51, you called me a pussy...I called you a cunt...Last I checked

I mean it’s been slow for me during lockdown…But last I checked I believe they are the same thing.

Why are you allowed to say words and I’m not?


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51 will you be deleting the word from your post as well?

LOL. I’m with you GSC!

I mean what’s fair is fair right?

I’m here for the off-season entertainment. Honestly, UM’s edits are going to be difficult to top but I think the two of you can do it.

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Show me here I called you a pussy? I mean, it’s possible. :laughing:

If so, I’ll man up and edit.

t is available. And it is working. Moron. It just takes time to get it out to people.

That’s how logistics works. I am not high risk at all. But I expect to be vaccinated by this summer.

But please. Keep acting like a pussy because you’re being asked to put a mask on for the time being.

From the vaccine thread^^

Ok. Cool. I’ll man up and apologize.

I won’t call you a pussy again.

But I bet you you’ll call me a cunt again.


LOL at GSC. This is ironic coming from a guy who posted an “article” claiming US deaths didn’t increase in 2020 over 2019 - while failing to realize (because I’m sure he didn’t care to read it) that the piece specifically stated that the data didn’t include COVID deaths.

This pretty much disqualified GSC from any credibility whatsoever.



It wasn’t an article Chester. It was a tweet from one of the most well reputed attorney’s in the country (Robert Barnes). I trusted HE did the research. He didn’t.

Just. Wow.

All you had to do was read it. And you didn’t.

Instead you posted this GOTCHA piece that was fucking trash.

And you’ve done this more than once.

I manned up about calling skeeter a pussy. Why can’t you man up and say you fucked up here?

Chester, it happens when you’re a provocative thinker who brings original ideas to the board. I would say the best of us have gotten stuff wrong, on both sides. My view is that if you make a mistake, you admit it and move on.

I’ve done it, bill has done it, skeeter, 305, Cande… the list goes on.

But you never have because you’re the “reply king.” All you do is side snark. So I get it. I don’t fault you for it. You are who you are.

Actual footage of skeeter giving Chester a backhand in this thread


LOL!!! Original ideas that are fucking false? :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::rofl::rofl:

You didn’t bring the idea. You posted the (false) idea of someone else.

How sad is this? Someone so self righteous that he ignores the fact that HE posted horse shit, gets called on it, and tries to state that he’s “original” by posting “new ideas” - that first - aren’t new, second, aren’t his, and third, AREN’T FUCKING TRUE!!!

Dude. I’m beginning to think you’re the more coherent version of Storm.

He’s mister “I know you are but what am I”…Real annoying type dude in real life I bet.

No…actually you are. Do you know how I know? Because when you realize you have no argument to make, you abandon the topic and resort to calling people faggots and cunts.

I’m sure mom and dad are proud.


What you say about my momma?! (menace II society voice)