Imagine Being Duped by this

And we heard you loud and clear, brother.

LOL, thanks for equating being gay to committing crimes and cheating.

How can you say it’s not your job to be their judge when you’ve already judged them?

Just man up and admit… the problem you have with gay people is that they’re gay. I never said you hated them or didn’t wish them well. I never said you wanted them to die or anything like that. But to claim you have no problem with them is disingenuous.

Why wouldn’t I? They are both MORALLY wrong.

All analogies fail at some point because you’re comparing different objects or aspects… they may have 1 thing in common that allows the analogy. In this case - it’s immorality.

Who’s attempting to teach your kids any of that crap? Now you’re just making stuff up to be angry about.

Again, loud and clear, brother.

I’m glad I got through to you.

I’m not ashamed of saying homosexuality is morally wrong.

So is masturbation. 99% of our posters here do it and guess what… none of my business.

Lol, quite fixated, aren’t you…

And I just can’t believe there’s a dude who calls people soy boy that thinks masturbation is immoral.

I’m fixated? Your soy boy pal brought the topic up, as he always does, not me.

The real “soy boys” are people so insecure with themselves that they proclaim themselves alpha males while claiming all others are betas.

I bet he learned this from that university that stole money from him.

I didn’t proclaim myself anything. I only pointed out what you are.

Horse shit. You have many times proclaimed yourself to be an alpha. And your constant comments calling others “soy” is a simultaneous statement that your’e “manly” - or whatever that’s supposed to mean.

You must be so proud of yourself.

Unlike you - I’ve never questioned anyone’s masculinity on here. Now, I’ve plenty of times questioned your mental state - which is appropriate considering you thought it was a good idea to attend Trump U. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

The greatest con he ever pulled was stealing money from people right in front of their eyes while also convincing them he wasn’t. :laughing:

No, you are wrong.

Oxford English dictionary:

an offensive word for a man who behaves in a way that is considered to be more typical of a woman


GSC - Is it sad knowing so many women are smarter than you? After all - a lot of them were smart enough to realize attending TrumpU won’t open any doors for them, and their bank accounts won’t be lessened.

Please tell me you at least got a picture with that Trump cardboard cutout.

I’m sure that moment was worth all that money you spent. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Bahahaha…She spoke well…What in the f**k does she owe this media? They are as big a hypocrite as you when it comes to these riots?

We rich?? Is that what this is about? Is that why you’re a communist? Man up and go get your own f**kin money…you’re a grown man ain’t you? Imagine me thinking I had some type of right to someone else’s money? When I was a kid I didn’t like rich people…By the time I was ehhh 17-18… I was like hey we all gotta live in this world those guys are alright too. Grow up you jealous little snowflake.

Did you just say you have no problem with gay people, and then say you think being gay is morally wrong?

Make up your mind, man!

What are you talking about. GSC said that although he thinks it’s wrong he doesn’t think his opinion holds any precedence in the argument…although it’s not his cup of tea, that’s not supposed to matter to anyone but him? He knows it’s not his way or the highway (like the way the left is attempting to force every f**king thing on everyone’s life).

There is no contradiction there.

What is so hard to understand about this?

Pretty much.

I would also add that I have a bifurcated view because of the way our society is structured.

Our government is non-secular. So it doesn’t really matter what I believe as a Catholic. I must respect that doctrine of separation of church and state.

The day we become a theocracy- watch out! :grin:

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He didn’t say that. He said he had no problem with them. And then he stated the problem he had with them. Put two and two together and you’ll get it.

No I don’t need to…I just read his f**king words. And besides he’s re-telling you in the next post.

A rally was incited to do what they did, by the president of the united states. Rudy and Donny incited them, and Mary Miller had a nice discussion about Hitler prior. Lunatics.

I don’t recall any president doing this, THIS is different. It’s sedition and he along with his enablers are traitors to our country.

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Must be your mantra in life…

But it’s ok when future VPs incite riots and offer to pay bails for those arrested? And when future presidents deny that a large number of the people taking part in the violence don’t exist?

It was ok then huh?

F**kin hypocrite.