GSC, Skeeter just stalks certain posters and tries to say bs in those post. He is a very low IQ individual. I don’t care what he has to say anymore. Guys a wife beating loser.
Bahahaha… A special moment here as @Elite80 caves in and contributes to his own hall of fame collection thread!!
I’m collecting rent in this little wack job’s head…Complete lack of pride continues
Gsc, for all the so called fraud wtf have they found. How are those epstein files going. Jesus, you just buy into this crap - hook, line and sinker. Do you realize trump is corrupt. Elon has major contracts with the us government. They have found zilch…where is this great fraud.
Thus moron of a president sent the supreme leader of iran an ultimatum- either make a deal or we go to war. Do you guys realize what a god damn moron this man is. Dangerous and stupid is not a great combination. Dont worry make america great again. Clown show. This shit gets worse every day. I am sure the wife beating, stalker poster will have your back again.
The real question here…Where is this great punctuation?
Could you imagine how deadly this guy would be if he ever discovered a question mark? All this fine top-notch rationale
GSC, so you are ok that Musk is basically in control of the president. He hands him over 250 million for his compaign and his company makes 250 billion. He now is struggling in the press (Trump) and is handed another 100 million and the guy is trying to sell his cars on the white house lawn. You defend trump by saying everyone else did it so its fine. For years the right was spreading bs rumors about George Soros but this guy is doing exactly what you accused him of doing for years.
Defends George Soros lol…OK Comrade
The fact that you don’t see that Trump is compromised is quite concerning. He has been bought. We still have no idea what Putin has given him or has on the guy. Trump was also borrowing heavily from Deutche Bank because banks here would no longer loan him money. His son in law was given over a billion dollars from the Saudis and his daughter got patents from China.
GSC, you can ignore it. Skeeter can rip everyone that says something opposite of what he thinks.
No asshead I rip people that make idiots out of themselves…You, for instance.
t is fine. I said to myself this thing is not going to work out and I will make sure to enjoy the complete mess that he will leave behind Trump is a clown. You just happen to enjoy the circus that he brings with him. Trump is the Khardasians of presidents. They have a show, it gets good ratings but there is zero substance. Trump is a show, we are just waiting for the tragic ending.
More diaries of a madman.
Trump is not performing well. How is that possible. All he does is win. Putin wants to so badly screw over Trump. I don’t know if he can because Trump is basically one of the only Pals he has but this could get very interesting.
Trump used to mention the stock market all the time. He got hammered after Covid and market recovered. Now what is his excuse. All he does is win. Lol. You wonder how he bankrupted a casino? Just look at how he runs this country. It is easy to see why.‘’
So much material here, but we’ll file this stock market comment away for now
Reminds me of the SNL skit, “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy”
Deep Thoughts by Elite80 lol
Gsc, at least i have thoughts. You are brainwashed by the church of donald trump. Also dont go supporting a wife beating loser now.