March 4th - False Flag


March 20th guysm

But how will they know if we are not setting up another disinfo campaign to make them look stupid (AGAIN)¿

such a freaking joke.

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The “insurrection” was an anomaly. The right wing generally behaves itself. A million people attended Trump rallies without a hint of violence prior to the “insurrection”. Personally, I believe Antifa was responsible for much of the capitol mayhem. I disbelieve anything the FBI has to say on the matter. That the capitol is now surrounded by fencing is an absurdity. Washington D.C. is not Caracas, but give Biden a few more years, and we’ll see about that.

Apparently, no one gives a rat’s ass what happens in Portland. In San Francisco and Seattle, you have to be a hop scotch expert for fear of stepping on a turd. Minneapolis is going to have hot time in the old town when the cop is found innocent of murdering George Floyd who like Trayvon and the Gentle Giant was a life-long thug. The libs have again made a hero out of a thug, not too surprising. The cop was following a procedure for suppressing hysterical behavior, knee on neck, that was described and pictured in the police procedural handbook. Not guilty, the cop followed the illustrated manual

The aftermath of the trial will be a burning and looting fandango, committed by persons who likely unanimously voted for Biden. They probably sold their votes for ten spot to some Democrat vote bundler. Voting is not a high priority issue as is burning down one’s own city. Leftist newspapers will blame the chaos on white supremacy and blame the police as being pawns of the alt right.

Liberals on the board will ignore the big Minneapolis barbecue and circle back to the big insurrection which constitutes the greatest crime ever committed in the annals of crime.


This has to be the longest running prank since Mante Teo’ got cat fished. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

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Here let me help the Q’ultists out

March 20th is a false flag too! :laughing:

No, the fact that the Capitol NEEDS to be surrounded by fencing is the absurdity.

Actually, if he’d followed procedure, Floyd wouldn’t be dead. The procedure didn’t call for the knee to the neck, and even in cases where it did, the cop was supposed to get off once Floyd lost consciousness.

Bikki, if you want to know why most opponents skim over your wordy posts without bothering to respond to details, it’s because of intellectual dishonesty like this.

BREAKING: Stormfront at the Capitol on March 4th.

Does this “procedure” include kneeling on a man’s neck for 2 FULL MINUTES after he stops moving?

Bikki - I like you. You’re a smart guy. You’re so smart that you are choosing to disbelieve some things that are obvious.

For as much as you talk about yourself and your past as an advocate for equal rights, I’ve yet to see you defend the black man in a single one of these events.

Tom, I’m standing here at the capital. It is ABSOLUTE CHAOS here. As many as FIVE Trump/QANON supporters are here - apparently waiting for their friends. I don’t know if the National Guard will be able to hold this huge mob back! God help us! Back to you Tom.


.Those of you who disbelieve the police manual need only to take a look at it. In the manual is a description of methods to subdue a hysterical subject. There is a picture of a cop’s knee on the subjects neck, exactly what was done to Floyd. To convict the officer, it will be necessary to prove malice, and that is a steep legal hurdle to overcome.

I defend the innocent regardless of their skin hue. I despise racial cheerleading because it connotes that cheerleading is necessary due to feelings of inferiority… Additionally, I don’t like racists, and black racism together with violence is pervasive in America. You’ll recall I teased Dj about taking his son for a nature walk through a ghettoized area of town. Also, I mentioned Jessie Jackson’s relief that he was being followed by white not black people while out late in New York.

Racism is always invidious, and government favoritism to cure racism should never include discrimination against any race, because discrimination creates a victim. Reparations is another fool idea. African Americans are fortunate being Americans. Liives of people of color in Africa are considerably less comfortable than those of persons of African ascendancy living in Africa.

The distribution of blame for slavery is wholly uneven. Slavery has been part of Africa for millennia and still exists in several countries. Thanks to Obama, they have slave auctions in Libya. During the American slave era, there were free black men who owned slaves and treated them no better than their white counterparts. In fact, percentage wise, a larger percent of blacks living in the South owned slaves than did whites though the number of black owned slaves was considerably less than those owned by whites. The greatest blame for world slavery should be placed on the backs of Muslims who enslaved so many Slavic people that the word “slav” became slave in most European languages.

Swarthy Muslim slavers raided the coasts of Europe for centuries prior to the transoceanic slave trade. The great Miguel de Cervantes was once a Muslim slave. He was captured, liberated, and fought in the epic Battle of Lepanto, after which he became known as the Manco de Lepanto, the one-armed man of Lepanto. That was the year 1571.

To the United States were brought 800,000 slaves, half of whom were white. White slaves were known as indentured servants who became slaves for a term of service that would expire. Since indentured servants would eventually become free, they were often treated worse than black slaves in the South who were a very valuable commodity.

The problem with people today is they have not studied historically the subject of involuntary servitude. I have. No one race is to blame for slavery. All races have engaged in slavery. Credit for ending slavery should be bestowed most deservedly on two nations: Great Britain and the U.S.A. These are the hero nations, the nations who ended the vile practice. As for reparations, the most deserving recipients of them would be the families of the hundreds of thousands of Northern soldiers who perished during the Civil War regardless of race. Since no one alive today has been a slave in America, there should be no reparations.

My feelings about race are 100% congruent with those of Thomas Sowell. All men should be judged by the content of their character. Unfortunately, there is a disproportionate amount of racial hatred and criminality that plagues black America, and I refuse to sweep it under the rug. It is an abominable situation.

Unfortunately, all men are not created equal. Some are aesthetically more appealing than others. Some are beautiful while others are ugly. Some are athletically-gifted, others not. Some are intelligent, other not so. Should there be affirmative action in pro sports. How about in the graduate school of mathematics at Cal Tech? How about medical schools? Law schools? Should there be Black Student Unions at public universities? How about Black separate graduations? Should dormitories be segregated? Should laws be based on ratios?

All of this goes back to MLK who had it right saying that people should be judged on the content of their character, and the color of skin is always, always, always immaterial.

To break my streak noted by 51 of not defending black people in particular, I would like to convey my admiration for all of the police, especially those of color who were abysmally treated, who had to put up with Antifa rioters. I also want to recognize the gallantry of black football players who refuse to kneel like numbskulls when the National Anthem is played. I want to heap as much plaudit as humanly possible upon Thomas Sowell whom I consider the most important economist since Milton Friedman. I believe Tim Scott is a senator of such quality that he should be considered presidential material. Condaleszza is elegance personified. I love Ben Carson, a quiet man of consummate talent. I am a big Denzel Washington fan. I like Charles Barkley. I think Shaq is a great guy. I love my former students who have become outstanding citizens, some of them leaders of men, and I love the kind face of my best friend and cigar smoking bud Jay Patel and his entire loving family who want me to pray to Ganesh which of course is unlikely to happen.

Bikki - you didn’t answer the question directly. Do you believe officer Chauvin was justified in leaning on Floyd’s neck for 2 full minutes after he lost consciousness?

Yes, 51. The manual is explicit about the technique. The cop wasn’t a doctor and should not be accountable in discerning Floyd’s health status. Had Floyd not resisted, there would have been no problem. The case hinges on the subject of malice which is hard to prove inasmuch as the standard of judgment is reasonable doubt. The technique was permissible and even suggested by the police manual. Were I Chauvin’s attorney, I’d also be motioning for a change of venue. If my motion was denied, I’d be spending big bucks on voir dire research of the prospective jury pool.

The DA will try to turn one of the other cops against Chauvin. If Chauvin has a decent trial lawyer, the testimony of a cop character witness would be rather easy to impeach. Everything depends on what transpired the day of the crime, and testimony about past incidents would not be admissible as evidence. What is on trial is Chauvin’s state of mind that day which is based on perception which is rather nebulous and subjective. I think he will be found not guilty.

When I watched the video, I thought the cop was guilty of manslaughter. I was appalled by the knee applied to the man’s neck, that is, until I saw the illustration in the police manual of a cop with his knee on the neck of a subject.

The National Guard should be on hand on judgment day.

I posted the manual in the days after the killing. I forgot the exact threshold to use that level of force, but it wasn’t just to subdue a hysterical person, it was to subdue a violent or aggressive person.

And the officer can be convicted without malice, he can be convicted because of neligence. For instance, if the procedure is supposed to be immediately halted when the subject goes unconscious, AS MANDATED BY THE MANUAL, and the officer completely ignores that and kills the subject, then that could be negligent.

In other words, I’m really just repeating in more detail what I’ve already said before and what you’ve ignored.

Bikki - I would respond to your comment about Chauvin being completely within his rights to lean on the man’s neck for 2 minutes after going unconscious - but 305 literally proved your point wrong by referring to the manual.

Not sure how you can continue to defend this. And if you can - you still haven’t convinced me of your acceptance of all races.

My original post on the manual from the old thread (bold mine):

The police officer can definitely lean on the police manual if it helps his defense. In my opinion, it doesn’t.

5-311 USE OF NECK RESTRAINTS AND CHOKE HOLDS (10/16/02) (08/17/07) (10/01/10) (04/16/12)


Choke Hold: Deadly force option. Defined as applying direct pressure on a person’s trachea or airway (front of the neck), blocking or obstructing the airway (04/16/12)

Neck Restraint: Non-deadly force option. Defined as compressing one or both sides of a person’s neck with an arm or leg, without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of the neck). Only sworn employees who have received training from the MPD Training Unit are authorized to use neck restraints. The MPD authorizes two types of neck restraints: Conscious Neck Restraint and Unconscious Neck Restraint. (04/16/12)

Conscious Neck Restraint: The subject is placed in a neck restraint with intent to control, and not to render the subject unconscious, by only applying light to moderate pressure. (04/16/12)

Unconscious Neck Restraint: The subject is placed in a neck restraint with the intention of rendering the person unconscious by applying adequate pressure. (04/16/12)


The Conscious Neck Restraint may be used against a subject who is actively resisting. (04/16/12)
The Unconscious Neck Restraint shall only be applied in the following circumstances: (04/16/12)
On a subject who is exhibiting active aggression, or;

For life saving purposes, or;
On a subject who is exhibiting active resistance in order to gain control of the subject; and if lesser attempts at control have been or would likely be ineffective.
Neck restraints shall not be used against subjects who are passively resisting as defined by policy. (04/16/12)
After Care Guidelines (04/16/12)
After a neck restraint or choke hold has been used on a subject, sworn MPD employees shall keep them under close observation until they are released to medical or other law enforcement personnel.
An officer who has used a neck restraint or choke hold shall inform individuals accepting custody of the subject, that the technique was used on the subject.

So by their policy:

  1. Chauvin needs to have been trained and authorized to use this. If he wasn’t, it was illegal.

  2. Unconscious restraint wouldn’t apply because Floyd wasn’t aggressive or actively resisting. As soon as Floyd went unconscious, the police officer should’ve adjusted the restraint since he was not authorized to render Floyd unconscious.

  3. No types of neck restraints are allowed on subjects passively resisting. Floyd’s resistance, falling to the ground, appears passive, although I don’t know if he fought back before that. But even if the neck restraint was called for, it’s clear from the video that he shouldn’t have been rendered unconscious.

So no, I don’t think the PD policy is going to help him.

305, Chauvin applied the neck restrained exactly as prescribed in the manual. Apparently, you did not see the pages of manual which feature a photo of a handcuffed suspect held down by two cops, one with a knee on the suspect’s neck.

In Floyd’s case, the subject was restrained for what was presumed to be a case of “excited delirium” which the manual devotes several pages of physical manifestations of same. It also states that under this behavioral mode, the subject may exhibit an “insensitivity to pain” as well as “superhuman strength.”

Chauvin followed the procedure as outlined in the manual. I do not believe Chauvin could be convicted of murder, neither 2ndn nor 3rd degree. 305 is correct, that he could be convicted of negligence inasmuch as the neck restraint was applied for a protracted period of time. I do not think that Chauvin evniced a depraved mind or vengeful intent, which would be difficult to prove considering what we as the lay public presently know.

During the trial, the different autopsies will be examined. In addition, there will be expert testimony of physicians adjudging George Floyd’s health and whether his death was due to the restraint or from a heart attack caused by the stress of excitement or by reaction to drugs in his system. It surprises me that the venue of the trial remains in Minneapolis. It would not surprise me were the trial not be convened at all on Monday, but postponed due to the complexity of the issue. The judge in the trial is considered to be a very experienced jurist held in high esteem by both members of the bar as well as the community which votes on judge retention. It will be a long time until this case is finished. Either way the judgment goes, it will likely wind up in appellate court.

@bikki228 - answer me.

Why is it ok to lean on a man’s neck for a full 2 minutes after he loses consciousness and stops moving?

Where is the compassion from one man to another?

Answer the question,

Where’s your presumption of innocence for four police officer who had to deal with a drug-induced ex-con with a heart condition resisting arrest? Has it occurred to you that these men may be mischarged? My sentiment is with police who have to deal with human detritus on a daily basis while meagerly compensated. No matter what really transpired, George Floyd had a long record as a perp, was imprisoned, wasn’t a model citizen, and it is a perversity that he is now being canonized. It’s the same thing over an over. Had George Floyd obeyed the police, this matter would not have occurred. Were the police in error? I don’t know. I hope not. If they were in error should they be incarcerated for a decade or more? From what I have learned about the case, I presently do not think it reaches the threshold of being considered a murder.

Prove that the knee was the cause of death and then we’ll consider your question.

Because if you cant prove it did, and you can’t then what does it matter?

@GardenStateCane @bikki228

Why would you kneel on a man’s neck for 7 minutes, and an additional 2 minutes after he stopped moving?

Answer the question.