Cyber symposium

Not at all. It would be illogical to make that leap (for my part or yours).

Probably the vast majority of positive covid tests come from testing centers set up specifically for covid, and also come from asymptomatic people. We are NOT, I repeat, we are NOT testing asymptomatic people for the flu.

However, if you see a doctor, and you have flu-like symptoms, it’s standard procedure to get a flu test.

I hope you can see the difference.

So why are we testing asympomatic people for COVID?

It doesn’t transmit. Even though they tried to lie and said it did.

In any event- my point still stands. We are testing for Covid much more aggressively and by a much higher factor than for flu or other respiratory diseases that have identical symptoms.

I’d beat your fuckin teeth out of your head if you were standing in front of me commie faggot

Ding ding ding

2020…The year being asymptomatic became a bad thing.

It was all to drive hysteria and numbers up.

Period. End of story.

And these guys don’t want to admit it.

To some degree you are right. Everyone wanted to know if they had covid because their cousins uncle 5th removed farted at church and they could smell it so they must have it. Tons more testing leads to tons more asymptomatic.

driving up numbers with asymptomatic did lead to hysteria. It didn’t help to see Europe with massive deaths, NYC with massive deaths, and lots of other locations. Should that have been applied to smaller/regional areas? NO!

Now testing was needed to help symptomatic people. How they determined who was and wasn’t symptomatic is what I’d like to know?

Is this really a question? The testing is all about pandemic mitigation. Whether you disagree with it or not, there’s no need to change the subject at hand.

Don’t move the goalposts!!! Your point was never that we test for covid more aggressively than other diseases. I would agree with that much. You brought all this up in relation to covid deaths, because your assertion is covid deaths are overcounted.

Don’t lose your spine and back off now.

And it’s inexcusable. I haven’t given a shit if I have covid since May 2020.

Lol…Sure it is.

And then when it was failed mitigation, shown by every timeline in the world…Or at least 90% of them. Before we even take it into risk/reward territory(where your argument turns to total dog shit)…Why was this mitigation doubled and tripled down on?

Virus gonna virus…Please move on people.

I love this guy. He knows what’s in my mind now.

My point… MY POINT not yours… is that we over-tested for COVID and we under-tested for all other respiratory diseases that cause identical symptoms.

Bringing up a symptomatic testing and overall testing just illustrates my point. It was also done it’s those who died of COVID-like symptoms as well.

I never left my original point. You just don’t want to deal with it.

Now add to the COVID biased testing all the false positives and it’s a complete mess.

Throw the data out!

Your assumption, you mean. All your data points are about PCR tests being too sensitive (for asymptomatic people), and all the huge test numbers (for asymptomatic people), and then you do the old switcheroo and try to apply that to people dying in hospitals.

No one’s buying it.

Not reading this TRASH thread and FOIAP

Trump supporter and symposium attendee wants to collect face down in pillow CEO $5m bounty saying it doesnt prove shit about the election

I’m sure it is crickets from the untlethical liars tho.

Just keep your eyes on Az report buddy. The Mike Lindell symposium meant nothing. It’s why I never watched a moment of it.

Once Az drops it’s report, if it has merit and shows significant fraud, that will be the catalyst for other states to force audits.

If that flops, then I would agree, it’s practically over (barring any other unforeseen development). But that hasn’t happened yet.

Things aren’t looking so good for those claims of having the PCAP data. This leads to more doubt and mistrust for anyone associated with the audits.

Lindell is not affiliated with the audits. That’s my point.

My point is the public connects the two thus Lindell’s falsehoods build a higher mountain to climb for those claiming election fraud.

I said it in the other thread and I’ll say it again here.

Imagine holding a 3-day symposium claiming to be able to prove widespread election tampering with terabytes of hard data…

And then imagine NOT releasing that data.

And then imagine one of the hired experts saying the data wasn’t legitimate.

I honestly think the Flower Symposium had more bombshells in it.

This comment didn’t age too well and it was only last week. NOW WHO IS FULL OF SHIT, YOU! Putz


Why does this commie cunt motherfucker always tell us he’s not doing something while doing it? Remember when he act surprised the other commie cunt warden was back…remember when he told us all that he only saw storm’s posts because he wasn’t logged in (he was commenting on every other one at that point)

Good times