We rich, we turn our backs on you, we out - mic drop!!!
Too little too late. She was beyond disingenuous.
Yea but imagine being duped like this
Protests and unrest are ok.
Protests and unrest are ok.
Protests and unrest are ok.
Protests and unrest are ok.
Omg they protested and caused some unrest!
Again, GSC posts something highly suspicious.
The voices don’t even match the way they’re talking.
As Trump’s term comes to a flaming, ass grinding halt, TrumpU tries to throw up smoke and give excuses for the self-proclaimed “greatest first-term president” ever.
I don’t know whether to laugh or feel sorry for people like you who literally venerate this clown.
You were probably one of those people in Michigan praying in front of the election office weren’t you.
I did not see it that way.
Again this is why Trump won in 2016. People who Pray are the bag guys. But people who burn down business are just trying to be heard.
Relax. I was just making a joke at how dumb they looked praying towards an elections office.
Prayer … makes
… you
… look
… stupid
Got it 51. “The Catholic”
LOL TrumpU. Say whatever you want. They looked STUPID. You’re that loyal to not-Jesus that you prostrate yourself in front of an election office begging god to elect a pussy grabber? Really.
Alrighty then. You do you.
And BTW - Catholics love and want to include all people. Unlike you - who thinks being gay is a pestilence.
Jesus believes it is too. That’s why he calls it a sin. Remember that
By the way - it’s not me using gay slurs in other threads:
Yes you do. You call people soy all the time. I can easily interpret that as a gay slur.
As for Jesus saying it’s a sin, let him judge. Otherwise, judge not and let people live their lives.
Lmao! Soy doesn’t mean gay. Soy means you’re not an alpha male. Much different than calling someone gay as a slur using “pansy”… that’s what you did.
That’s what you think it means.
I don’t think pansy means gay. I just think it means weak.
See how this works?
Perhaps some more classes at TrumpU will help you become more (un)educated.
Google and every dictionary thinks your wrong
I don’t care. Let’s say it does mean gay. Here’s the difference: I’m ok with gay people. You are not.
Wrong again. I have no problem with gay people.
I have problems with a gay agenda. I have problems with advocating homosexual and transgender lifestyle to children.
What an adult does is his business if he obeys the law.
I think it’s morally wrong (the action) but it’s none of my business.
If one of my children were gay it wouldn’t make me love them one ounce less.
Next time you try to slander me - get the facts straight.
And what is that? Allowing people to live the way they want?
Talk about Catholicism.
Did you just say you have no problem with gay people, and then say you think being gay is morally wrong?
Make up your mind, man!
As far as how you guys got here, calling someone a “pansy” is calling them soft, effeminate, etc. I guess it can be a dog whistle for gay but it’s not the first or even second thing I think of when that word’s used.
I admit “soy boy” sounded like some male-on-male bedroom lingo and I didn’t want to ask PAN what he meant, but now I get his intentions, even if I still don’t get the real meaning.
Did you just say you have no problem with gay people, and then say you think being gay is morally wrong?
Make up your mind, man!
I did make up my mind. I wrote it above.
I have friends that cheat on their wives.
I have friends that I know have broken the law.
It’s not my job to be their judge.
But I’ll tell you right now… if they started teaching my kids that way- they’d catch a backhand.
You can love a man/woman and hate their actions. There’s nothing incompatible with that.