A collection of the cunty little spazz nole80's essays(meltdowns) since the election…AKA 80's greatest hits!

She has class. The other guy has zero. He is a pos and anyone that thinks he is bringing the country together is more stupid then Forrest Gump.

I did not think trump would win again. He is flawed in every way. No person has been more disgusting as a candidate. He has zero morals. He is so out of bounds and that is why I say trump will not be duplicated. No other politician could pull off what he has. Trump is a con man. He knew the key points that the right would fall in line…1) judges on the court, 2) taxes, 3) fear - number 3 is so important to their success. It’s usually the Dems will take away your Bible or guns. Next up was Gays…after that was Al Queda they are coming to get you. Now it’s Mexicans crossing the border and taking your job. Would like to know one person who on this site lost out of a job to a Mexican. Now was the fear of cream cheese and gas prices. They don’t run on policies. Fear…when Dems win it is hope or change. Problem was Kamala was a major flawed candidate attached to Biden and inflation. She was not good. Dems were forced to choose her and I feel many turned away. Trump has two years to get shit done. He will cut taxes again but outside of that he won’t get a thing done. Good luck rounding up 15 million people and shipping them out. Everyone is for immigration reformput on trains and shipped out. It will go down as the biggest failure - just wait. Republicans were going to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it. I am willing to bet he sends us into a recession and in two years loses the house and senate. This shit is like clockwork.

Now something crazy… I never even paid attention this new crave of the right - transgender. The fear of guys taking over women sports. This is the biggest bs. There has been like 3-4 trans men who have played sports. One in volleyball and no one has played against him. Skeeter won’t believe me but I don’t care. My businesses partner is married to bruce Jenner sister. He turned into a women. I really don’t give a shit. Another scare tactic…trans is the new gay for them.

Kamala Harris? No one’s voting for that fucking idiot. CODE FOR I AM RACIST AND I HATE BLACK PEOPLE.

This is the problem…With Obama it was he is not from here. He is not an American Citizin. With Harris it is she is stupid. Here is a womeon that went to law school, became a lawyer, became a DA, Became an AG for Cali, became a senator and finally became a VP. Now, I have no idea what Skeeter ever accomplished in his life but it sure as hell is not anything near what Kamala did. You don’t have to like her. You don’t have to like her politics but to say she is stupid. You can’t be more wrong. This she is stupid is…I am not voting for that “N” It is that simple. Skeeter is an angry white man who feels slighted. Maybe his neigborhood bookie was black…I have no idea but if there was ever a closet racist, this is the ONE…He also is not a good person on top of that.

No women has ever won a state senate race or govenor race in PA. The state while it votes democrat still has major issues with race and women. I love the fact that Bill Burr ripped the shit out of these idiots. I hope Skeeter was in the crowd taking it that day.

> Everyone wants to over analyze this election.

BAHAHAHAHAH….You sure it’s not just you 80? ^^

The democrats don’t have to do anything different outside of running a better canidate. It is that simple. These elections come down to messaging (Fear) Republicans, Dems (Hope/Change). When the party who gets the message out clearer does this, they win.

Trump is an awful canidate. This is reality. He may have won but there is not a person who is less qualified to be president. Even after winning in 2016. Bikki can talk about his accomplishments - which were few and far between. He lowered taxes for the very rich. This a fact. He voted in a bunch of judges. The one true moment when this country needed him- Trump failed. He failed there is nothing else you can say about his handling of Covid then HE FAILED. He said Covid would come and go…Over a million deaths later and Trump himself almost dying from Covid, the american people had enough and voted him out. The guy who said he would be tough on crime…All those cities burning down. Whose watch were the riots on…THEY WERE UNDER TRUMP. The guy crates this mess. Now you have a guy who basically had to be held in check by his own people is going to have no one holding him back. LOL.

I can’t wait till he rounds up all those illegal immigrants. PLEASE…Here is a guy that is going to go into peoples homes, many of them who were born here and rip these families apart. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BE SO STUPID TO DO THIS. Wait till he does this and people video tape his SS Troops going into these homes and people are crying, and some get killed and they are really innocent people. I want GSC and his oh I am about GOD…Come to the defense of this. I cant wait till these guys go in and rip away peoples human rights. These fucking idiots who voted him in are going to see the dark side and there is no one there to stop them. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. Every single one of you who voted for him will have to OWN IT.

The one thing I want is him to round up ALL IMMIGRANTS. Don’t let it just be Mexicans and South Americans. When Cubans start coming in…Round them up as well. Let’s not be biased. Let’s see how little Marco and those in Miami feel about that.

Warden, Kamala is going to lose.

As he was glued to his TV and it was slipping away!

I hope handing her the nomination was worth it. Trump is going to back the White House. Unreal. You had people like Shapiro who wins PA going away. All because he was pro Israel. You can’t make a decision based on a small group of people. Certain people would not vote for you no matter what.

I did not vote for trump. Never. You either have morals or don’t. Policy over Morals - I feel is wrong. People like skeeter who are the scum of the earth, trump is perfect. He aligns with his morals. It does not affect my life. Trump stands on nothing. He will get impeached again by the end of this term. This time he will leave office with all of these people turning on him. If you can’t see a con then you will be the one conned.

You are right they did speak. They also won’t say a word in 2-4 years when this country goes right in the crapper. Everyone will all of sudden have amnesia and act like they never voted for the man.

I am over it. People get what they deserve.

Sure seems to be “over it” doesn’t he?

305, when Dems think BIG…They win. They had the right idea of getting rid of Biden. They got it wrong with going with Kamala. I have never voted for someone because of color. I have never voted for someone because they were a women or man. You can’t force people to accept someone just because that is your only option. Kamala was not voted on by the left. She was the lefts only option. You can tell a lot about a person and who they choose to work with them. The moment she did not choose Shapiro or Newsom is showed a weakness. She was more concerned that people would like her running mate than her. Walz was a clown - PERIOD. I said it the moment she chose him. Warden got all bent out of shape.

As I have stated many times Trump winning does not affect my life. I do feel for those who actually believe he will get anything done. For those that believe in mass deportation, it will be a sad day. Thet cost of rounding people up against their will is going to be steep. Wait till those people who actually voted for this see it live on TV. It won’t be pretty. For those who think people like Elon Musk having the power he does now. It won’t be pretty. Rich people like that DONT GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT THE COMMON PERSON. They care about how they can make more money off you. When history looks back on Trump, people who voted for him will realize it was a big mistake. It i like a football team hiring a former coach who once won big…only to bring him back years later to recreate that magic. The sequal is never better than the original. This one will suck.

Vance is not Trump. There is only one Trump just like the left had one Obama. You don’t recreate that. Good luck running JD. I give Trump credit for one thing. He is a great self promotor and he knows how to BS with the best of them. His first term was not good. People forget his handling of Covid. People forget how he ripped familes apart at the border. People forget the shit economy he left Biden. These are facts. They are not made up. The second act is always worst then the first one. Glad it is over. Glad that he only has four years to fuck everything up. That being said the right have no one in the batters box. If they did Trump would not have won. No matter how anyone tries - Trump is a one of a kind.

Warden, he will be in office for four years. Once his term is up if he even lives that long - the madness will end. There is only one trump. I do think the damage he causes will be hard to turn around. Trump without any guardrails - wow. Guys like skeeter will be coming back and saying wtf did I vote for. It will happen. He has failed at every business and he failed the first time around. People have amnesia to the mess he created. I am one of those that says people get what they deserve.

Well, I don’t agree. You thought that picking walz was a good idea. Kamala would have won Minnesota without him. She needed PA. As PA goes so does the election. The so called Muslims in michigan still turned their back on her. Dumb move. I do agree that trump will try everything in his power to stay in office. That being said I feel this time the republicans will come to their senses and impeach him and force trump out.

Bikk, people stayed home. Stop with the last election being rigged. Trump has less votes as well. There was about five people in our polling place. Last time the line was out the door. This country is what it is. They are not voting for a women. They are not voting for one of color. Dems were stupid enough to think blacks were going to vote for their own just to vote for someone black. It is insulting to someone black. Obama won not because he was black. He won because people were excited about him. She was awful and her running mate was a joke. Warden liked it because he gave free lunches.

The ironic thing is Muslims in michigan did not vote for her because of Gaza. Now they get a man who is going to allow Israel to do whatever they want to. You can’t fix stupid. Look at skeeter. He is the dumbest person I have come across on this site.

I am not having a meltdown.

Noooo!!! Not you, @Elite80 !!

You and those who voted for trump will have to answer for voting for him. When he fails miserably that is on you. You got conned. It’s ok. What’s so funny is you are talking about a meltdown and it’s skeeter who is off the rails.

305, they won’t admit defeat. Kamala got her ass kicked. I was not a fan of hers. We were handed one option and it was a shit sandwich. I rather they had run Hillary again. Kamala career as a politician is over .

The reality is Hitler used the same grievances to convince Germans to vote for him. He told people it was the Jews fault for the economy. He said they are stealing their jobs. Sound familiar replace Jews with Mexicans and immigrants. Fear works - it is how every republican wins. They don’t run i anything. They run on fear. Bush 2 ran on terrorist invading this country. You forget the color alerts - we were constantly in fear of having a terrorist attack after 9/11. Trump made it that Mexicans are pouring over and border and taking over - fear. Bush 2 also said the Dems were taking away their guns and bibles. Gays were the big issue back then now it’s trans. It’s so predictable. The economy was trash when Biden took over and now it has gotten much better. The lies that eggs are 7 dollars. I bought them the other day for 3.50 - people in this country can’t handle fear. Heck warden is so scared he thinks trump will never leave office. Guys got people scared on both sides.

Elections are all different

Really? Do enlighten us, please @Elite80

.Covid caused major inflation. Anyone that understands business understands this

He’s also a “Business understander” ya know

Politics is about timing…

Ahhh and don’t forget timing now either, damn it

trump gave money away during COVID and lowered taxes. You can’t give away trillions of dollars and take in less money. Biden took over the trump economy which was shit and it took to long for it to recover. Add in people losing money and than use fear that immigrants are taking over this is the result. Obama and Clinton ran on hope. Their message worked. Kamala message was he is crazy basically I am sane - vote for me. Reality is our country still has history on its side and it’s not good history. Black women, married to a Jewish man…and she lost. She was also a terrible candidate. Biden should have never ran again. They should have had an open primary. That way those running are not tied to the economy. Not going to lie I got a bad feeling a few weeks ago. Just kept telling myself no way this country is going to vote for this conman again. Sad but it’s part of our democracy.

This is just not true. Inflation came from Covid. Period / end of story. Ask any economist and they will tell you this. Trumps handling of COVID was a major reason why

He has several world-renowned economists on speed dial, I’m sure.

I provided facts. I guess they stopped counting Kamala votes. He does not want to deal in the world of facts. If you went and voted there was one obvious difference this year then last, very few voters. I went to the wrong place at first and there was no one. I went to the right place next and there were less people.

Once again Kamala got more votes than Biden and Trump got in Georgia (2020). Biden got less. In 2020 Kamala would have beaten Trump by 80,000 votes. This year she got trounched. She got more votes than Biden in Georgia. I just don’t know what other facts I can provide. Listen, Trump won. Unlike you guys we admit defeat. He lost the last time because people had just went through four years of his crap and understood this type of maniac in the presidency will be bad for our country. This country has short memories.

I voted for Jill Stein so you can see what I thought of Harris. I was not a fan. She sucked and since Kamala had no chance of winning Florida, I gave a protest vote. I only voted to have #3 and #4 win and my vote still did not matter. I honestly am thinking of not voting again.

Then don’t vote…No one gives a shit lol

Garden, I have never met you.

@GardenStateCane This is like the third time since Tuesday he stresses he didn’t meet you…

I am sure you are a good person.

Now you can sleep at night @GardenStateCane

I don’t agree with you on policies. That is fine. We don’t have to agree.

He will accept you with an open mind…I mean isn’t it apparent how open-minded old Fishy is by now?

That being said give up the god damn conspiracy of Trump winning the last election. I wish he did at that point so we could move on from him.

Lol…You will never ever ever ever ever move on. Read this post if you need proof.

This country decided to put him in the white house. I don’t agree with it.

Wait? You don’t? I had no idea…

RI think this time around people who did vote for him will regret it.

1127th mentioning of this since Tuesday…We get it you rambling idiot

I feel that this time he will commit a crime that is bad that the Republicans will be the ones who impeach him.

Lol…A man of many predictions ^^^

You can deny all the facts about the man…BUT THERE IS ONE TRUTH. He is a con man and a scumbag.

I don’t know…sounds more like… AN OPINION?

Eventually even those who support him will agree. This is the TRUMP PARTY…and once he is gone those who let him infultrate that party will be picking up the pieces. The sad thing is Nikki Haley would have given you the same results and without all the BS. Congrats. YOU OWN HIM NOW.

I have stated this over and over agains. For a person of FAITH and others like you. I don’t know how you can look in the mirror and convince yourself this is the man you want to support. There is nothing god like about him. He has broken everything in the bible it preaches. Bikki constantly brings up that I am more like a Republican. Yes, I am. I grew up with a Grandfater who came from Russia. His brothers came from there. My grandfater Arthur Schlossman went to school at Carnegie Tech. He was a great achitect. Brought the first commercial freezers to Miami. Used to have his office on Biscayne Blvd. Right down the street from a diner which we would eat Chopped Steak. Right across the street was a graveyard. That area does not look the same. I would go to the Miami Herald building with him and get papers every sunday night. He lived on the causway. My grandfater was a Reagan Republican. If he were alive today, Arthur would have never voted for Trump. Why, because this is a man who he and his father used to turn Jews away. This is a fact. He got sued as did his father for discrimination. We have choices in life. You either choose the right ones which I try and do…Or you choose the wrong ones. GSC you believe in Devil or you believe in that there is something close to it. On one shoulder you have an angel the other you have satan…That bad side will always force you to choose someone like Trump. Half the country chose that side. Why, because he convinced a lot of people how bad this country is. Mind you the country has never been in a better place. He has told you that immigrants are raping and killing people. This is a flat out lie. Undocumented immigrants cause less violent crimes than any other group of people in this country. It is a fact. Less than one percent of our country is trans…If you listened to the right you would think it was 30-40 percent.

When the right wins it is based on fear. Bush 2 first ran on gays and guns. Go back and look. He said that if you voted for a Dem they would take away your bibles. People started to accept gays so that one went silent. Then came 9/11. Oh bush 2…he was great at keeping people on edge. You remember the alerts we got every single day. Red, Yellow and Green. We are on high alert. FEAR…Sad but true. Bush left office in 2008 and was part of the worst economy since the great depression. By the time Obama took over he was in a mess. He got us out of the mess…It is a fact. But what Obama created was this divide we have now. It created Donald Trump. If Obama never runs or wins, there would be no Trump. People hated the idea that a black man was running this country. Since then we have had two women lose one which was black. You want to know how far back our country is. Kamala main reason why she did not pick Shapiro was because him being Jewish. How would it look that a Black and Jew were on the same ticket. Sad but that is where our country is. Kamala was never going to win. Trump is in and the rest of our will deal with him for four years. I see why Warden has fears. Why not? Trump makes promises and most he keeps. He is going to be authortarian. It is going to happen. I think he is going to be like a man man and one that the right won’t be able to control. In the end I feel Trump will get impeached a third time…This time will be by his own party. My money says the go after him by year 3. People don’t change. Trump believes in getting back at others. He has done it his entire life. When someone like him tells you he is going to do something bad…BELIEVE HIM. People sketter, gsc and bikki wont admit it now…give them time. In 3-4 years when this thing is way off the rails they won’t have any other choice.

You are not hiding this dead body. I don’t worry about myself but those who do believe in the man, boy they are going to wish they did not do so in the end.

Hey again 80…Do you think Trump supporters will regret it? You haven’t mentioned your opinion on that front?

This is all since Tuesday…And I only included about ehh about 80% or so.

Thanks god @Elite80 is level-headed and doesn’t meltdown, right?

But fuck it, at least someone is posting more than Stormfront West @Warden84

They will blame Dems. You must understand the right does not run on policy. They run on scaring people. It worked this time. I pray that trump actually follows through. I want to see him get rid of ten million people. The republicans will never win another national election in our lifetime. You think there is inflation now. Wait till you have to actually pay people 15-20 million people get deported - that is going to have a major impact on your economy. Trump will be the first president to try and file bankruptcy for a country.

Look/sound familiar? See above

c, you’re wasting your time. Skeeter talks about sheep but he has bought in all the way. All he does is repeat the same shit. I am not wasting my time with a guy that only knows one word. Indiana is a good guy but he is maga. Gsc has no thought for himself. Good guy but believes in conspiracies. I have no time for someone who preaches but supports a man like trump.

Another beaut ^^


Innocent life!!! lol - :joy: you are ok for those kids to be born but won’t put your hands in your pocket to help support those kids? The odds are that the kid whose born and has no parents guiding him/her is more likely to commit crimes then the undocumented immigrants.

Just admit you don’t give two shits about the kid and you’re against abortion. Stop acting like some righteous person trying to save a life.

So you take care of those kids who are born. You actually are going to pay for their schooling? You are going to help feed them? You are actually going to put clothes on them? If they have medical issues you’re going to actually pay for it?

Keep on keeping on!

You won’t play it because I am right. You don’t guys two shits about the kids once they are born. Let’s worry about them when they are the size of a tadpole but the moment they are born you want nothing to do with it. I am all for a national ban if you and other republicans are willing to fit the bill. If not you are right there is nothing to talk about.

All churches should lose their tax exemption. Start paying taxes. God would want you use the money to help others out instead of building buildings which are multi million dollar places to worship. I am sure Jesus was not for these types of places being built.

Back with a vengeance!!

I apologize for slacking here…Back Again! (Kool G Rap voice)

I get why people trump won. Biden was practically dead and could not do five more years. Harris did not move people. Trump won because he says what people want to hear.

Still offering new theories I see ^^…Improving his craft.

The war in Ukraine is still going on and egg prices went higher. Amazing that god himself can’t fix these issues all in one day. Trump once again is fighting all these stupid battles. He does not give two shits about the American People.

Less than 2 weeks into office…Also, how’s Gaza going?

Biden is no longer in office. This is Trump who is running the show. OWN IT. You are going to have to defend him a lot over the next four years as this will be a straight clown show for four years.

Less than 2 weeks into office ^^

GSC, you realize that trump was a developer in NY City? You do realize this. Who do you think supplied trump. You think he did not have to bribe the mob. Seriously -you cant be this naive. If anyone else opened a school and fraudulently stole money from people they would go to jail.'he purposely hires people and does not pay them.

Punctuation is your friend, you fucking moron.

GSC, please. My father and grandfather both were developers in NY, Nj, Chicago and Florida

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH…He always magically knows someone…

Whats amazing is GSC honestly believes trump is not a criminal

Lol…“What’s amazing”

At least he hasn’t joined Antifa yet.

I don’t get GSC. He is a religious man who voted for the most immoral person to ever hold the highest office. He goes against everything he believes in. Trump does not give two shits about him.

Need help with your faith? Let nole80 decipher it for you and discern between what you think you believe in, what you do believe in, and then what you should be in! He has it all figured out.

Also, he magically knows and votes for the politicians that really give “two shits” about him.

The most ironic thing is the right bitched about george soros for years but have allowed elon musk and non usa citizen basically force himself in the oval office and have a position to make decisions that personally help him. He has made over 250 billion since trump took office. He has way too much power for a guy who is not from this country. We are now run by oligarchs like russia. These are facts.

So in one thread this fucking moron is bitching about how we should let all Haitians in…But then telling us that a guy “not from this country” is given too much power. So let em all in, but cap their status? Cheap labor is their ceiling right? Did I get that correct? Sounds kinda racist to me

My prediction is 1) he gets to the midterms and there is a massive shift in seats. Republicans who no longer fear their political careers finally invoke the 25th amendment and force trump out, 2) he gets impeached for the third time and pubs join in, 3) he dies or gets sick, 4) someone finally takes him out

So these are 4 separate possibilities…Anything else he forgot so he can just blanket em all and then claim to be correct?

I just dont see how he makes it four years. Its been two weeks and he has already made a mockery of the Oval Office.

There’s a lot you don’t see little man…A whole hell of a lot. You are as dumb as a box of rocks.

Again thanks @Elite80 … We couldn’t do this without you. Just put the quarter in the machine, wind him up, and let her rip

Nole80 is notorious for switching topics. Hard to keep up.

The media talks about Trump every single day. You know how much money that would cost Trump to get that type of coverage. Trump can say whatever he wants about the Media but they got him elected. People like Skeeter, GSC and the trumpies just overlook this. I give Trump credit for one thing and that is how he has handled the media. If the Media was smart and really wanted to piss Trump off, stop talking about him. Just don’t cover him anymore. He does not do well when others are not talking about him. The media got him elected not once but twice.

Beautiful ^

Skeeter is the ultimate sheep. He just follows along. We will be three years in and trump will still blame someone. At some point these cult followers will break. The question is, when?

He left Biden with a shit economy but now it’s all his fault. One day a story will be written about the great con which is trump.

You sound like that guy who keeps banging an ugly chick and telling everyone you don’t like her. You love Trump. The problem is you say you’re religious. You know everything trump does is against anything GOD is ok with and your conscious bothers you because your supporting a dispicable man. Stop saying you’re not in love with trump****K… You are basically saying that if Hitler was our president and he did what no one else had the balls to do you would be ok with it. OK…We believe you.
