Coaches Hot Seat Ranking 2022

Updated 08/31/22
Updated 09/05/22
Updated 09/12/22
Updated 09/19/22

Scott Frost is the first casualty of the season.

I remember when Frost decided to leave UCF that I thought he was leaving the better program. Wow, I didn’t realize how right I was. In the Big Ten in his four years, only Rutgers had a worse record…

Rutgers 13-35 .271
Nebraska 16-31 .340
Illinois 19-29 .396
Maryland 19-25 .432

Just stunning to me really that he was that bad. Where does Trev Alberts go from here? Who on Earth is making NU better in that conference?

Jimbo Fisher has taken the top spot. Will the Canes put the final nail in the coffin?

Read the tea leaves. The fans already believe we’ll give him a springboard back to his normal spot.

Miami is the best place to play after a big loss.

LOL @ Jimbo getting fired any time soon. A&M can’t afford to fire him so they’ll have to ride with him for some years and hope he finds another Jameis again so he can elevate his normal 8-4 annual record.


This. I think it would cost them close to 80M to fire him this season. And that’s not including what it would take to buy out another premier coaching candidate. They’re stuck with him for a while.

Offensive side of the ball is baaaad. Doesn’t seem like the players respect the coaches or have faith in them.

Freeman at ND…should have run from the job offer. Just too big a job for him right now, his resume is too light. He really could have benefited from coaching at a big P5 program for a few years (to get experience working/seeing a good executive).

Christ the guy has 6 kids too. I don’t know how he’s getting through day to day right now.

They fired Herm Edwards on the field?

Weekly Bump
Didn’t realize Cristobal was in the top 10. He needs more time, but Gattis better get his act together. We cannot continue the revolving door of OCs nor DCs. We need stability if nothing else and stop shooting ourselves in the foot. I’m also sick of UNC turning the U down.

I honestly didn’t know Terry Bowden was even still coaching at all. Look at him! LOL! :rofl: :joy:


10/17/2022 Bump. 5 coaches have fallen to this point.

Georgia tech is befuddling…I mean what did they expect? Why did they fire Paul Johnson again?

Then again, lots of schools do mind numbing dumb hires. Must be nice to have that much cash to burn with no accountability

Paul Johnson retired in 2018. He wasn’t fired.
Jimbo is now top 5. Cristobal’s place in the top 10 is holding firm at this point.
6 coaches now gone.

Discrimination against Vulcans continues even in the year 2022. Sad!

This week’s version out to be very interesting.

Mario reclaims his spot in the top 10. He’s not going anywhere, nor should he. Gattis on the other hand…

This guy fails to look at contracts and AD changes. Someone like Jason Candle should be in the top 15-20 yet he has him at 68 and also has his salary off by $600k.

He is just guessing based on what he thinks are the expectations for the school and the current year results for the coach. How ofter are year one coaches fired yet his hotseat list has a bunch at the top. Just look at the current list of coaches that were fired and most are in years 3-5 with one in year 2 and one in year 8. Thus, you look at P5 programs with coaches that haven’t won much like Greg at Rutgers, Mike at Maryland, Dino at Syracuse, Scott at Louisville, Sam at Arkansas, Jonathan at Oregon State (especially if Oregon wins)… then look at their contracts if public to determine the downside risk of firing.

I would be shocked to see Jimbo fired but I do think they have major shakeups on the staff. Just too much $$$$ to piss away even as Oil rich boosters claim to be willing to piss it away.

Mario is already interviewing for almost every position. Strong is most likely getting DC job.
Ponce is loved by players and has no input as Gattis over rules him…lots of internal conflict.
Addae would be another that I see departing.
Gattis could be around until he gets his landing spot but won’t be here next year…Mario being the professional.