A collection of the cunty little spazz nole80's essays(meltdowns) since the election…AKA 80's greatest hits!

The only way to get rid of the deficit is to raise taxes and cut spending. You would have to cut all entitlements. You would have to cut defense spending by half. Cutting government jobs which equal less than 100 billion and taxes wont make a difference. Anyone that believes this does not understand basic economics. Trump is going to add to the deficit, he does not give two shits if he does. Trump wants to fire people and doing it in a public way so it looks like he is doing something

I present to you…economic expert, nole80

He got owned? This was one of the most disgusting displays of leadership I have ever seen in my lifetime. Not surprised that you think his behavior and Vance was ok. The one thing I love is you OWN IT. Skeeter owns it. Bikki owns it. You guys have gone all in with this pos. As I stated before to Warden and others who don’t like Trump, let him keeping doing Trump things.I thought Trump would be bad but he has taken it to a new level of Bad.

As for JD Vance, I hope one day he gets gang raped. The guy is even a bigger pos.


Today was a sad day for this country. There is no defense for what happened. Can you imagine Reagan, Obama, JFK or any other american president would act like that.


When you put a white trash (JD Vance) and a whiny little bitch (trump) in charge this is what happens. The blame for trump comes from both sides. Neither side ever took this man seriously.

Yup we are only supposed to take Cunt80’s economic, covid, etc etc advice seriously!

Bikki, the republican party as we knew it is dead. So unless it comes back the current form is disgraceful. I can’t support JD Vance and Trump. They govern like a monarchy. Trump does not like the Ukrainian leader because the guy could not be bribed by trump. Instead he put trump in his place. He is a true leader. We are no longer respected around the world. I am willing to bet you that trump will once again be impeached but this time by his own party. I truly believe that if the dems were smart…which half the time they are not they let trump self destruct. Yesterday was a bad day for this country. Trump runs the country like a reality tv show. Eventually every show runs its course, this one will be no different. The idea of a Trump Presidency is better than the reality.

I see trump as very weak. JD Vance on the other hand is just a stupid, ignorant, redneck who has no business in the white house. Bikki, trump uses your party…and the fallout is going to be epic.

Diaries of a Madman. This is not a healthy person

Instead he put trump in his place. He is a true leader

This was really typed on this message board.

Distract, Distract, Distract…w the fuck does our president need to be on tv every single day? GSC, you sold your soul to man. Defend him all you want. We are five weeks in and the guy is running the country right into the ground. Dont worry it is par for the course. The economy in two years will be where his casino was at the end.

Your family came from cuba but you are defending a man (trump) who supports a dictator (putin) - you cant make this shit up. Your family members are rolling over in their graves.


These are truly classic…

We are going to bury this deep in a cave somewhere when nole80 passes. They will be more coveted than the Dead Sea scrolls.

Yeah it’s the libs fault. Your party controls everything. You are right. Let’s stop backing an ally. We should let russia have ukraine back. We should also let china invade taiwan and to top it off and have north korea take back south kore

Gsc, its everyone else is fault. Poor trump, he could not handle that poor little leader from another country so he needed his ignorant VP to come along. Let it all go…i want to see how this works out. I really want trump to go all in. Please the first five weeks have been so great lets go.a.

Wait till hurricane season. They fired all the people who work in government and put all the models together to predict where the storms are going.

I believe GSC is a good guy. I just feel he went all in on trump. There are some people who will never admit they were wrong, he happens to be one of them. He is a man of god and went against everything he believes in to support the man. I believe Bikki likes trump because he supports his team. If trump was a dem, he would crucify him. Skeeter has the brain of a six year old. He learned the word cuck recently and uses it even though he has no idea what it meant till someone had to tell him.

@Elite80 Looks like the unemployed loser has a bit of a crush on you

I blocked skeeter. I like having discussions with people who have more than two words in their vocabulary.

Now this is cute…

Notice how one cunt @Warden84 comes to another cunt’s rescue shortly after I pointed out how not even fellow dems come to his rescue when I’m making a complete fool of him on this board….Magically @Warden84 appears.

So either dipshit 80 went and begged him…Or Warden read it, felt sorry for him, and chimed in.

All this allegiance against big bad Skeeter who has clowned and humiliated both of them on this message board for years…All while they have had me “blocked” (wink, wink)

Also…If your definition of “unemployed” means haven’t worked for someone else in over 20 years…Then yeah, I’m your huckleberry little man


You’ve written paragraphs using only 2 words :joy::joy:


The biggest problem I have with guys like Trump and Elon running the country is they have never really run a business. They have others run the business. They may give their input. The government is basically a non profit originization. These guys want to make a profit from everything. They are like Sports teams owners. Why do so many fail, because they have no f ing clue how to run a team. Trump and now Elon are going to be failures. Trump will blame Elon at some point and they will have a blow up. All relationships with Trump never last. There are many who know Trump and they all say the same thing, no one likes the guy. He has become a great politician. You can lie and there is no recourse for your actions.This thing is a trainwreck and I am enjoying it every day.

“The biggest problem”…

I have conservative views on certain things, I am progressive views on other things. I personally don’t give two shits if you’re gay, bi, trans or what ever else you want to label yourself. None of my business. GSC, thinks anything gay or trans is wrong and it should be abolished off this earth. WHY? What impact does it have on him or anyone else he knows? Does he have gay tendencies and is scared that maybe he is actually gay. Skeeter is gay and is hiding in a closet. That is no way to be. Skeeter would feel much better if he just came out and told everyone the truth.

Again he attacks us

I mean I can understand his hatred to me because I have thoroughly embarrassed this emotionally distraught little cunt on this message board for a long-time.

But why attack GSC?

Someone will sit the ukraine leaser down and tell him to suck up to the orange moron and you will get what you want.

The art of the con. Trudeau bitchslapped trump yesterday.

He are those tariffs working out? Lol. Guys a big pussy :cat:. The markets gets killed and trump pulls off. This guy is such a clown. All these countries are playing trump like a fiddle.

The three main auto leaders had to call the orange clown yesterday and tell him his tariffs are killing them. Trump has zero idea wtf he is doing. I hope he takes skeeters job working at the sperm bank. I would laugh my ass off.

On again, off again, on again, off again…the reality this is what happens when you get old. Trump cant make up his mind. He probably wants pudding. What a disaster. I wonder how long his supporters stay on board. Will they go down with the ship?

Trump is not a leader. The Ukraine leader is a hero.

Lol…A true expert on leadership and heroism

He is taking on two bullies (putin) and (trump) and kicking their ass. Amazing this guy is doing what he has done.

With other countries’ money and weapons?

He is right. You allow putin to win against Ukraine up next is poland and the other surrounding counties. The cost to protect Ukraine is a lot cheaper than if you have to defend the rest of these countries. Maybe we can ship skeeter (wife beater) to ukraine to fight the war.

GSC, Skeeter just stalks certain posters and tries to say bs in those post. He is a very low IQ individual. I don’t care what he has to say anymore. Guys a wife beating loser.