Miami vs Okie State

I’d rather see what Matocha can do. We already know what Perry can’t. :roll_eyes:

lol this team is fucking horrible.

How many times has Harley bobbled punts? Why is he still fielding punts???

Is there a reason X man was taken off punt returns?

Yah, he bobbles them too. :roll_eyes:

Wiggins… :roll_eyes:

by the way…

Mike Gundy’s hair helmet/mullet is fucking horrible looking :joy:

Harley works really hard so they reward him with everything. Got to reward guys that are talented.

Then play TVD and freshmen Smith over Perry and Wiggins!

The one thing that annoys me about the King injury, is that if that official had not made that ridiculous holding call on the King TD, that play where King got hurt never happens.


This has to be the absolutely worst bunch of WRs in Miami history.

And I am including the early 20s and 30’s when they were all slow white boys. :roll_eyes:

Perry must be pissed, man…

The lack of talent at the WR position is a joke.

lol dropped a TD

Perry is actually playing well

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Too bad his WRs are awful.

Wiggins better not get another fucking snap! Smith should have been on the field the last 5 games.

Man, the one time Perry overthrows. That one was on him, but he’s otherwise playing great. Looks like coaching and system may have helped him.

At least they are showing some life and haven’t completely given up.

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The life is good. King was giving it to them before he left, and his injury seems to have kept it up.