Hey Storm - Question?


I just want to know how you get “20 million” out of 1 survey of 987 people. Astounding.

Cande - you’re on the clock.

Everyone else, watch this to see what a fraud this line of argumentation is:

Paul Weyrich, an operative considered to be the “founding father of the conservative movement” because of his hand in founding the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority, the Council for National Policy and other influential conservative groups, laid out the GOP’s voter suppression strategy in a 1980 speech in Dallas.

Paul Weyrich - “I don’t want everybody to vote,” he said. “Elections are not won by a majority of people. They never have been from the beginning of our country, and they are not now. As a matter of fact our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”

It’s undeniable that a segment of Republicans engage in voter suppression. You even see echoes of it on this board when people say stuff like, “If someone can’t get their ass to a polling center in a single 8-hour time period, they don’t deserve to vote.”

It’s elitism at its finest, and yes, it’s an obvious part of the Republican strategy.


I see no problem with voter IDs, provided they are done right. As with everything, IDs could be used for suppression or not, depending on the implementation. It would be smart for the Dems to put into place good ID policies that don’t suppress.

Example: In a year or two Americans will no longer be allowed to fly domestically without a passport or a “Real ID.” This Real ID is a standard driver’s license with a much higher burden of proof of identity. I just renewed my normal California license and upgraded to a Real ID. I needed to bring my social security card, birth certificate, and two documents to prove residence.

I would be for the entire country moving to the Real ID system, and eventually requiring Real IDs to vote.

Some caveats:

  • The changeover should take place over 6 years or whatever form when the initial law goes into effect before the ID is actually required to vote. This ensures everybody has enough time to track down a birth certificate, wait till their current ID needs to renew anyway, etc. The changeover to an ID is NOT about the next election, it is about the future security of the voting process. We can wait 6 years.

  • I am not a fan of a separate ID card just for voting. People will vote for president, stuff it away in a drawer, and find it missing 4 years later the next time they look. This would be an awful system, and why reproduce all the work and infrastructure of DMVs and licensing/IDing.

  • We would need a way to validate these IDs online/over mail, otherwise absentee voting would no longer exist. An online account tied to each ID would make sense for this.

I’m 100% for voter ID. I’d also like to see it used for more than voting. Flying, voting, purchasing items over specific ages (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana…), I’m sure we could list more things

But, flying and purchasing alcohol aren’t guaranteed by the Constitution. Voting is. Around 11% of citizens don’t have a valid ID. Around 25% of blacks don’t have a valid ID, only 8% of whites. Also, there’s a ton of misrepresentation like in Texas, they accept a CDL but not a student ID. In NC, they prohibit public assistance IDs and state employee cards, which are disproportionally held by black voters. That’s the kick…it isn’t there to stop illegal voting. It’s there to deter minorities from voting

Let’s just let anyone and everyone vote.

No rules. No guidelines. No nothing.

Just show up. Who cares. Citizen, non citizen… minor, adult… criminal, law abiding…

Who gives a shit right? AMIRITE fellas?!

Are we going lawless or do laws matter?

You haven’t heard of voter rolls, huh?
How adorable…you didn’t address a single point, just threw your chubby little hands up like a child. “I don’t wanna think! I want it my way!”.

Mmmmmm scotch :heart_eyes:

You’re failing to see the forest for the trees. For as long and longer as many of us here have been alive, Republicans have been trying to limit the minority and youth vote. You know it. I know it. I don’t need to chase articles and numbers for you. It’s a political tactic.

Whether I think voters should be required to use ID is irrelevant. I’m calling bullshit on the people in here pretending Republicans are pushing voter ID law because they want to stop voter fraud. It’s honestly laughable.

Tell me you’re not this naive. Please tell me you’re just being argumentative for entertainment.





I have no idea if they have or not.

But what I will say is that your side is open about allowing non citizens to vote. Allowing harvesting where we all know people are being offered incentives like money for their vote.

So as long as you guys want to keep breaking the rules republicans SHOULD make voting stricter and stricter.



This is why I said the Dems should implement voter ID (in a way that’s fair) before the Pubs do it (in a way that suppresses).

I don’t think the percentage of the population that doesn’t have an ID matters. What percentage doesn’t have a valid voter registration card? What I’m saying is, at some point you need to have a piece of paper saying you’re eligible. The best, easiest, and most sensible way is to tie it into DMV state IDs.

This way you can’t have Texas and NC denying certain IDs. because it’s their own state-approved ID.

Well at least you admit to your intention of fighting dirty.

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If Dems fight dirty so should we.

I heard you the first time.

They probably have - the history is there.

At the same time I agree with you - the left has tried to allow illegals to vote - in addition to people that are incarcerated which is rediculous.

Now, people that have served their time (ex felons) and are out? I believe they have a right to vote, and depending on which state you’re in, it can be very difficult.

The Dems try to get everyone to vote. You try to get only yours to vote and block others. It’s not an equal comparison. Fighting for something virtuous and part of the social contract is quite different from trying to stop it. No, only 1 side is the bad guy on this…as with many others, it’s yours