t needed.

Per mmt, the elite should be the group paying for this once we are out of the recession via higher taxes. Doubt it happens

It’s consumer spending. The middle and lower class typically spend 100% of their paychecks. By providing the incentive via the stimulus checks, it drives as a boost to the economy in terms of consumer spending, which accounts for over 70% of our GDP. Keynesian approach to monetary policy

I understand the general idea: provide more money for those heavy spenders so they will have more money to spend which will increase demand, increased demand requires increased supply OR inflation will take place (lack of supply, increased demand = higher prices).

The assumption is that most people don’t have money to spend so the government needs to provide them the money to help kickstart the slow economy. My issue, that doesn’t appear to be the issue at all. Most people haven’t spent money NOT because they don’t have it BUT because lockdowns limiting where and how people can spend ALONG WITH people not knowing how long the pandemic will last.

If the lockdowns end in Q2/3 for most states, people will be allowed to travel, go out… which will increase spending across the board and that would have happened with or without the additional 1.9T. There are just so many ways that the government is giving up funds. When, How, Where does it end? When inflation kicks in, are they going to raise rates and increase taxes? On the taxes front, who is going to get crushed thus PAY for the $10T spent over the last 12 months?

Nah don’t plan on that either…I’m fine. Just don’t want shit that isn’t mine and don’t want favors.

First off, if you are a citizen of the USA the direct payments are your tax dollars getting sent back. Tax credits allow you to avoid paying additional taxes.

This isn’t about bill gates writing you a check. This is about Bill Gates (and other elites) helping to pay down federal debt. It is about making the playing field equal. This isn’t about equal outcomes. This is about anti-trust laws being enforced, tax loopholes, and generational wealth. It is about the lie that working 9-5, 40-50hrs/week for 40-50 years will get you to retirement happy and healthy. It is about companies moving from stock options for employees with real value to no stock options outside of the C-level… this comes down to how our financial systems work and reward greed.

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