Pelosi Barred from Communion

That’s the thing. Your church protected them, allowed it to continue to happen. I mean, what else discredits the church? That’s the point I’m making…

You cheer on the church for denying communion for a belief, not an action…then, don’t say a fucking word that your church gives communion to rapists and then, of course, don’t mention the fact that how does the church itself have the authority to decide it anyway considering it’s one of the most corrupt and sinful entities in our written history?

But, of course…yay for denying communion for a belief. Let’s forget they helped Nazis, defended and protected pedophile rapists, burned thousands of people alive, just a myriad. Literally, every single sin anyone can name you can find in the history of the church. BUT, at least they’re denying communion based upon a belief.

Care to post evidence that they are giving communion to convicted priests and still allowing them to minister?

He makes things up. I’ve already stated, as you know, that I’m practically a sedevacantist. I believe this Pope and several Pope’s before them were unofficially elected and are invalid. I also despise Francis personally and believe he is a scourge on this Church. But he’ll never admit that I’ve expressed this.


He doesn’t want to grapple with me on those terms because he needs flawed, sinful men to win his emotional arguments.

Show me where the Catholic “revealed deposit of faith” that was voted on by the Bishops over time in numerous Councils is erroneous.

And it’s a terrible thing that happened and those responsible must be held accountable.

Not sure where I’ve ever wavered on this stance.

I do cheer on the church for denying communion to those who support abortion.

When did I ever say it was ok to give communion to a rapist - or any sinner for that matter - that doesn’t repent?

You need to read up on my faith before you judge it.


Boring as fuck

Even if they rape kids or murder neighbors they can still ask for forgiveness and absolve from all wrongdoing. How fucking convenient.

I suppose you also despise the idea of law enforcement because some in the profession have done very bad things too.

Remember when djrion’s favorite candidate lost the election and he melted down and left the board?

Needed a sheriff’s posse to find him…Good times

He’s soft

cage match!

Communion? Who cares? Such ceremonial stuff is all so ridiculous. I dislike Nancy Pelosi and think she needs worse punishment than denial of communion. I would aver that she should be investigated for her stock market investments and misuse of privileged information. Nancy Pelosi is an American oligarch living a grand life undeservedly while pretending to be overtly concerned with the plight of the underclass. I think Pelosi is probably more concerned with a malfunction of her ice cream freezer than with helping the downtrodden.

You say it’s ceremonial. I don’t believe that it is.

It’s literally the most important sacrament. The only commandment greater than receiving Christ is “thou shalt not have other gods before me” and “love thy neighbor.”

Next is a tie between repentance and receiving communion (the new living sacrifice).


Smurfs can only eat Smurfberries. They can eat Smurfberry pie, they can have a Smurfberry sandwich, whatever they want. BUT, you can’t have a Subway sandwich. Smurfs have to eat Smurfberries.

Remember this little soliloquy when you’re before him.

I thought it was Warden’s most hilarious post ever.

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He should probably pray to god that there isn’t one.

They all think it’s silly until their number is pulled.

What’s the old saying? There are no atheists in foxholes.

Hell find out soon enough.

Said the guy who just made that up.

Listen, let’s not pretend that any of us know more than simple men on this matter.

But I do. If you don’t- that’s your problem.

We’ll pray that one day you will know.