
The only person being embarrassed is you.

“But I didn’t call anyone a cunt…TODAY.”

That’s like a heroin addict saying “I didn’t take a hit…TODAY.”

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Because I asked why you edited…You said words like cunt, faggot, etc…I didn’t use any of those today.


First of all, yes you did. To me specifically.

Second, I’m not a court reporter. I don’t copy what everyone says so that I have it to read back to them.

Must feel great I knowing that of all the posters we have here you are literally the only one acting like a child. A child with a limited vocabulary.

Nope, we use because you’ve never seen a dead black guy you felt should be alive and you repeatedly cite white supremacists.


Warden posting a meme on progressive liberals approach to life I see…

Keep saving the world

So the word fuckboy is now banned 51? When did this go into effect? I’ve been saying it for months?

What is wrong with you

Oh the irony

This guy is such a scumbag. Imagine not knowing someone and saying this about them.

No I really didn’t. You are lying

Whatever makes you feel like your beyond reproach Skeeter.

You know what you said, and so do I.

Stop lying…The morning in question…I did not say the word cunt, pussy, or faggot

So stop your lying lifelong board moderator

Whatever allows you to sleep at night.

Stop fuckin lying…Did I say those words in the past and they got deleted yes? But this day in question, nope…

LOL. Whatever. I read it. With my own eyes. It was directed at me.

Come on. Be proud of yourself. Man up and admit it.

You are incorrect…The only time I typed those words when I used the edited version of cunt…And the edits before that are what I’m talking about.

Ahh the edited version. That makes it so much better and certainly lessens the insult.

Thank you for admitting what you called me.

You’re missing the point idiot…I’m not speaking on that post.

LOL. That makes it ok then. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

And if you did? So what? This is the forum to do that.

Should it be done constantly? No. Is it rude? Sure.


We’re all adults. We all know the shelter is the place to do this.

So what’s the problem?

I don’t get it.