All Done with Manny

App State is probably borderline top 30 ish team. We should beat them but they are the top of the non Power 5.
Not surprised this game was close. That being said, disappointing in the execution.

You guys are crazy if you think App State is top 30. They aren’t even the best of the SBC (Coastal Carolina and Louisana). They are a 9-3/8-4 Sun Belt team.

Speaking of culture: how about asking kids to change positions to get on the field sooner and help the team. Arroyo as HB is a perfect example. That kid is 6’4 playing HB and actually blocked better than Mallory and Parrott ever have. Blocked again outside on the Rambo screen (which we should have called 10 times).

FOR GOD SAKE don’t let Ivey on the field at CB until you are up 21. He is allergic to making a play when needed. You can’t tell me that we don’t have another kid on the roster that can’t stand in space better (zone coverage) better than him. He has given up 3 TDs on the year! Literally didn’t want to attempt to tackle Peoples last night. That is 100% the coach’s choice to let him play.

Right here. Blood in the water. Urban would turn this program around.

We’re too chicken shit and stupid to do it.

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I would agree……not sure we would be willing to pay what he would want though…

Oh hail no…

Urban Meyer here…as I tell my kids…I hear Aerosmith playing…


Not really sure why he got back into coaching. He had a comfy gig. He’s got plenty of money. And every time the other team scores/or he loses a game he looks like he’s going to have a stroke.

Doesn’t look healthy to me.

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I watch Alabama, and I watch Miami.

You’d have to be demented not to see the difference in the strength of players. How many times have you seen opponents push the Tide around the way they do the Hurricanes. Of course, Swasey was a terrible strength coach. When old bikki was stronger than any player except Alan Bailey on one Hurricane squad, you know something was horribly amiss. Swasey used to publish his player achievement stats, and they were lousy. Our players were weak and pushed around for years. It’s a helluva lot easier to be tough when you’re strong as well.

As I often say, my grandmother could play LB better than some we now have on the team. Michigan State absolutely is going to annihilate the Hurricanes on Saturday. By half time, I’ll probably be watching re-runs of Leave It to Beaver.

A few things:

My God Hall is terrible. I usually don’t rag on college kids but since we’ve entered a new era of NIL I don’t feel as guilty doing it. He is a spazo. Has no football IQ, no awareness of where he is on the field and he’s constantly out of position. He’s a good athlete, but that’s where it ends. Let him run down on kickoffs and call it a day. If he is patrolling the middle of your defense you’re in trouble. I have no clue why he gets constant time.

The linebackers are invisible. Again, never in position to make a play. Now I will say that I think this has a lot to do with scheme because for whatever reason when the line is moving and taking a gap post snap the backers have to cover some of those lanes and I see them flying out of there a lot creating some major cavities. This goes back to last year too. Again, this looks like scheme to me where 1 or 2 guys are constantly out of position and I don’t know if they just aren’t getting the calls or if they are just that mediocre at diagnosing plays. They never play downhill. Always have their feet in the sand.

Finally, for the life of me can we stop stunting the defensive line and taking guys out of position. Silvera is the only guy up front that gets penetration on his own and they constantly have him stunting taking B gaps and moving away from the play. He’s good enough to win one on one’s. 3 times I watched Silvera, Ford and Williams all stunt to the strength and the cutback lane was about as big as the grand canyon. This goes back to what I said about the linebackers. Not sure if they are just out of position or not filling out their run fits. Either way it’s depressing to watch. Don’t know what else to say. Another year same story.


I’d say they are definitely top 40…

I have them -1.5 right now on neutral against Coastal…And -2.5 over LaLaf. At the beginning of year I had Coastal -1 over LaLaf and App State. Coastal D looks shaky though…They are all very close. I have App St. somewhere in the 37-42 range and the other two just inside the top 50. They are all very close though. My question with App State coming into the season was QB as they were pretty stacked everywhelse. QB has been adeauate. As far as “programs” go…I’d still say best program. Last year was the first year in 4-5 years you could have said App State wasn’t the best in Sun Belt (lost heartbreakers LATE in 4th vs. LaLaf and Coastal). LaLaf(who they owned before that late/ot loss, whatever it was) and Ark State were next and then Troy (who used to be higher) and Georgia Southern were behind them… Ark State has since fallen off.

But they are clearly the class of the Sun Belt the last 5 years and I’d say the best by a very small margin over Coastal and LaLaf. They get their chance at Coastal revenge this season and should be a good one.

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I tried explaining this to a friend. It is constant…The cutback lanes are ridiculous and then on top of it we don’t set an edge.

I’ve given up on Hall…Loved him out of high school. Was ok and provided some hope soph. year I thought…Terrible last year…I thought had a decent game against App State but he was bad again yesterday, whiffing half the time, doing whatever he did on the wr screen where he tackled the blocker instead of the ballcarrier who went for 40, bad angles other times… Very disappointing.

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It’s a different time today than it was just 5 years ago. With NIL kids will just tell you go to F off and transfer someone else and play.

There is something wrong with this coaching staff. It’s not just the players!

No question there is no comparison of Bama talent to Miami talent. But lesser talented teams have played better against Bama.
Gator talent recruited the last 4 years - sure, above Miami, but not that much of a difference that should result in such differences in the 2 games. Sure UF is still significantly below Bama’s level, but they were able to make a game of it. Miami could play Ala for the next 20 weeks and would not come close to being in any game with them

App St, not terrible talent, but still not close to UM talent and what UM has recruited. Not a chance that game was all on the players. Yes, players play the game, but coaches should have had them better prepared and a better game plan, by far.
Mich St. not bad talent, but not at UM’s level and what UM has recruited. MIami should beat them. Not blow them out, but also not be blown out.

Good coaches would have UM as a top 20-25 team this year. Not going to happen in 2021.




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