You would imagine she would be replaced. She was a fill in for the original attorney who left for his own reasons…. But more importantly, there exist lawyers who specialize in appeals. I’m assuming the Trump team is bringing in specialists for this.
I feel bad for Habba because she’s getting a bad rap but the reality is this case was foisted on her mid way and her hands were tied on many of the items she wanted to present
She was definitely operating above her pay grade. That’s Trump’s fault more than it is hers.
What’s clear is that this whole nonsense about a mentor relationship with the judge was bunk. Just another misstep Habba made.
I’d like to hear the judge’s response to be honest. Could be but I think theres a duty to place it on the record now.
Remember, kids, no matter what facebook memes tell you, when Trump was actually in court, under oath, he admitted he wasn’t the president.