Relax, QSC. I just saw it.
GSCl wn suddenly thinks it’s racism when he gets placed on the other side of the wall??? Lmfao GOT HIM
And I emphasize GOT HIM.
I mean who’d have ever thunk you’d hear GSCl wn get a taste of HIS OWN medicine and then claim RACISM?
And still haven’t done anything about it. If this was storm or canebill you’d have called in the fbi by now.
another lie.
Bikki is racist almost daily and Skeeter can’t go 3 posts without going homophobic.
You’re whiny.
It’s one thing to speak generally about a subject and make comments some may INFER to be racist or whatever.
It’s another thing to direct your explicitly racist comments in a vile aggressive way at another poster.
And a hypocrite and a liar and going to his version of hell for all of it. Think about this, as a non-christian, his god would chose me over him to walk through the pearly gates.
Little bitch
This thread escalated quickly.
I take all the ad hominems and personal attacks as a sign that One party is winning this war you guys have waged and the other(s) are not.
Do you see the post still, or did you not bother to go back and see that I deleted it. Relax Karen.
Let’s see…you’ve won 1 single popular national vote since 1988…34 years ago. You’re doing astonishingly well
I think making racist comments deserves more than just deleting comments.
I still remember you having a fit over the broward on the old board.
I guess only the N word gets that kind of rise out of you?
I deleted the post, Karen. What else do you want me to do?
Lmfao u fucking pansy
How does the other side of the wall feel, you POS?
I find it hilarious that you think I’m taking any of this personally.
I’m pointing out 2 very real hypocrisies here.
You sure have. It is only racism when YOU are on the other side. Funny how that works.
Are you referring to me? Hypocrisy would be me leaving the post up.