Keep telling us this is a normal legitimate

wants to stop everything and save every covid outbreak in every part of the world…with no regard for the damage to what this bullshit mitigation is causing moving forward…

And i’m the one that lacks vision for the future

Completely lost little sheep.

Im shocked you didn’t come on here when COVID numbers in India were good (prior to this spike) as a way to state that this isn’t a big deal.

The willfully ignorant are beyond help.

“Willfully ignorant”

Lol… yup this mitigation saves us all and hasn’t hurt the country or world in any form…and i’m willfully ignorant

It’s called being a realist…and knowing things are relevant. Instead of an ignorant, bleeding heart, media sheep.

Wake up dumbass

Show me where I ever said that lock downs WOULDNT hurt.

Then stop making a big deal about covid outbreaks. It’s that fucking simple you idiot

Because in doing that, you are condoning the mitigation which countless curves that compare places with slightly, somewhat, or significantly less mitigation show us is not necessary or working

It’s funny that you’ve literally changed the subject on this because you have no clue what you are trying to say.

So if you are saying “i know lockdowns hurt”

And…we know they are not necessary

Why are you not asking yourself why we doubled and tripled down on them? What was gained…pretty fucking clear where i’m sitting

That is where there is disagreement. They are/were necessary. Especially in the beginning when we knew less about what the virus was/could do.

But please keep believing in what it is you want.

I noticed that an ID was required to gain entrance to Biden’s speech. Judging from the leftist view of IDs and voting, we witnessed last night a perfect example of RACISM. Asking somebody for an ID is racism. Everybody knows that.

Biden’s speech was really boring though there was some suspense that he might cease breathing and drop dead before completing his address. About midway through, I put on a video about tying flies. Now that it is warmer, fly fishing is sensational. I now tie all of my own flies. I have several flies that really catch’em. If you haven’t gone fly fishing, you’ve missed a great joy in life.

Hearkening back to racism, menthol cigarettes are damaging persons of preferred skin hue, so they must be banned or just sold to white people who are incarnately evil.

In closing I want to warn all of you that on your back high up near your neck, there is a death spot that were someone to exert even menial pressure on it, it’s lights out immediately. It recently was the cause of death of the most celebrated Negro of modern times who after serving five prison terms, philanthropically sacrificed his life for the civil rights of others

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Yes of course, and obviously my track record on this board shows I was on board til April/May/hell maybe even June…But what about the doubling and tripling down and extended pointless mitigation? Which I’ve said in this thread and countless others is my point.

And it’s not a matter of disagreement at this stage…It’s fact vs. clear fiction…you lose. See the twitter thread for the latest proof idiot.

This is not true.

India relaxed before they should have. Look where they are now.

I win.


The ole “relaxed before they should have”…

You can’t be this stupid can you?


They had restrictions in place. Cases went down. They relaxed their restrictions. They allowed enormous gatherings.

Now their infection rate is the worst in the world.

Call me a clown all you want. I’ll stick to the facts. Something you are clearly are not interested.

But I expect nothing less from someone who, when proven wrong time and again, resorts to threats of physical violence.

Lol…Sure they did. Eat it up sheep…Eat it up

The ole faithful…“relaxed restrictions”.

Must be nice being you. Living in a world where the only things that are true are your opinions.

I’ve posted more curves on this site showing the lack of co-relation between “lockdowns” and spikes/rising cases/etc…Reference them you little sheep.

There are so few cases of the timelines matching up, that those that do exist have to be entirely by coincidence. And you have no answer for this and just keep clinging to your little sheep fairy tale

Yeah. No.

Biden is setting a great example by wearing a mask on a zoom meeting with world leaders who aren’t wearing masks?

The guy is a complete buffoon.

On the COVID front, can anyone explain draconian Michigan as the COVID capital of the US right now while Texas and Florida aren’t that bad? Must be the masks and the lockdowns right?