Lol...Re-caclulations and the like


Me and GSC were calling for this fall/winter of '20…Novel fucking idea huh?

So Biden and the White House are crazy, right wing conspiracy theorists huh? Must be creeping closer to election time

Wake up sheep

Can they go back retroactively and fix the bad data that they used to lock us down, force vaccines and other mandates on us?

Or is this just going forward? Lol

That’s because Trump was trying to do the same thing.

“The Trump administration launched a similar effort at the height of the pandemic in 2020. While some hospital networks have changed how they input Covid-19 admissions since then, many have not been able to consistently separate individuals who arrive at the facility for non-Covid reasons.”

And we all know he was the biggest, baddest and most crazy of all right wingers!!! (just ask this message board) And they attacked Trump for everything including his covid response, so this was probably in there too…“every single life matters”

The fact is Trump tried it and couldn’t really get it done. It’s a fundamental change to data collection and it’s not easy. I doubt Biden will succeed either.

Lol…I concur. Much more easier to write down “covid” and call it a wrap huh?

You don’t have to defend every…single…bit…of this bullshit 305…It’s ok to make a stand at some point

I’m not defending anything. I’m saying it’s a hard problem. Trump struggled with it (and ultimately failed), and I’m betting Biden will struggle with it.

Ya like a said…Fuck it let’s write down covid…

That doesn’t mean anything.

They will still track total cases the same way. we’re not going to ignore a positive covid test. What Biden wants is a better reflection of problematic covid to base strategic decisions on. And maybe something that presents better in the media. But the total case counts won’t change.

Lol. Same ole fucking comedy with you.

Imagine still being worried about a covid case.

Still the same broken record with you.

Who said anything about being worried?

You apparently are if you’re signing up for this shit…I mean you have a whole fuck lot to say when it comes to defending covid mitigation, no matter how absurd it is.

That means you must be worried…Got it idiot?

I didn’t sign up for anything

Trump locked you down. Your private business gave you a choice on vaccinations and you chose to keep your job.

Singularly focused, Meltdown Mollie

So??? Lol

You posting “more well-rounded” drivel and partisan sheepdom doesn’t mean it’s anything more than that.

Lol…Most of us on this board were fine with a 6< week lockdown…Regardless of how they voted. And even some restrictions after that…Every one of your favorite democratic politicians was screaming for it. It was state governors after that who prolonged them…Moreso on one side than the other.

It’s a fundamental change to data collection and it’s not easy.

Lol…So what you are saying is there is plenty of gray area in the recording of covid “stuff”…Lol, but you are deadset there is 900k deaths in America. No gray area there huh?

You people don’t even make sense any more.

Total cases aren’t fudged. Deaths aren’t fudged.

What I’m saying is there is no current “serious cases” metric. One of the articles above mentioned how both presidents have looked at ICU data as a substitute, but it doesn’t explain the full picture.

Lol…No gray atl all huh?


You’re nuts