NJ steals an election

In this post…And dating back to election I was the one that brought it up with him.

Why delays…With same results always out of a delay.

Sooner or later you can’t fault people for thinking it’s because they are shooting at a moving target and need to know how much they need.

I understand what you’re saying - I’m not trying to start an argument.

Unfortunately this has become the norm. Instead of admitting defeat a large contingent of people have been (and likely will continue) claiming that there’s no way a loss could occur on their part without cheating.

Minus clear, provable evidence, it’s a pathetic stance to take. And this mistrust in our democratic system is extremely dangerous to the future of our country.

No It isn’t lol…And many aren’t doing that at all. They are asking why is there are always a “delay” nowadays. Hell in the presidential election we had counties change their mind during the night about when they’d finish counting.

How about we have an election with no delays? Novel fucking idea huh?

How about we don’t automatically assume fraud any time there is one?

You’re not answering either question

It shouldn’t be this difficult…And the results of the delays always being the same is at least worth questioning.

Maybe the delay is because no system is perfect all the time?

It’s just dumb to automatically go right to cheating anytime something someone thinks shouldn’t happen, happens.

They aren’t…They are basing it on when it happens and what happens after the delay…It isn’t “automatically”, at least not for me.

I get it may not be for you, but it definitely is for them. This is the 3rd election in which they’ve announced their belief that fraud occurred, including one where the republicans won.

And I believe in all 3 there were unplanned delays right?

You paying my hourly billable rate?

Here is another tidbit for you

My question is why is it that the delays always go one way and favor the Dems after the delay?

It’s always a case where the R’s look really good until 2:30 AM or 3 days after the election and then the missing ballots are just enough to make up the difference.

I’m not saying fraud occurred in this case. I’m asking why more states can’t be like Florida and clean up the process so we don’t have to wonder why the delays were there and even leave open the possibility of shenanigans?

Prove it

2020 presidential (multiple states)
2021 Georgia Runoff
2021 NJ Gov

That I’m aware of commie cunt

Like Indiana said…Clean up the proce3ss

Again. Show me proof of fraud. If there’s proof, investigate. If not, concede.

Oh and don’t claim fraud before the election even starts.

So how many delays in a row all with the same results after the delay…Would it take to make you a little skeptical?

Wasn’t there also a delay in VA?

Who won?


Where is the citation that discusses that mail in ballots cannot be counted before midnight? Did I miss that?

Anyone? Or is it more convenient to just ignore this?

I don’t know that there was a delay.

Regardless, who is ahead when the voting stops in the middle of the night?