Miami vs Okie State

Big drive here. This team is very undisciplined though. Too many penalties, untimely ones at that. No penalty is ever timely but we have boneheaded ones.

He was too covered but at least the playbook is open

He should be!

No matter what happens, it’s not smart to go for it here.

Call me crazy, but the play calling is better!

Harris coming through!

21 unanswered points

I knew we were gonna get screwed here… :angry:

And we did

I DETEST these CBs that do these stupid “tackles” where they throw their body at the legs and dont wrap up.


Was the PI legit or another screw job?

The latter. Of course.

Either way, defense folded up

Man, have these referees crushed Miami’s momentum or what?

That and Baker went to that soft D again… the D was doing well when they were blitzing and stunting

That was NOT a fucking horse collar taclke

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These refs are determined to fuck us.

Horrendous calls this game. Horrendous.

They’re doing what refs are never supposed to do, and that’s change the course of the game.

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Just looked it up… fwiggin’ SEC refs… :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: