Why would China return to lockdowns when they had the vaccine before the USA, controlled the virus, etc etc etc? I mean they are the future of the world so they should have everyone vaccinated and be ready to see massive GDP growth.
Covid-19 Delta is about to get serious for those that don’t have the vaccine.
My point would be that China is willing to lockdown again hurting their GDP over something you think is a joke. Either China is weaker than lots are staying OR Covid is far worse than what you are thinking.
OK I get what you’re saying 90…But blindly taking at face value “ho hum nothing to see here”…Is no better than believing every left politician sacrifices children.
China also has a really crappy vaccine that isn’t that effective. They sent it to some other countries like the Seychelles that struggled with the virus even after the vaccine.
This from the narcissist pathological liar. It shows how much I’ve gotten under your skin. You can’t even discuss topics with me any more. Now it is straight to calling me a fraud. Lol weak weak weak