How many years does mario get?










I’d imagine he has a long leash and gets 4 years. What’s your point?

He’s just trying to invent people to argue with.


Yes I was worried about Mario after seeing what Justin Herbert became after leaving O. But who else was going to get Miami momentum to lift the program. Let’s just hope that Mario can find OC’s that can be inventive. Josh was a name but I don’t know that he got it by being schematic

Mario will rue the day he accepted this job. I understand the lure of going back to your alma mater but I never thought he was the right guy.

This is the place where young up and comers come to die. I know it happens at other places, but we fucking specialize at it.

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Maybe, but Mario’s not a young up and comer. And we tried the established coach in Richt and that didn’t work out either. Mario could be a good in-between.

College football is a business that relies on funding. That worm has started to turn for us and we should have more support moving forward.

Can I say for sure how far that support will go? Not at all. But I do think there is reason for optimism, and none of us can say the latest staff changes are business as usual.

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He isn’t a young up and comer

He’s 51 guys. He’s had 1 major job that, in my opinion, he failed at. Oregon has major money and facilities and he was atrocious when it mattered.

This isn’t a guy that’s been at a major program for a decade and decides he needs a change.

But my ultimate point is- when he leaves here, he’ll be begging for a coordinator position somewhere.

What are you talking “failed” about GSC? He did well at Oregon…

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If you look at the consistent success Chip Kelly had at Oregon

10-3 - Rose Bowl L - top 10 wins over #5 USC and #6 Cal
12-1 - BCS L - top 10 win over #9 Stanford
12-2 - Rose W - top 10 wins over # 3 Stanford and #9 Wisconsin
12-1 - Fiesta W - top 10 win over # 5 Kansas St

(You can win at Oregon with the right guy👆…. That’s the only reason I show this. It’s not to compare Cristobol with Kelly directly).

And then Cristobol

9-4 - LB bowl W - no top 10 wins and lost to every ranked team he played.
12-2 - Rose Bowl W - 2 top 10 wins over #5 Utah and # 8 Wisconsin
4-3 - Fiesta L - no top 10 wins and lost to 2 Unranked opponents.
10-3 - Alamo Bowl L - 1 top 10 win over # OSU - lost to Utah twice and an unranked Stanford.

I’m sorry guys- he’s a middle of the road coach. He may have a couple years here where he wins 10 or 11 games and wins a meaningless bowl but he won’t return this program to what we all knew it to be. There’s only a handful of people that can do that.

Lol…you can’t count 2020, and if you do you have to include the fact he whooped on USC in the makeshift championship game. He had a shit ton of players (basically whole secondary including NFL Guys) opt out before the season started. That’s just silly.

And he very well could have been on his way to consistent top 8 to 10 program…In fact, I’d say it’s pretty clear he was doing tha. He was only there 4 years, he came after the failure of Mark Helfrich and then the year long shit show of Willie Taggert. You are looking at 2 double digit win years, a couple of top ranked recruiting classes, and 3 straight (1 makeshift so let’s call it 2) conf ships with a win.

And believe this is coming from someone who agrees he is nothing special on gamely.

There’s only a handful of people that can do that.

I’m not sure I’m that extreme, but I see the point you are trying to make…But how does him not being one of those handful of coaches = “he’lll be begging for a coordinator job in a couple of years”???

10/11 wins is a start and a short-term success.

I’m not sure we’ll ever see more than 10 or 11 wins either, but an upgrade is an upgrade and with Ruiz/NIL firmly behind him…We probably end up a top 5 or 7 talent team in the nation.

10 or 11 win years, and a consistent top 12 program is not a failure and it certainly wouldn’t have him begging for a coordinator job somewhere. He’s dedicated to UM, has a high floor, and although NIL buying players isn’t how I would prefer to move up in the CFB world…It may be enough to push an average x/o, but great recruiter/ceo type like Cristobal into a top 12 minimum program. I’m not sure we can win a ship with him either

That’s borderline vicious exaggeration and pessism GSC.

Fair. I just looked at total body of work because you can easily say everyone was screwed that year.

Because everyone that exited here after Butch either disappeared or went and became a position coach or a high school coach lol.

Randy had to claw his way back as a position coach until someone gave him a shot that he was previously considered top 10 at (DC).

Golden was considered one of the best rising young coaches and he had to go rehab in the NFL as a tight end coach and now he’s a DC. Guy set his career back 10 years.

Mark Richt, who you can argue did the best out of all the post-Coker coaches until Malik fucked him almost died and retired from this job never to work again.

Donofrio can’t get a high school job.

James Comey was the hottest fucking coach and now he’s coaching wideouts at A&M. Lol.

This job is a fucking curse. I don’t think we’ll ever see a back to back top 10 Miami team from start to finish in my lifetime again. (With the exception of a Saban/Meyer type being hired).

And if you are going to count it… then count the fact he beat USC and won the conf ship!

Ehhh I just think there’s a LOT of room between not winning a ship and “begging to be a position coach”

And none of those guys have Cristobal’s resources

This job is a fucking curse. I don’t think we’ll ever see a back to back top 10 Miami team from start to finish in my lifetime again. (With the exception of a Saban/Meyer type being hired).

I’ll disagree there for sure

And I probably wouldn’t want Meyer nowadays…He was on the decline towards the end of OSU and we’d be in jail before we played a game.

Just like the old days!

If you ain’t cheatin you ain’t tryin!! :joy::joy:


Randy seemed held hostage by his bunker mentality and inability to make and hold good friends . The man hired Patrick Nix an his OC. After that I was done. He could have gone the small school route and revamped his career but he kept wanting to hang around the “big time” …each time making h himself look smaller and smaller.
Hell Frank Solich was (unfairly) kicked out of Nebraska . The guy settled for a hot minute then rebuilt Ohio University in the MAC. By the time he was done his standing was as good as ever.

Say what you want … Golden recruited well on defense had good teams but shackled himself to a heavy rusty anchor that eventually helped drown him. All he had to do was let go of Mark D’Onofrio and hire a decent DC (well …just about anybody-else would have been an upgrade.) and he would have saved his job. Yeah…the bogus Shaipro thing didn’t help…but he could have exited in great shape had he jettisoned D’Onofrio .

…and he fucking shouldn’t !!! He shouldn’t be able to get a job defending an abandoned outhouse in rural Kentucky !
He was the absolute worst !!

Comey ? Meh !

Richt ? Bless his heart…he was burnt by the time he came to Coral gables …but he gave all he had left…then some.

@Xereus - I don’t disagree with most of anything you said.

I agree that each of these guys made horrible mistakes that could have easily been averted.

I’m not absolving them of responsibility.

What I am saying is that over time a “culture” and even more so, a perception of this program has developed…. And that is, if you come to Miami you better figure it out or it might mean your career.

I’m not saying it doesn’t happen elsewhere, it does, but it seems to happen to everyone that lands here over the past 2 decades.

Too early to give up on MC. He’ll be at Miami for years and years.

The way he recruits, Miami should have Top 10 classes, maybe even Top 5 classes, year in and year out every freakin’ year.

Guess what? After 3, 4 or 5+ years of that, you have a Bama/Georgia type roster and you are kicking ass every Saturday just based on the talent gap alone.

MC is a bit too pro-set for my taste, kind of like Richt in that regard. That scheme can work if you have Bama/Georgia talent. Gattis will probably leave in a year or two to take a HC job somewhere. Hopefully, the next OC will be a bit more up tempo/spread.

I’m pretty optimistic about Miami’s future.

I’m not giving up on him. I never believed in him from the moment his name was mentioned.

Keep politics in the shelter pls.

Obviously meant CoLey