New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Lol…Look at these “smart” professors at a “smart” university…Outside…In covid masks…In 2024

It’s truly a cult.

How strange…I don’t recall you making the same statement about these marches this year


I guess those masks are okay for you

Imagine comparing the two…

Partisan Sheep’s blind allegiance to his party is so cute. Like he really jumped in this argument to defend these maniacs.

Imagine never having a problem with Nazis, racists, insurrectionists, violent street gangs like the Proud Boys but ALWAYS having a problem with anyone bringing attention to them, women with opinions, or the concept of empathy. If Chinbeard doesn’t tell you what to be bothered by, you’d be lost. Cuckold bitch

Every night your whore mother regrets the abortion that just didn’t take


Look at the leaps of faith the little partisan sheep cunt takes. I must have hit a nerve with the prince of empathy himself.

Speaking of cunts your wife is probably dragging you to these protests. Self-reflect on your racist ways anymore you spineless little cuck?

Attention-seeking little highly-triggered, cuck troll. His umpteen partisan posts aren’t getting the responses he wants, so he comes in this thread spazzing out…Making comparisons that are pure comedy, and attacking me with what I guess is “empathy”?

Everything you write is essentially the teacher from Charlie Brown talking. Always the same incel, little boy who can’t handle his emotions and lashes out. I don’t even read it anymore.

But, I do click your posts from homo crush Chinbeard.

You, on the other hand, provide a ton of variety and really informative stuff… That must be why we’ve asked you for all these posts

Who’s “we”? You’re a user on this site. Nobody special. Just another guy…but, the whiniest of them all

I’m just counting responses….Post and post, spazz….No one cares or holds your partisan sheep opinion in any type of regard.

You do, pussy

No…no one does, you’re just another dramatic, spazz-out prone liberal who has to inflict himself on the world around him.

And you are another Stormfront on this message board

Lol…All masked up with no rhythm. Comedy.

and you’re an incel pussy who can’t handle his own life too well

My life’s just lovely…

You are really handling things well, huh you cunty spazz? Make a few more meltdown posts for us, stormy…

Change your racist ways yet, cuck? (he really reflected when that little bleeding heart, race- peddling libtard cunt snapped her fingers, poor little cuck)

Catchy little new lib word

40+ year old men jumping on young libtard trends…No wonder he doesn’t wear the pants in his marriage. Pure cuck.

The irony



Gets funnier as it goes.

So good