Duke Game Thread

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Our D is doing what they’re supposed to do. Our offense looks rusty but is picking up.

I hate that 1st down long pass. It seems the opposite of what an uptempo offense should do, and we don’t get 1st downs consistent enough to risk wasting the down.

Did we just fail to stuff the middle of a 4th and 1 QB sneak?

Some big holes out there today. Is Duke this bad? Haven’t watched them all year.

305…Go to the Dookie thread. Some game posts in there.

team actually looks disciplined… :+1:

Canes looking good.

PS Feels weird to post on a game thread here.

I have not posted anyplace else but the other board for 15 years.

Duke looks like the worst team we played all year. Haven’t challenged our D in the slightest. They can’t protect their QB. And our RBs are dominating, tbrough the line and in the open field. They’re making us look good.

I know… I hope they don’t let this go to their head and get cocky.

Duke is terrible,

FSU is probably the worst team we played RIGHT NOW…They have more talent than Duke honestly, but FSU with Travis and fairly healthy at the time maybe a little than Duke. But Duke, FSU, UAB would all be close on a neutral field. Duke has no offense. Pass Rush only thing they are above average at. Probably the worst Duke team in 5 years, as Cutcliffe has done a good job making them respectable.

Duke had nice corners, but they got hurt. Overall they play respectable pass d, mostly because of the pass rush. If you protect, you can have your way. On offense they’ve been banged up OL, and Brice has not worked out at all at QB. Tough kid just mediocre and not throwing to much.

Duke’s QB is going to get one of his receivers killed the way he hangs them out to dry with too tall throws.

You guys notice that most of the Duke players are wearing jerseys with “EQUALITY” on the back?
But their QBs jersey says his real name, “BRICE”?

So much for EQUALITY. :smiley:

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Two 3 and outs at the end of the half is lame. More points would’ve been great to make a statement, but it’s not like it matters.

Not if Clemson wins tonight. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Textbook tackle by Hall… nice. :+1:

Stupid crap by SIlvera. :-1:

The D made up for that stupid penalty though. Nice recovery.


If I were Manny, I would just tell all punt receivers to walk away from the ball… Miami is TERRIBLE on punt returns. Every catch is an adventure. :roll_eyes:


Gotta say, I don’t feel sorry for Duke at all.

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Where is TVD?! Perry sucks!

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