Covid cases mysteriously plummeting

I don’t even understand why somebody would think that.

It’s pretty obvious. Give it to the person with the comordity, and then the person you are worried about MAY MAY MAY spread it.

Common sense

Now I’m not saying that healthcare workers shouldn’t get it before the average schmuck on the street…But they shouldn’t be getting it before the people that can die from it. That’s ass backwards.

The healthcare works got it if they wanted to help reduce the risk of spreading it to those over 65 that weren’t forced to get the vaccine. Freedoms suck in some ways. I’d been fine forcing everyone over 65 to get the thing so we can all move on.

What he said, skeeter. Who do you think’s taking care of those 90 year-olds in nursing homes?

Yes I understand your point and would have them on the list higher than the average joe… just not as early as those who can actually die from it. If the elderly person has been vaccinated, then their chances are greatly diminished to catch it from said person.

And also, I’m not lumping in “healthcare” with “LTC workers”…I have LTC employees sooner on the list because of the ridiculous % of deaths that have occurred in LTC facilities.

Well each state has their own implementation which further muddies the waters. Hell, my Mom (78) in Florida still can’t get it yet a friend in Broward who is 40 and healthy was allowed to get it.

In the end, get J&J, AZ, N vaccines out and get the population to herd immunity so we can Fing move on!

The 1.9T is truly stupid if we are looking at 2-4 months before we are unlocking in most states. Weren’t the early bills enough to help with the vaccines? Why not let the free market do its thing and create jobs to help with vaccines?


Come on man. Knock it off. I know you’re being serious but to ignore the fact that much of it is political is crazy.

The CDC just changed testing protocols. Now- if you test positive you MUST test a second time and be positive in order to be counted as such.

You don’t factor that little accounting trick into the formula?

It factors but doesn’t explain the drop before the change, nor does it explain the ICUs behing freed up over the last month.

The ICUs were never not filled up

That’s as big as myth as any of this. Can you find a hospital that may have had no room here or there for short period of time yes? But all that shit was so overblown it was a crime.

Not to mention many of these people shouldn’t have been in a fuckin hospital and were only there because media had them scared to death.

They were nearly full in LA, many operating above capacity.

But your point misses the mark anyway, because ICU occupancy has declined, which is still progress.

Biden’s team formalized testing. That was part of it.

I honestly don’t care anymore. Get me the vaccine and move on! We are years away from a full economic recovery. Specifically, I don’t believe many women of the 7mil that left good jobs will jump back into the workforce quickly. Some will home school, be stay at home moms/soccer moms…

Sooo I’d rather have the formalized testing so come summer we can push back on any government that is trying to hold back the economy!

The virus doesn’t give a shit what humans do! Its only purpose is to reproduce without killing off all hosts which would end its life.

Humans 100% have reacted to a virus in very political ways as we do with many things. Now if we truly locked down the USA for 3-4 weeks and EVERYONE followed the rules of being locked down AND we didn’t allow any international travel into the country without a negative test on the spot and another 2 days prior AND AND AND… lets get Fing real, we are the land of the FREE!

I said back in March '20 that lockdowns would only get us so far because people love their freedom. Then we would have civil unrest because unemployment would hit 25% (well it hit 21%). I even posted on Facebook to the industry I work in that this shit wouldn’t go away until May 2021 at the earliest last March. Medical science takes time, viruses change, humans in the USA hate lockdowns and losing freedom, unemployment compounds matters…The only thing I didn’t see happening is a Republican government printing 7 TRILLION and just giving it away to anyone. Now the Democrats are backing that up with 2T more! Pretty sure we are closing in on adding 10T of debt to the books.

Anyway, this shit won’t go away by May but I do expect a blazing hot economy come 2022. FEDs will slowly inch up the interest rates well after inflation has kicked in. Biden and Congress will likely change the min wage to $15 flaming even more inflation. The Elite will see all of this coming and adjust like they always have. Hell, I’m adjusting right now. The stock market could be in a bubble but it could also be factoring in the inflation to some degree along with the likelihood of a big rebound.

As for the virus, it will continue to kill the weak and spread around the world. I wouldn’t travel to a 3rd world country for 3-5 years IF you are over 45 and don’t have a recent vaccine. We will get lucky to only have 500k pass away from it not factoring in all the funny numbers of Co-morbidity and the massive toll it has caused on the mental and physical health of those that didn’t die from it or even get it. We have to move on and the sooner we do the sooner we can start to help those that are out of work! I don’t want more “free” money from the government. I want more businesses, jobs, and stability for our economy. Don’t give a shit if the rest of the world takes 6months or 6 years to fully recover…

This brings us back full circle to Skeeter and UM not wanting communism. We are the country with the absolute most freedoms and it isn’t even close. I can’t see democrats change the will of the American people. We want to live free and no one can stop that! There are billions of guns, freedom lovers, and crazies that would kill anyone that attempted to make this into a dictatorship or communist country.

Hell, I’d put money on someone taking out Trump if the mob was successful on Jan 6. That may sound crazy but unemployment and civil unrest lead to crazy actions by free people. To further the point, just look at the civil unrest of the people in Myanmar and Russia. They don’t have guns or 400 years of knowing what real freedom tastes like. Now you can get me on board with the slow decay of freedoms by both sides. I’d say 9/11 and Bush hurt our freedoms more than Biden ever will but he could prove me wrong.

No that will never be the case for me…This was some scary shit. We can never forget what the fuck these power hungry assholes did to us.

We are years away from a full economic recovery.

And it clearly didn’t have to be this way.

I wouldn’t travel to a 3rd world country for 3-5 years IF you are over 45 and don’t have a recent vaccine.


We have to move on and the sooner we do the sooner we can start to help those that are out of work! I don’t want more “free” money from the government.

Nah, it’s way worse than that…We HAD to move on in June and July. Doubling and Tripling down on failed mitigation was pure stupidity or pure evil. Neither are excusable. If that isn’t today’s left in a nutshell…Create a problem, then save people from it. See racism…Same thing. Fuck these people. Crisis creating/crisis milking left.

We will get lucky to only have 500k

Lol…There’s no way there’s 450k day from covid right now…Come on man. You are smarter this. False positives/dying with covid/dying once having covid…Combining influenza like illness/pneumonia

There’s no way you can believe every covid death is true.

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Who does this girl remind you of?

Below is the original. What a snowflake

Can’t get it to play.

For those that can’t play tiktok videos, I would advise you to download the tiktok app.

Wait a second…are you a Chinese mole?!? Tiktok is 100% Chinese code written to embed communist thoughts into our minds.

And Trump dealt with that issue. He mandated an American company be a custodian over this technology. If I’m not mistaken, Oracle now owns a substantial portion of Tiktok

I know this is going to be a leap but what makes that any better than Dominion and Smartmatic? If we are going to throw out any tech that was not programmed on shore we should throw out all! Personally, I’d love it as I’d jump back into coding every day to make millions to only have the government take it and hand it to poor…lol (j/k).

If you want to go to “tiktok doesn’t count votes” I’ll counter with tiktok is worse as it one of very few social media networks with a massive user base thus making our media owned by…China! At least Instagram is owned by an elite American.