
What did I say that got edited? I didn’t use those words you spoke of?

You are abusing your job…I mean we know you are very proud of this job and all.

You’re fucking pathetic. Carry on with your oh so important duties

whiny snowflake

You’re the one who said it. It’s not my job to remember.

For the third time. If you don’t like it, leave.

Frankly I wouldn’t care if you did and moderating this board would be miles easier.

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I didn’t say it…You overstepped your boundaries. I did not use the words faggot, cunt, or pussy today.

I mean we wouldn’t your little dream job to be difficult would we censor nazi?

Like I said, my examples aren’t all-inclusive.

If you don’t like the way i mod, leave.

Wait a minute…

Calling someone a racist is ok but calling someone gay (in a crass way) is not?


GSC I think it depends on the context. I don’t see any scenario where calling someone a faggot adds to the conversation.

If, based on the dialogue, someone makes a statement that can be viewed as racist, I don’t think it’s out of line to point that out.

Now if I called you a fucking redneck racist POS, that IMO takes it too far.

That’s adorable. What martyrs. You get called out on being racists and clutch your little pearls, you’re the victim. You call someone a faggot and clutch your pearls, you’re the victim.
What little snowflake victims.

You’re reaching…And you’re a fucking clown…And your whole fucking political opinion is based on convinicing everyone they’re a victim.

Poor guy, with each comment the only thing you’re telling us is how much you hate your own life, yourself, and your circumstances. It’s obvious to everyone but you.
You think its hatred we feel towards you. It isn’t. It’s pity

And skeeter wonders why he gets edited.

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Calling someone racist does?

Racism is an indefensible charge. It’s like quicksand. The more you fight it the more you appear racist.

And that’s why you guys use it.

Luckily for me- I don’t really care if people that don’t know me level the charge. It is what it is. But it’s one of the nastiest, most disgusting charges you can make. It’s the nuclear bomb of charges.

“Charging” someone with something is one thing. Calling them what skeeter just called a poster in this very thread is another.

No it really isn’t… That’s just how stupid and overly sensitive your misconstrued “values” are.

Please enlighten me?

Was this the thread I typed “c**t” in?

I specifically typed it like that…Whyd id it need edited?

Why does fuck boy get edited? What world do you live in?

Oh so because you censored it yourself makes it fine.


I’ve explained myself before. Many times. I won’t again.

If you don’t like it, please. Leave.

Nah fuck you.

Then this site must not be that bad.

So you’ll either stop with the grotesque personal attacks or I’ll continue editing you and you’ll throw your arms up asking what you did while knowing exactly what you did.

Ya but you are embarrassing yourself with your definitions, prioritization of what is censorable, and ridiculous double standards.

Plus you are just a fucking dork for being a message board moderator so there’s that.