Miami vs FSU 2022

Seems like Michigan actually took a step forward this year without Gattis. Controlling for # plays (eg. points per play), Michigan has the #2 ranked scoring offense. We have the 118th. Take out Bethune and we’d probably rank in the mid-120s.

For comparison:

2020: Michigan was 42nd in ppp under Gattis as sole OC
2021: co-OC Sherrone introduced, Michigan at 9th
2022: Sherrone+Weiss Michigan at 2

Nah I can’t go that far

Schedule night and day

Col St…Bottom 10ish team
Hawaii…Bottom 7-8ish…At the time were considered bottom 3-4
UConn…Bottom 10 team, defense is little better than that…Bottom 20 or so

WMU/No Ill were in all fairness weak defenses last year as well, but that Hawaii team has walk-ons everywhere were totally lost start of season (Vandy scored on what…7 of first 8 possessions or something like that?)

And last year’s final numbers would include Georgia and OSU correct?

I would say they are close…Hell, maybe this year with full time McCarthy (better than McNamara) and the return of Bell I’d even this year I’ll give em edge, but the schedule is clearly different and at the very least too much noise to draw that conclusion.

Too many other reasons even if I agree they are better. And that’s not a defense of Gattis or his departure

Skinner lost his shit in the VA game regarding playing time and now the coaches are appeasing him. It’s not just about Skinner, he’s helping bring in some of these IMG guys…

Not sure how I feel about it or what it does to the culture, but it is what it is. Frankly, given I think Mallory is trash we should have played Skinner earlier… nevertheless them playing Skinner over Brantley when Skinner can’t block for shit is weird.

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The one that keeps exploding my brain is us letting teams constantly conditionally blitz off of our bunch formation and have a free shot on our QB with NO ADJUSTMENT in hot route design week after week. It’s literally to the point where each team is just conditionally blitzing us every time we line up in that formation and blowing us up / sacking our QB / hurting our QB. It’s crazy. No bringing in an additional blocker, no change in protection scheme, no change to hot route. WILD.

It’d be the equivalent of Steele getting burnt on that counter for 4 or more weeks in a row and not adjusting. That’s how bad that formation / playcall is for us right now and how little adjustment is taking place.

Ironically, fsu was the 3rd week in a row we saw the counter abd the worst performance against it. Bad tackling mostly.