Hey Skeeter - Educate Yourself

There are so few white supremacists in this country that they’re almost non-existent. Otherwise, the FBI hate crime statistics would reflect their presence. We can easily remember the numerous looting riots occurring this past year, but maybe I missed it. Was there a KKK march this year? How many businesses were looted by white supremacists. I suppose some white supremacists might be deemed dangerous but they’re definitely not looters.

Perhaps someone could edify me why there are throngs of swarthy people from other nations risking their lives to sneak into the U.S. Why aren’t they sneaking into China, Cuba, or Zimbabwe? It seems like these immigrants must have an incredible tolerance for endemic white supremacy.

In my opinion, and I think I could well support my premise, that in general, white Americans are far more tolerant, and less biased than black or brown Americans.

They do.

Um… yes? Is this a serious question? There are KKK marches every year, year round. Lately the KKK has been especially active in the counter-protesting scene.

I stopped reading here.

Bikki - you’re smart. But you are choosing to be ignorant here.

Then, why 51 is there a greater probability of whites being victims of black hate crimes than the reverse? You’d think with the ubiquity of white supremacy, there would be massive numbers of black victims. Furthermore, I think I would be correct surmising that police rather than engendering their careers would be wan charging black perps with violent crimes including hate crimes. In terms of destruction of property and looting, there is no doubt who are the chief perpetrators, and liberals often justify such mayhem… The suggestion that the nation is besieged by white supremacists is specious and ridiculous as well. Western civilization compared with all others has been preeminent in fostering human equality and ethical universals. It seems I missed seeing or hearing about all the KKK marches this past year. I find it unique that you regard me as smart yet ignorant. That’s quite a combination.

Show me black supremacist groups and I’ll agree with you.

You are smart.

There’s being ignorant and not knowing it. That’s one thing.

You’re CHOOSING to be ignorant.

That’s actually the worst kind to be.

The woman Biden named to head the Justice Departwment of Civil Rights is a Black Supremacists. While at Harvard she delivered a paper in which she averred that because of melanin blacks are both superior physically and mentally to other races in particular white people. She based her premise on research done by a dozen Black Supremacist authors all of whom make a ridiculous mistake. According to Kristen Clarke’s thesis whites suffer calcification of their pineal gland of the brain whereas blacks do not. Wrongly, she cites the pineal gland as producing melanin. It does not do so. All of the dumb researchers and Ms. Clarke confuse melanin with melatonin which is produced in the pineal gland. Ms. Clarken has never retracted her erroneous assertions. Clearly, she is a black supremacist who has nobusiness heading the Office of Civil Rights.

I would rate BLM, the Nation of Islam, and Black Panthers as significant Black Supremacy groups. The 1619 group is also a group which has revised history and attempted to persuade morons to believe in afrocentric moral superiority. Biden believes this idiocy should be taught in our schools. Blacks were looting the stores with impunity this entire past year, and moron liberals equated it to reparations. Black thugs like Trayvon Martin, the Gentle Giant, and George Jacobs are extolled as heroes. We’re seeing a complete perversion of the truth, and the great liberal device used to further this noxious propaganda is calling all opposing views hate speech.

That 51 is what predicated my past posts on hate speech. Universities are failing to be be places that allow divergent points of view. So certain are liberals in the moral superiority of their view, they believe those who disagree with them should be cancelled, fired in their jobs, subject to reprogamming as if we live in the Soviet Union, which as you know, I did live there. MSM is now is on a par with Tass, Izvestia, and Pravda. Trump did nothing right and was curse on America. This is complete rubbish. My Russian friends are astounded how ungrateful American are for their most successful president in recent history.

Bikki - tell me. Does white supremacy exist in this country?

If you say no, you’re simply ignoring reality.

I haven’t analyzed this, but according to the FBI statistics, 48% of hate crimes were anti-black, and 16% were anti-white.


Yes 51 it does exist but not to the exaggerated extent purveyed by MSM. It is at best a minor problem. Burning a city and looting stores are real problems, and they are sort to speak swept under the carpet. From zero to 100, I would rate black urban criminality and violence between 90-100 as a national problem. Conversely, I would rate white supremacy no higher than a 2 out of 100. My ratings don’t apply to persons who are incarcerated where racism is unavoidable. I have held this opinion for at least four decades, stemming from my reading an exceptional article in Playbody of all places–I of course read the article after ogling the photos. The article was written by a white liberal jailed in Texas. He was a strong advocate of racial harmony, but he was thrust into a situation where exists a sheer breakdown of ethics. At first, he attempted to exhibit tolerance, but after witnessing countless examples of heartless ethnic racism, he was forced to choose sides, and he WILLINGLY became a member of the Aryan Brotherhood. When he left prison, he wrote of his experiences. Moreover, he stated that he felt shame for his Aryan association but would make the same choice again given the same circumstances.

We as a people have to have greater clarity of thought in creating a hierarchy for improving our nation. Portraying whites as historical overlords and suggesting white privilege is absolute madness. There should be no black student unions, no segregated dormitories, if anything dormitories should be integrated by university policy. You create a better country by extolling its virtues both past and present. You don’t erase its history. Leave monuments the hell alone. Create new ones. Statuary is an artistic form of beauty. Read about Diego Rivera’s mural that was erased from the Rockefeller Center if you want to read about art controversy. Here’s a photo of the mural (see link). Look whose picture is in the center right of the work.

So what really should be our priorities, 51. Should they be to deprecate our European lheritage including our language which came from Europe. Should we be denigrating white people really not measuring the content of their character. Or, should we be trying to solve the problems of the poor in urban America. Ethnic hatred grows in ghettoized urban areas, to lesser extent than in prisons, but there is a similarity of circumstances that cannot be discounted. Read Oscar Lewis’s Culure of Poverty. It’s a classic. Our purpose should be to homogenize our people with American values, those values recognized as ethical universals. Our secondary education system must be overhauled. Liberal crapola stuff should eschewed from the curriculum. We have to expand greatly vocational education, and we need standardized testing to determine whether learning has taken place.

Lol…He really said this

Bad interpretation 305. Take a look at other sources.

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I used your source! You were the one who brought up the FBI’s hate crime stats. I merely referenced their latest iteration (2020’s won’t be released for a while).

The founder isn’t a black cuban. He’s just the token spokesman right now. They were founded by Gavin McGinnis. They love the black cuban because he’s as racist as anyone and they can point to him to say they’re not. Of course, if you act and talk like one, you’re one.

And if you act and talk like a race baiter you are one.

Perfectly said.

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If you knew the real Proud Boys backstory and how it was founded you would never speak seriously of them again.

Perhaps. But the Dems never ransacked the capital trying to stop the peaceful transition of power.

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Yes they did. There were over 200 Antifa that infiltrated the MAGA group.

Prove it

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