Stimulus variant UBI

China will always have some manufacturing simply because of environmental laws. The USA says they want to make shit state side but then make it nearly
Impossible with laws. One example, trophies and medals are now made in China. Why? It is a toxic industry.

We are a hypocrite society. So long as we can’t see it then it isn’t our fault. China is willing to destroy their environment for wealth. We are not so we outsource that to China.

Now all of a sudden he’s one of those “discussion encouragers”

He’s been on suicide watch for 4 years and attacking everyone on the board whether it be political opinions or even their take on canes football

You’ve never rationalized anything

And “have to think on it” = I have to wait til CNN gives me my little commie opinion in words.

Ding Ding Ding we have a winner…But nothing to see here right?

Awful convenient that covid was wouldn’t ya say? Oh wait…America still has a pulse and the whole country doesn’t need us yet? Let’s keep it going a little longer.

WAKE UP…The answer is right in front of your face.

What are you even taking about? Do you even know?

We were all doing just fine during your hiatus. Then you had to show up again.

Why can’t it look exactly like it did before? Even if you believe everything in covid is 100% on the up and up…Why would things have to look different afterwards for a once in what? 3-4 generations pandemic? With all the medical tech we have today?

So again…That covid was awful convenient wasn’t it? Pretty clear what I’m talking about.

You’ve literally stated your occupation on the old board. Maybe it’s changed. Thank god if it did. You should be as far from a university as possible.

This is a most interesting thread. No one has insulted another which is rather refreshing.

We’ve speculated about how technology will affect society, and what the future portends. I recall from history how Spain’s power and wealth ebbed away through mercantilism in which wealth was transferred to those nations manufacturing, not just consuming and servicing.

I am not opposed to UBI. In certain ways, we already have it. There are multitudes of people in our society who cannot compete or lack the will or intelligence to do so. We handle these people by putting them in prisons or support them through welfare on the backs of those who live responsible, productive lives. UBI works so long as there is prosperity and a society is capable of creating wealth. It is a complete pipe dream to think that all poorer people will somehow become responsible by receiving monthly UBI checks. UBI fails when non-producers multiply to the point the system breaks down. A case in point would be a never-ending stream of poor immigrants pouring across our borders which unfortunately is the case. I would suggest people behave best when they are employed rather than being indolent. UBI would not for instance stop all criminality.

What we haven’t discussed is the future of humans as organisms. I believe population control will become an exigency on the planet. Humans are in some way not terribly different than herd animals, and they cannot keep multiplying in perpetuity. Humans crave immortality, otherwise there would be no religion, I believe humans will transition into becoming robots themselves. They will transition into becoming machines with encyclopedic minds and limitless life span. In making this prediction, I have not considered how this would affect emotions, socialization, romance, and procreation. The transition, I think, is inevitable… Were humans robots, I speculate the environment would improve exponentially. We’d have fewer Chicken Little liberals running around claiming the sky is falling. That in of itself would be a massive improvement.


I’ll give you an example.

A company that normally leases a lot of office space has been paying for a lot of empty space in the past year. A lot of those companies have decided it’s cheaper to have more remote workers, hence less a need to lease office space.

So, based on this, how does one learn to be as productive as possible remotely? As a manager, how do you learn to lead people you no longer see every day?

Not all things will remain “different” - but a lot will and people need to get used to it, regardless of whether or not you think it should remain the same.

So they are using covid?

bikki- human population is close to peeking and after 2065 will probably (by estimates from those who do this) will begin to fall.

There really is no population problem and never will be. Life is always in balance no matter what we do.

I’m not entirely sure what you mean here - if you’re saying that as a result of COVID and having to work remotely for the past year as a result, then yes, a lot of companies have found that they’re able to run a business with a largely-remote workforce.

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So certain people and large companies benefitted from covid?

Mighty convenient prolonging mitigation that hasn’t worked anywhere

Benefited from COVID? No, I wouldn’t say that. There’s a lot that people miss by being remote.

All I’m saying is that all companies evolve over time based on their environment and circumstances around them. I’m not offering an opinion on whether it’s right or wrong, I’m simply saying it’s evolution.

Yes it is what you are saying. Or else it would simply return back to how it was

You are willingly being blind…Wake up.

And now they know they can dial up a covid when needed…Nice for them to have in their back pocket.

You’re being way too paranoid.

I’m sure companies would much rather not have COVID happen. Why? Because even companies that have survived and have evolved into more a remote workforce also lost a ton of money last year. They’ve lost productivity. They’ve had employees get sick and die.

No one wants that.

Think of it in another way. Prior to 9/11 people could walk to the gate without an airline ticket. Post 9/11, no mas. This is an evolution based on a circumstance (security). I’m not sure why this is so hard to understand.

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Nah… You are severely underrating how far left these progressives are going. And they don’t give one single fuck about the middle class, small biz owners…Hell they sacrificed children’s education for god sake. Wake up

I’m not offering an opinion. I’m just giving a reason. You can have your opinion and be pissed off about it, that’s fine. But it is what it is.

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So the deceit doesn’t bother you?

Why should a pandemic be used for gain? And why doesn’t that make you question both the origin and approach to the pandemic?

Why are you willfully blind and think there isn’t evil in the world and this will all just be ok?

They’ve already automated dry vans, straight trucks and sprinters. It’s testing mainly, and in a couple of states the box trucks are in use, but they’re pushing dry van OTR to AI/Automated more so than local delivery. Industry changer. The dock to dock dry van loads are the target right now as far as super big money.

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