A Perfect Explanation

Ugh. okay, I’ll spell it out.

You thought it was insance for DJ to decide who’s a Nazi. This is something you yourself has done. That equals hypocrisy, get it now?

No! Because I don’t decide if we can kill them or not.

Get it?

Fair enough. You think the killing part is the insane part, and I would agree.

Though you’re putting up a bit of an innocent act after talking about Zelensky wearing Nazi symbols, etc. I mean, there was a reason you felt it was important to point that out, and what reason other than justifying Putin’s actions is there?

He’ll continue to run and hide or try and bait and switch the argument to justify his own belief.

Classic GSClown


All Nazis should die. There isn’t a shed of dishonesty or anything wrong with this statement.

Meanwhile you got GSClown continuously over here justifying their freedom to exist and speak.

Again…zero integrity, zero principles, douche