A Perfect Explanation

Truth hurts doesn’t it progressive cultist?

You appeared on this message board as a fucking liberal maniac attacking every thing that doesn’t fit your political views…20 partisan sheep posts a week highlighting slanted liberal “studies” and finding every republican politician who didn’t stop at a stop sign doesn’t do anything to change this.

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DJrion called for skeeter to be killed “got got”

I know he denies it (even though this is like the 3rd time he’s called for someone to be killed.

I don’t care what skeeter says to DJrion after that.

Djrion has called people on this message board almost every name that I have…And djrion is NOWHERE near as willing as I am to compromise and meet in the middle on politics. Hell I don’t have to meet…I’m already there, and even still lean left on many items. I just have/had the ability to step back and say “this doesn’t make sense, they are going to far”…Facts have to matter at some point. I hate leftists (progressives) more than I hate a lot of the left’s vision. Thomas Sowell said it best when he said something to the effect hat the "left’s vision is more noble (can’t remember exact words)…It’s just delusional and unobtainable (again probably not exact words)

DJ and Warden are zealots, all there is to it.

You mean like the “capped” comment you associated with being killed as opposed to “capped” followers?

Yeah, you show you haven’t a real principle in your body. Thanks for providing another example

I hear you, but I don’t think that’s very different from a lot of vociferous people. DJ probably feels wronged, amazed at conservative corruption and greed, even if it’s just a convenient company line. It’s the same with skeet bagging on the “liberuls.”

It’s dumb partisanship. It’s the ultimate act of a sheep, of a parrot, just arguing against an invisible enemy to make yourself feel better.

It’s a sickness.

The difference is I believe what I write, and you clearly know you are lying.

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He said “capped in other ways.”

Djrion has a history of this.

But keep defending.

He does? Wild. I’ve never seen it. I have, however, seen Skeeter call for political assassinations.
I don’t recall you making any comment on that…maybe, I didn’t look closely enough. :joy:

He ain’t an X

I can assure you of that.

He’s a boomer through and through my man

We’ve already established this lie, from you. I’m not going back down a rabbit hole with your paranoid delusions.

I didn’t say he was X, I said Gen X are to Millennials what the Silent Generation are to Baby Boomers. Bikki is too old to be a Boomer. He’s from the Silent Generation.

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We haven’t established shit. Other than you’re a coward and a liar.

We been through it, you just refuse to admit the truth. I can’t help you.

And yes, Nazis deserve to die.

Wow. That’s an insane statement. Who decides who is a Nazi? What constitutes that?

Do you mean traditional WWII Nazi…. Like 3rd Reich? Or do you mean Neo Nazi like in American History X?

Or do you mean anyone that is “right” of your political perspective and deemed intolerable by you?

To the other lefty’s in here…. Do you support this kind of shit?

I don’t want ANY left wingers to die. Not even the far radical Marxist ones. They are entitled to their beliefs.


Fuck off you simp

You know exactly whom I’m talking about

Putin, apparently. And strangely you agreed.

So did you! Lol.

There are Nazi’s in Ukraine. You admitted as such. Are you denying that?

Where you drew the line was Zelensky and his admin.

So doesn’t this admission destroy your entire point then? Lol, are you just going to ignore that part?

There are “Nazis” everywhere. I never went so far as to label the entire Azov battalion as Nazis, though, but there is troubling history that is a matter of public record. In russia as well. Including what’s happening right now in Ukraine.

When did I say I thought it was ok for Putin to kill anyone, including Nazi’s?

What I said was…. Not one American should die in this “war.” That’s it.

you’re switching the argument.

No I’m not. This originally came about because he called for killing the people I cited and then called them Nazi’s. It’s all entwined no?

But for the record, I don’t believe there are Nazi’s in Ukraine because Putin said so. Me, Putin, and you just happen to agree there are, indeed, Nazi’s there.