Hypocrisy of the Right Wing

Really? You mean like JFK coming back, Qanon, Hillary’s emails, Obama’s FEMA camps, Obama being in Al Queda, etc?

Again, you just don’t have the processing power. You’re the resident puppy

So cheesy and boring.

And what a sanctimonious douche.

But never really refuting anything with substance.

305 and DJ can bring it. You have next to nothing of value to add.

Indiana, I don’t think you are worst here by any stretch as you at the least digest what we are saying. I think you slip off the ledge and we help ground you some, which is important. You ultimately tend to disagree, which is fine. When you slip off the edge towards conspiracies and fall down the hole, I believe warden calling you out is not only correct, but appropriate. Both warden and I tend to be over the top and I think he’d admit that as well. I do fully believe everything warden says and agree with most of his stances. We diverge on trans and we probably diverge on the thought that all politicians are corrupt or bad, which I don’t subscribe to. I’m sure that there are a few other areas of disagreements, but I fully support him here.


Bullshit. Trump has trained the right to ignore the truth. Doesn’t matter if he’s guilty. He’ll find a way to ignore/deflect the obvious, and follow, the sheep will.

Reminds me of someone I know he loves that term.

What’s he been guilty of?

Russia #1 was supposed to be the bomb
Mueller investigation was supposed to end him
Ukraine was the big gotcha.
Jan 6 we all had our popcorn ready.


Meanwhile the FBI under Comey Stroyk Page etc had some pretty damning admissions.

Falsifying documents, opening admitting fall back plan, doing anything in their power to take him down.

Look, I’ve said this a lot on here. I didn’t want to vote for Trump until it was Trump/Hillary.

Even then it wasn’t a super excited vote. But the more I see the attempt to take him down the more I root for him.

I know that’s not what the left wants to hear but I know a lot of people are like me

…like a little puppy. You are the most spoonfed cat I’ve ever seen

No, not crickets. All of the above, although I might need a refresher on Ukraine??? Where rudy was out there running point on pay to play?

You cannot get a warrant without an allegation that a crime has been committed. You must establish a probable cause to compel a judge to issue a warrant. Ergo, you state probable cause through an affidavit.

Some years ago, I read a book written by Clinton’s Military Joint Chief who recalled Clinton misplaced THE nuclear codes, leaving them in a shirt he sent out to a laundry.

Deflect and defend.

He’s clearly guilty of 1/6. You even said yourself it was a dark day.

But on and on, you deflect and defend.

Hence the warrant being approved.


Guilty of what?

Trump is not guilty of anything pertaining to Jan 6. Nothing whatsoever.

I was wrong in my previous statement about Clinton leaving the nuclear codes in his pocket. Actually, that was done by Jimmy Carter. However, Clinton lost the codes for months. After months of saying he was too busy to produce the code, which was required every thirty days, the codes were presumed lost and replaced by new codes. This was revealed in a book written by a general serving as Clinton’s Joint Staff Military Chief.

Canes51, care to provide the crime he’s guilty of relating to Jan 6?

The big problem for Trump is venue, and there is no worse venue than the District of Columbia… The District votes ninety percent Democrat. There is no wondering about to what party members empaneled on grand juries belong. The same goes for voir dire in DC trial courts. How the hell can you seat an impartial jury. If you lose a federal case, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals has a large liberal majority of justices.

I predict that the Democrats will succeed in obtaining an indictment against Trump; the old ham sandwich argument will be validated. The case if any will go nowhere, but it will serve as a burden to Trump campaigning for office. Just another prediction.

Obstruction of a government proceeding. Seditious conspiracy. Both in Washington and in GA.

You’ll defend and deflect as you always do, but it’s true. Now he’s in trouble for taking government documents that don’t belong to him. The guy is a mess.

I love the deflection.

You know he is, but cannot bring yourself to admit it. It’s that simple.

You’ve been so wrong on everything Trump that you just have to keep digging.

Orange Man Bad is strong in this one.

How am I wrong on any of this? Please tell me and stop repeating orange man bad. Stop being GSC (deflecting) and explain yourself.

Had Pelosi and DC Mayor called out the guard as Trump had readied for them, there would have been no Jan. 6 disturbance. Trump committed no crime whatsoever.

Just look what America has come to under Biden. Things were spectacular under Trump compared to Biden. Trump made America greater. No doubt about it. Small wonder MAGA candidates are winning their elections. It’s a true example of the people versus the Leviathan. The persecution of this president is unprecedented. Government conspiring to lie as in the Russia hoax when knowing full well the dossier was fraudulent. The Muller investigation comprised all of Trump haters finding no crime whatsoever. Now it’s the phony Jan 6 committee alleging a rather mild political riot being an insurrection. The disparate treatment of Trump compared with Obama and Hillary is abominable. Cannot wait for the Republican House to investigate the Big Guy and his Perv son. America saw with their own eyes Biden bragging about extorting a Ukraine.

Kudos to Indiana who really get it.

What? Yes, there would have, because Trump directed the mob. The fact that security was overwhelmed (Trump made no effort to boost security - wonder why) is irrelevant.

Irrelevant deflection.

Nobody should be “digesting what you are saying”…You are too fucking stupid for anyone to care about what you are saying.

He’s clearly guilty of 1/6. You even said yourself it was a dark day.

Bahahah…Guilty of what?

Trump was not in charge of security. Pelosi and the Mayor were. How incurious the committee is to question these two.

[quote=“Canes51, post:38, topic:4498”]
Trump directed the mob

[/quote] That’s pure baloney. Trump told the crowd to protest peacefully. For certain, there were a lot of leftist agitators trying to provoke the crowd as well.

Then there was poor Ashli’s homicide. In my opinion, the officer’s skin hue protected him from being charged with manslaughter. He was exonerated administravely. No in depth investigation. No interest to prosecutors If it had been Derek Clauvin, he’d already be put into the gas chamber. People who actually know what transpired are not permitted to offer testimony or their testimony is kept secret, certainly away from the media.
Why is bail being denied these persons, some of them incarcerated now more than a year. What happened to the guarantee of a speedy trial. People are being put into solitary for trespassing. Meanwhile BLM burns down a police station with the police inside of it. Biden fails at everything. You name the category, and to be sure Biden will have failed. This is liberal governance. This is what liberals perceive as being better than MAGA. There has been no better president in recent years who benefited African Americans than Trump. Under Obama, black home ownership decreased as did their net wealth. Under Trump, record highs were attained in both categories. Look for lots of POC to suffer in the upcoming months due entirely to Biden stupidity. Biden is going to turn black Americans into Republicans.

Seems to me in this discussion, Indiana has torn you guys new rectums. Facts matter, and Indiana has meticulously advanced facts.