Hypocrisy of the Right Wing

We have a winner here.

He was not authorized to call for security. Who was that didn’t???


If Trump told the Capital to beef up you don’t think they would have done so?

Why did trump wait until 3 hours after the assault to even tell people to back off?

You have no integrity whatsoever.

Is that why he told his people to remove the metal detectors? Is that why he agreed the hang Mike pence chants?

You’re a police officer charged with protecting the capital. Angry mob chanting hang mike pence bearing down on you. Mob has weapons and bear mace.

What the fuck would you do?

Trump is more than welcome to come testify to the committee. He knows it, and so do you.

Trespassing? That’s all they did? :laughing::laughing:

The funny thing is that you know you’re lying.

The Capitol Cop should be standing trial for manslaughter.

Why ask what Trump should have done. A better question would be asking those in charge of security on that given day instead of trying to railroad Trump

The Capitol Riot began BEFORE Trump finished speaking. Concluding, Trump told the protestors to protest PEACEFULLY. He hardly exhorted them to break the law.

The fact remains had Pelosi and the Mayor listened to Trump and called in the Guard to begin with, there would not have been a riot. Compared to 500 BLM riots, the Capitol riot is a nothingburger blown out of proportion with the egregious specious allegation that it was an insurrection. That is complete rubbish. No insurrections takes place without weapons. The protesters didn’t set the first fire. All the expensive statuary was untouched. The whole thing was devoted to destroying Donald Trump whose achievements during a single term are almost legendary in number while the entire time he had to fight off a constant assault on his character. From the beginning the Deep State knew the dossier was false but persisted in their attempt to destroy Trump. That Trump survived is a testament his extreme shrewdness and wholesome comportment. If ever there was president deserving a second term, it is Donald Trump, and the people who count know this. Trump has created a new Republican Party, one that is inclusive, one that champions the common man versus the elite Leviathan. Trump is the most salient politician since Ronald Reagan.

Can’t believe you even read an Axis Salley post, let alone comment @Canes51.

attempt to defraud the United States of America

“Isn’t it better if there are no documents?”

Trump didn’t want to give back the documents because he was afraid they would be used against him, so he tried to lie and say he didn’t have any documents.