With each passing day, we learn of more negative reactions to the Covid vaccines. I find myself especially torqued by the vaccine issue since I was negatively affected by the vaccine.
Deciding whether to take the vaccine is based on probability, and clearly the odds favor not submitting to the jab. It is especially absurd to vaccinate children. Developing natural immunity is many times preferable to vaccine immunity.
Here’s a lengthy article which I think pretty well sums up the shortfallings of the Moderna vaccine.
Not trying to proclaim it like a badge of honor as you say. The whole point of the OP was the supposed danger of the vaccine. Not why I made the announcement if you will. GSC hopes that we are ok in ten years and I share that sentiment for myself and others. It wasn’t to brag. If you took it that way, I apologize, that’s not why I made the declaration.
No - that’s not accurate. I hope the children that got vaxxed are. They didn’t make a consensual decision to administer an untested vaccine into themselves.
I’d still like your opinion here, GSC. You’re saying kids aren’t consenting to a booster. Are you concerned that kids don’t consent to circumcision as well?
There’s no long term damage that can be linked to circumcising a child. If there is show me.
If, in 10 years or more, we find no issues with the RNA vaccines, I will have no problem with them just like I have no problem with administering DPT, MMR, Polio and other shots to children today.