Covid cases mysteriously plummeting

Why ARE COVID cases plummeting? New infections have fallen 45% in the US and 30% globally in the past 3 weeks but experts say vaccine is NOT the main driver because only 8% of Americans and 13% people worldwide have received their first dose

  • On Wednesday, a total of 110,679 new coronavirus infections were reported with a seven-day rolling average of 135,904, a 44% decline from the average three weeks earlier
  • The decline appears to be a global phenomenon, with new infections falling worldwide for the past three weeks in a row, the World Health Organization said Monday
  • Hospitalizations have fallen nearly 30% from a peak of of 132,474 on January 6 to 92,880, the lowest figure seen since November 29
  • Currently, 44 states are seeing a decline in cases with just Alabama, Louisiana, Montana, New Jersey, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania trending upward, according to Johns Hopkins data
  • California’s 21,451 new confirmed cases on Tuesday are about one-third the mid-December peak of 54,000
  • New York recorded 8,215 new infections on Tuesday, down from the record-high of 19,942 new cases reported on January 15
  • Health experts say it is too soon for vaccines to be playing a major role in the decline with just 8% of the population having received the first shot and fewer than 2% being fully immunized
  • Officials say the drop is likely due to a higher number of people who’ve had the virus than official counts suggest, as many as 90 million people, and fewer people traveling than did over the winter holidays


Man they think we’re dumb. And they are not wrong apparently.

The masks are finally working, duh.






So instead of coming on here and stating that this is a good thing, it’s automatically a conspiracy.

Nevermind 3,000 people a day are still dying.


How about I answer that when you admit you lost the bet.

You can’t be this fucking stupid^^^^…While trying to still make yourself look virtuous^^^^…Without out really being all in. Congrats idiot.

How blind does a person have to go out of his way to be to think every…single…aspect… about covid is all on the up and up. WOW…JUST WOW. At this point in the game if you can’t admit that it is at least SOMEWHAT being politicized. And that there is gray area on classifying deaths…That the flu is MIA…that the PCR rate can be manipulated. Then you are going out of your way to be blind. What the fuck else do you need to see? It isn’t on CNN? Is that your excuse?

Ah yes, the worldwide conspiracy. Everyone’s in lockstep. That’s easy to believe…

You guys can never be wrong because it’s always a conspiracy.

Covid cases go up. CONSPIRACY.
Covid cases go down. CONSPIRACY.
Lockdowns continue. CONSPIRACY.
Lockdowns end. CONSPIRACY.


Show me where I said I believe all is on the up and up.

Typical response…You spend all day arguing against and attempting to mock everyone who dares post anything except what CNN and MSNBC report?

Enlighten us then…What are you worried about when it comes to possible covid lies? What part of it are you skeptical of?

OK then e

I am concerned that the variants may be overblown - I hope they are but it seems as if people are freaking out about the variants when frankly we need to focus on the “original” strain that is everywhere.

Anything else sir?

What do you mean? There’s a minimum number of concerns I have to have?

The 3 primary reasons cases are dropping:

  1. Vaccinations of people that see a bunch of other people AND those that have recovered have caused us to get closer to herd immunity… not NEAR it but raises the number of people that won’t spread it.

  2. We haven’t had a holiday in 4 weeks, with very limited reasons to gather until this Sunday (Brady Bowl 11).

  3. Biden’s team formalized the testing so the numbers would drop no matter what happens.

Let’s see what happens in 1-2 weeks post "Brady Bowl. " No matter the case, I don’t think we will be out of Covid for a long time simply because the world population is not likely to reach herd immunity for years.

I agree with most of 90’s post. But I think it’s way to early to say the vaccine is working. Only 8% of the population has received it and we don’t even know how effective it is.

I think the gathering of families over the holidays is the largest reason for the drop. But it will continue to move up and down as this thing is here to stay.

Indiana - I agree with you on all points here. The Conspiracy Squad on this board looks to anything to rile up the crowd.

It was predicted that cases would increase during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. That happened. Now that we’re past that, it is logical that the pace of new infections is slowing.

We’re still having a brutal number of people dying every day (in the 3,000 range). I hope this starts to come down as number of infections comes down.

#1 is 2 different things…Vaccine vs. natural herd immunity. Vaccine effects are only NOW starting to creep in and it is a minimal effect. It’s basically too soon. And it also must be noted that most of the steps we have taken so far have hindered or slowed herd immunity.

  1. Biden’s team formalized the testing so the numbers would drop no matter what happens.

And this is unforgivable…Everything they put this country through and now they wanna cheat with numbers LIKE IT’S OK…but hey orange man bad. How can any of you ever fucking vote for this left knowing shit like this?

Sure, over the last few weeks. The decline in covid the article is discussing is over the last few weeks. The first wave were the healthcare workers who had constant exposure and were most likely to spread it. Minimal effect? Sure, but that’s how it starts and it all adds up.

Both vaccines actually start to work after 10 days at over 50% then jump to 92% after 3 weeks. The second dose is to keep it over 90%.

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Ya imo that was another example of evil…It can’t even be called stupidity anymore. It’s just evil. Not quite as bad as the obnoxiously selfish teachers that have been reported to be jumping line to get this.

Desantis and a few others are doing it perfectly…Shocker. Getting the people at risk of dying the vaccine. I personally would make 90 > wait til after 70-89… But whatever. Get it to the people with commodities and the elderly.