
But those were the posts I’m referring too…why were they edited? emoji emoji emoji.

This is Skeeters logic:

-“You cunt!!!” is ok to edit.

-“You c**t!!!” Is completely fine because I censored it myself and is not grotesque in anyway, even though everyone knows what I’m saying.

You’re smart.

You’re missing the point asshole

You edited other posts that day before the c**t post. They contained none of those words. That’s not the post I’m speaking of.

He said “grotesque”…Lol, man are you a snowflake. Carry on.

Grotesque attacks aren’t limited to those 3 words.

It is hilarious to me that you won’t let this go.

It’s very simple. Stop being a jerk and your posts won’t be edited. Or you can leave.

Or you can stop with the double standards…There are others using “grotesque” words not being edited

This is not true. And those who are have been edited too.

You’re simply 98% of the problem.

No, maybe sporadically…Nowhere near the consistency you biased clown…Comedy and you know it.

DeSantis is lining himself up to run for President IMO. He has managed Covid better than most governors on both sides. As for the Texts, this isn’t DeSantis but some local government guys texting about how to kiss his ass and help him win re-election. Is it ethically the right thing to do? No. Is it corruption? Not in the true meaning.

Oh, no. It’s consistent. But for every one time someone does it, you do it 10 times.

Stop whining.

And what does “fuck boy” even mean? :laughing:

Ya your math is way off there

So proud of you…What an awesome board moderator.

Guy goes from board to board and moderates…

I’m all done engaging you. It’s very simple:

Make the choice to act like a semi adult and your posts will be left alone.

Or choose to continue acting like a child.

Or leave.

It’s very simple.

I don’t get the problem either. I mean, 1 in 20 of Skeeter’s posts gets a bad word edited and he cries about it?

I don’t get it either, man. Just move on.

No it’s way more than that…And there is currently a double standard on this board, which is why I have prolonged the convo. Read some of warden’s recent posts and you will clearly see.

Canes51 is a over zealous board moderator and a biased one at that…Imagine being that?

So now “piece of shit” gets edited?

There’s just not a double standard. You’re just the one doing it most of the time.

No one else on this board calls people fuck boys. Whatever the hell that means.

You just edited “piece of shit”

You called me that directly. This does nothing to the conversation. If you don’t like it, it’s very simple. Leave. You are the only one here with this problem. Hell I disagree with GSC all the time. I’ve never had to edit any of his posts.
Not to me or others.

Fucking relax.

I am relaxed…go fuck yourself

DeSantis gets thing done, just like Trump. He talks the talk and walks the walk.

No way Biden got 80 millions votes. If anything, Trump got the 80 million. The 80 million is the final corrupt total which includes doctored machines, stuffed ballot boxes, and votes stolen from Trump. Trump won the thing easily. Only fools believe Biden won. Same goes for muttonheads.

Now Trump is biased against Asians. Asians are a big problem for the social justice morons. Asians achieve scholastically at disproportionate higher rates than others, so they have to be discriminated against so people of the right color, but lesser brain power, improve diversity on campus. But who really wants an affirmative action brain surgeon? Ratios are legally unconstitutional, but leftists ignore the Constitution. They believe in the Living Constitution meaning that it is much as Russian communists perceived pie crust; it is made to be broken. For my own part, I am a little concerned about two things: first, the number of black children suspended at schools. Liberals should exhort Asians and whites, too, though whites are evil incarnate, to get in more trouble, become dopers, serial liars, and be more abusive to their teachers. Also, I am concerned about the diversity patterns in both the NBA and NFL. Too many blacks, who no doubt are wonderful players, but their participation exceeds their proportion of the total population. I suggest liberals should be setting up sports clinics for Asians devoted to improving their skills. Or, in the alternative, just put crappy Asian players on the team in the same fashion being done under affirmative action in universities. How mistaken I have become misinterpreting that intelligence, diligence, and achievement might actually be among the contents of a person’s character. While working in the civil rights movement unknowingly I must have been off the beam hoping for the equality of all men when I should have been working for the superiority and greater rights of specified, privileged minorities. How remiss of me.

As for Stormfront, and my advice. It’s not my decision how he reacts to my missive. That’s what freedom is all about If he wants to ignore my post, I won’t lose sleep at night. Actually I think I share most of Stormfront’s admiration for Donald Trump. I just think Stormfront’s expectations for the stolen election to be remediated are implausible and unlikely to transpire.

Skeeter calls them as he sees them, and his prose is very consistent. Liberals have a hard time dealing with him, because the guy does his homework, obviously reads prodigiously, and chooses savants of uncommon wisdom from whom he gains insight on the true folly of progressive muttonheads. He also has an appreciation of individual freedom which collectivists just cannot stand. What you muttonheads refuse to understand is that Skeeter is a liberal in the traditional sense not a Marxist parrot spouting leftist orthodoxy and employing fascist methods attempting to control those who think for themselves. Leftists just can’t stand dissenters.

Blah blah blah.