Pelosi Barred from Communion

I don’t have a problem. I believe in God. I just don’t pretend to be the arbiter of the secrets of the universe.

That’s the wonderful thing about Christianity my friend. You don’t have to be an arbiter or a sage. It’s all there. It’s written. It’s clear.

“I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father but through me.”

If you deny Jesus’s divinity and don’t have faith in Him, the penalty is death. It’s not my law. It’s His.

I’m not Warden’s judge. I want salvation for him and for you. Even Djrion if you can believe that.

I’m just telling it like it is. He’s openly mocking Jesus. He does it all the time.

I get it, but you’re in no place to tell it.

All Christians are commanded to tell it.

Not me!

Are you pointing out your failing to follow the Word?

“Just between the two of you” is pretty explicit.

But hey, they aren’t my instructions so I’ll stay out of it.

Jesus also says to “go” and spread the word.

The next line is literally “if he fails to listen, go and tell the church”


Add this to the list of uncertainties in your life.

I can jive with a lower case god. That’s why you will always see me type it that way.

Then he isn’t really god.