Sure I did
Not the first time
If we want to go the right and wrong route…What’s “right” is keeping nuclear secrets as far away from Biden, Kamala Harris, etc…as possible. These people are zealots (well, maybe not Biden, but he’s simply a puppet to zealots)
Also…Notice how when it comes to election fraud this partisan cultist points to “well the courts didn’t find anything”…But now it’s fuck the process, what’s right is right, fuck due process!! Pathetic little partisan hypocrite
And now he’s backing away from his stance, “I never said that!”
What does this even mean? Biden’s not about to launch nukes, and there is no right to keep presidential secrets away from the president. What an awful take.
You’re a funny guy. I’m actually doubling down.
That court document proves that Biden directed this and that his WH Press Spox lied.
Again - no clue what toilet wine said but it sounds to me like he thinks nuclear secrets should be kept away from the president and Vice President - both of which have authority to order a launch depending on the scenario.
If that’s the case, he continues to prove his utter lack of anything related to any kind of education. But we already knew that.
You’re doubling down on a falsehood. Shocking.
Which reminds me - you know when you say you’re always right, just late? I know what you think this means. To everyone with a brain, it means that after all the facts come out you twist the truth to fit the narrative you want.
It’s pathetic.
He has “no clue” ya know…wink wink
Speaking of toilets since he’s not reading this (wink wink) …Make sure you tell him he can hold the camcorder while I assfuck his dirty fuckin trash whore wife while I throw her head in the toilet.
Remember when this worthless cunt try to moderate my threads? How’d that go for him?
It’s pretty clear what it means
This asshole is talking about right and wrong
I believe his side is worse than trump…I believe they are “wrong” in their approach to this country. And I want them nowhere near nuclear secrets. Also, how would you know what Joe Biden’s about to do?
You do tho. You try to pretend to be middle of the road for some reason. Just cause you argue with the least intellectual type conservatives in this football forum, doesn’t mean you have to placate them with stories about how you argue both sides. I think and believe you are truly middle and that is great. The lunatics in the SS are so far conspiratorial right, you don’t need to justify yourself as middle ground. You are simply that; why justify it with the clowns? You answer with rationale appeal and sound logic and that is enough.
For the below, who knows. It could be that way. Doubtful tho. But it really doesn’t matter. What matters is why Trump had the materials, why didn’t he return them when asked, and why isn’t anyone denying anything from his camp?
What do process? Biden’s involvement has no bearing on the law. You’re a fucking moron
of course, you have no problem with Trump stealing nuclear secrets, selling them to Saudis or illegally pushing nuclear sales to the Saudis, right?
First, that’s false. Secondly, Trump literally stole nuclear secrets and you’re trying to blame Biden for addressing that? Again, you’re a traitor to this country
Lmfao on him doubling down on stupidity
I would have a problem with that you fucking idiot
But I don’t believe it will happen…And I’m much more comfortable him having them then Joe Biden
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi…They fucking hate America, plain and simple. I never got the vibe from Trump. Which is why it was an easy vote.
Dickride ^^
Being that "America’ is comprised of laws and you’re directly asserting you have no problem with violations of those laws, our Constitution, or selling nuclear material to the culprits of 9/11…you’re as much of a piece of shit traitor as GSC and Storm. You laid it out pretty clearly early on and I’ve given you the benefit of the doubt a few times, but obviously shouldn’t have. You ARE trash, have BEEN trash and will forever be nothing but TRASH. Fucking piece of shit traitor…no wonder you’re alone, angry and unhinged. Fucking slag
I was never sending you a Christmas card either you absolute piece of shit partisan sheep cunt
Little OMB cheerleader posting 15 new posts a week about big bad Trump…Troll from day one. Little Vox-reading faggot, no one’s reading your garbage.
You did, ya slag whore. Now go back to crying about how the world kicked you out of the house ya disgusting piece of shit. Your fucking slag whore mother had to choose between shitting and pushing you out and has hated herself for the choice ever since, seeing her underachieving cunt of a loser son every day
You stupid fuck
I was happy to leave the house…Broke up and left the house LONG before their wack job early '21 partisan sheephood that I spoke of finally won them over.
And you make sure to keep taking that long introspective look when your little dishrag, trash piece of shit cunt wife calls you a racist. The right answer…If you had any balls…Would be to laugh in that little twat’s face and tell her if you hear that shit come out of her little trash mouth again, she can go jump on the next man’s nuts. And then if she throws a little cunty tantrum, because after all…Tantrum throwing, dramatic people attract each other…You always have the jujitsu to fall back on! But nah, you’re too beta for that…Hope she has really made you learn a lot about that big, bad, vicious racist in you. Your gullible little spineless twat.
Learned a new word today “slag”…Absolute fucking twat
You mean when they threw you out of the house for being a disgrace. What a weak sack of shit…not even worth reading anymore. You weren’t man enough to even be the most basic example of a kid or partner. Incel twat…you’re not worth it. Everyone in your life has shown that to you