Senate Republicans threaten to block border security bill they negotiated

He was told by a popular right wing commentator, “If you try to move a bill that solves the border crisis during this Presidential year, then I will do whatever I can to destroy you, because I do not want you to resolve this during the Presidential election.”

They have allowed their party to be taken over by a con man. Trump can’t succeed in life unless there is chaos. He does this to distract people from the fact that what is complete and utter bs.

He said we will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it. Trump had congress and senate and still did not get it done. This is what con people do…they can’t actually come through because then people who see that happen - expect more.

Trump delivered on low hanging fruit. Republicans did not allow Obama to put a judge in and then four years later changed the rules when a democratic judge died.

He picked another low hanging fruit - he stacked the Supreme Court to get rid of abortion. He gave the rich a tax cut. Outside of that he did not pass one pass one piece of legislation that is worth a shit.

What is amazing is that if the right had picked Haley or Desantis - I believe they win the White House. Now we have trump going against Biden. Great…I still think trump does not make it to November. He will try and make a deal to get out of jail.

Not surprising in the slightest.

I’m not a Republican cheerleader when it comes to this issue. I think many of the Republicans like the cheap labor. The donor class loves that.

What I want is to stop the tide of 8 million illegals coming into the country (many more than that that we don’t know about).

This may go a step in the right direction but it doesn’t solve the issue. Once you pass the legislation, it’s tougher to change things. I’d rather see what Trump has in store than go with this legislation that isn’t going to solve the issue.

And maybe Trump and the Republicans do nothing. That’s totally possible and wouldn’t surprise. But we know the Dems don’t want to do anything and this is only to try to score political points and win in November. They certainly don’t care about the border the last three years.

Think about it, they just told you the border was secure and we don’t have an issue. Secretary Myorkas said that. Biden says the Republicans don’t want to solve the border. Someone is lying.

What kind of backwards logic is this?

Once you take a step in the right direction, you’re that much closer to your goal.

Again, you mean? Because he had 4 years. Did he fix it?

I disagree. This isn’t about Dems scoring points. They weren’t the ones who brought the immigration legislation up.

This is the Dems attempting to govern. They have other goals and they were willing to compromise on immigration to achieve them.

I agree. You should keep an eye on who is obstructing and who is trying to push bills through.

What about the immigration bill the Dems shot down in the summer?

What about it? The Dems were against it.


Okay, maybe you mean the Dems are being obstructionist too?

And yes, both sides are free to vote FOR and AGAINST bills. That’s literally their job.

But the Pubs have pulled an about-face here. 6 weeks ago they were excited to pass this thing, and now it’s a hot potato. They clearly don’t have legislating in mind.

Couple thoughts here. Yes, a couple of the Pubs were hot to pass this a few weeks ago. Most Republicans weren’t on board from the beginning and don’t agree with Lankford and McConnell.

The few that were on board and changed because they read the tea leaves, well, I can’t defend them since it was their bill.

I agree with you that the Republicans can be obstructionist and useless at times. What I will say to that is I approve of obstructionism if it’s to block really bad legislation. I absolutely would prefer gridlock in Congress over bad bills being passed.

My overall thoughts on immigration is that it’s been bad for decades. It’s not a Biden only issue, although it’s gotten way out of hand under him. I’m willing to give anyone a chance that wants to really fix it and not pretend to.

I wouldn’t mind if the bill needs to get more strict to pass. I would just like to see movement.

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Funny, when I post your OTHER GOPers that you love who think this and push child marriage laws, you ignore them. When I post the lawsuit of the girl who sued Trump and Jeffrey Epstein for raping her at 13, you ignore those too.

It matters, however, when the guy does what his party asked him to and gets the most conservative immigration bill in history, but the former President tells them he can’t run on immigration if they fix it…it shows neither Trump nor the GOP care about actually governing, or the border. It’s a prop to them, like everything else.

But, the issue you listed as having with it was incorrect. I stated that and posted the proof. It’s pretty basic. What in it don’t you like? The things you listed you wanted were IN the bill. Part of the job requirement is to govern and you can’t govern without working with the other side. Negotiating USED to be a job requirement.

Ya sure? Doesn’t appear so. Again, this is the most conservative bill on immigration in history and is a literal wish list. Is it that they want to use it as a campaign issue rather than solve it or that they don’t want to fund Ukraine against Russia?

Curious thought…Russia hacked the DNC, released the emails. They even edited some of them. They hacked the Republicans at the same time. We have literal proof of that.

Nothing was released.

Wonder what they got from that to bargain with, maybe.

The reality the Republicans party is one of fear. Always has been…


Weapons of mass destruction

The border - Mexicans are taking over. Let’s me real if you switched out Mexicans with our buddies from the south there is zero peeps about them coming into the country illegally. Shits always been political. Republicans don’t really want to fix the border because the moment you do it takes one of their scare tactics off the board.

Let’s be real…if Mexicans voted as republicans this would not be as big of issue.

Is there money to fund a border wall across the entire border? No.

How are we catching those that illegally go outside of ports of entry?

Why is this monster of a bill not just immigration and we have to throw everything together and try to pass it before people read it.

Some say it’s more of a magnet for immigration.

Also, nobody answered my question about why Myorkas lied to Congress in saying the border was secure a few months ago. Seems like a bad look no?

Fascinating story of a journalist who took the route from Ecuador to the US border.

It’s all orchestrated by international organizations in Ecuador. They give these people maps and aid their journey to the US. They aren’t coming here by accident.

They do. That’s the funny part. In a generation or two, they go conservative bc of their Catholicism. The most racist people against Mexicans I’ve ever seen are other Mexicans. Welcome to Texas

That’s childish. Half of Trump’s wall just fell down in the wind. A $12 ladder makes it easy to go over. Drive the border, the gates aren’t even closed or installed in many spots. It’s almost a 2000 mile border, lots of which are owned by private citizens, many of which do business back and forth daily. The wall was always just stupid. It effectively solved zero but costs a ton and made lots of cronies happy for the government contracts. We do have drones, electronic sensors, all kinds of actual stuff you can use in lieu of a physical wall. Honestly, I don’t give a shit about a wall itself, it’s just a bad investment.

But, along with all the stuff you said you wanted in the bill that’s actually in the bill, you choose to just ignore it all, instead. Sounds like quite a cheerleader to me.

Drones, physical presence, electronic sensors, etc. Need more though

Because your party is beholden to a murderous dictator who’s trying to take over a sovereign country who said he’s going to Poland next, thus starting a war with NATO, and the only way to get your representative traitorous cunts to do anything was to give them almost everything they wanted in the immigration bill. That’s how negotiations work.
As for reading it…what bill have you ever read in your life? Don’t give me that horseshit. You don’t read dick

Some say, huh? Horseshit.

Seems as secure as its ever been. What’s your beef? Checkpoints are in place. Ever notice they talk about the people we catch as if the catching them is the bad thing?

Cute article. If you didn’t read through the propaganda in that piece, written by a guy at the Stop The Steal insurrection and blamed Antifa, not sure what to tell you. You just might not be able to. Example of why its so easy for the GOP to lie to their constituents.

Pretty clear you’re a cheerleader, dude.