Keep telling us this is a normal legitimate

You’re missing the point

The point is there wasn’t a significant difference in heavy mitigation vs lax, more reasonable mitigation

This is one of those discussions that is easy to Monday morning QB. As bad as the infection rate got, there’s no doubt it would have been much worse had we done nothing.

It also didnt help that there wasn’t one, nation-wide response to this. Georgia can completely lock down, and Florida not. And with free flow to both states, it’s hard to keep the virus from spreading.

Monday morning qb? I was saying it in fucking summer?

You’re lost man. Wake up

Yeah, that kind of proves my point. You were clamoring for opening up and by early summer we started to relax the restrictions.

What happened?

I know numerous health care workers (doctors, pharmacists, nurses). ALL OF THEM said that these mitigation efforts were the right call.

And even if those experts turned out to be wrong (they weren’t), it’s always better to do something and answer to it, vs do nothing and answer to it.

You lost. A long time ago.

Lol… That’s not how it worked…Revisionist history.

Places that didn’t get the initial wave got theirs in summer. Had nothing, or very little at best, to do with “opening up”

The curves are everywhere for you to view and I’ve posted them countless times, you refuse to accept reality.


No comment on Red vs. Blue states with kids in school and no difference in cases/curves? No comment about th Texas vs. Cali comparison?

You can believe fairy tales all you want, the facts don’t back you up.

What? By summer very little was known about the virus. The only nice feature of this disease is that children are (mostly) spared.

What you refuse to ignore is the spike later in the summer, followed by the bigger one in the fall.

You can’t possibly believe that we’d be in the exact same spot now (total infections and deaths) if we had did nothing vs trying to mitigate spread.

Jesus. There’s documented evidence of large gatherings in one place associated with multiple cases later.

That’s why viruses are so hard to control. People’s opinions are passed off as fact.

Look at the similarities of this virus and the 1918 flu in terms of response and how people felt about it. Very similar.

Lol…Crickets from sheepville…As expected Indiana

And no answer from the guy who’s been responding to me all day who promised to ignore me.


I’m not the one who has questions that need to be answered…Any response to Indy? Because it’s in direct contrast to the statements you are making. What you are saying simply hasn’t been the case.

You’ve been called. My prediction…You’ll run and hide…Or give us some corny, smart ass comment unbecoming of someone who holds such a prestigious position as board moderator

Biden is doing what Trump wouldn’t. It’s one thing to try and set an example.

As for Michigan being bad - I can’t explain it. Other than this: at one point FL and TX were AWFUL with COVID infections. Perhaps the virus ran its course there? I haven’t seen it - but I wonder what the vaccination rates are there compared to MI.

One of the reasons the US failed in the response to this virus was that there was no coordinated federal response. Each state did what they chose to do. That left some states doing fine at certain times while others didn’t and vice versa.

Your turn, Skeeter. Or will you finally make good on your promise to ignore me? I won’t be upset if you do.

pure comedy…An example on how to be a sanctimonious fool? An example of how to be a fuckin puppet for elites and china and wear his mask like a good boy? My god.

Avoiding covid isn’t that important to us as it is some of you. You do you.

…and here we are. Almost 600,000 deaths later.

Thanks for proving my point.

It’d be better for you if you actually followed through with what you said you’d do and ignore me. Because you’re getting owned over and over.

Yup 600,000…And then like 4 from the flu right?

The only thing you own is a pink lace thong with the asscrack cut out

Imagine a grown man needing to be led by example…

But man they sure are convenient.

Once again - words coming from a guy who can’t see two feet past his face.