2023 Season Won Loss Record Predictions

I expect the team to be somewhat improved over 2022’s 5-7 team. However, the team
has a long way to go (two or three classes?) to being anything near elite in terms of talent.

I believe Vegas sees Miami as about a 7 win team. I think that is about right assuming TVD stays healthy.

I would think 8 wins is the ceiling, 6 the floor. Maybe if Miami gets lucky they could win 9 games.
Miami could easily go 6-6 or 8-4 but 7-5 seems about right. I don’t really want to contemplate worse than 6-6 but it could happen. Better than 8-4 seems unlikely.

7 homes games, 5 away. Not a particularly easy schedule. UNC, FSU and NC State away, TAM, Clemson and Louisville at home. GT, UVA and Louisville home. Presumed cupcakes, Miami of Ohio, Bethune at home;Temple away. Miami has lost to two cupcakes in the past 5 years; FIU and MTSU.

The more challenging games/likely losses would seem to be Clemson and FSU away. I’ve no idea how good TAM or NC State will be but those would seem to be the other two toughest games.
Of course, Miami is perfectly capable of losing to GT, UVA or Louisville so it is hard to handicap them. Let’s hope the three cupcake games are easy wins.

7 wins would not surprise me

Along the same lines. This guy predicts 8-4. Quite a few ACC teams predicted as 7-5.
Only Clemson and FSU predicted to win 9+.

Given how lame the team was last season, I’d be okay with 8 wins or even 7 wins at this point in the program rebuild and 8+ wins in 2024.

This staff recruits extremely well so I’m cautiously optimistic that the years of totally sucking may be finally ending.

I’m hoping for the best…. I think we may have less wins than last year.

7 wins seems about right. We always overestimate the talent on these Miami teams.

None of this matters if Vany Dyke leaves the program due to his unhappiness with his current NIL deal.

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him leaving might be a good thing. you’re supposed to be the leader of the team, and news hits of you thinking about leaving? that ain’t good…i would bench him if he stays

I went to the spring game and was invited to watch practice. Miami is a better team than last year. They seem more in sync. There was major internal strife last year from the staff. Gattis was a major blunder as a hire. Other coaches did not like him and some of the players hated him. It was a toxic mix. Mario hired some new guys and you could tell at the practice I went to they got along much better.

From an offensive standpoint I really liked what I saw scheme wise. The team had more tempo and was much more productive at the practice I went to. I liked what I saw from the offense.

Here are some of my thoughts

QB - two years ago van dyke got too much hype. He is a good qb but not a first rounder. He has a flaw and that is he holds onto the ball to long. You take Emory Williams and the two times I saw him, he already us better at getting rid of the ball quicker. He has a higher football IQ. Van Dyke needs to learn to trust his receivers. I do think Emory has the most talent of any qb at Miami in a long time. Brown is a good athlete but needs too much work.

RB- thought Chaney looked good in the spring game. His main issue is health. I feel mark Fletcher may be the horse if he can block.

Wr-Colbie Young - he impressed me both times I saw him this spring. He has transformed his body. He looks physically impressive. I also thought Restrepo got himself into great shape. If Miami can find two more guys from the rest of the room the wide receiver room is not an issue this year. Miami can still improve this part of the team but they are better this year.

Offensive line - most improved unit on team. Cohen and the center from UCF are major upgrades. Two two freshman OL are going to be very good. Rivers needs to move inside. If Nelson can come back Miami is set on the OL. They have more size and depth on the OL.

Defensive end- Bain will become an AA at Miami. I really like Kelly as well. Defensive end will be a strength at Um this year.

DT- I like Taylor and Hunte Inside but Miami is so thin. The DT from georgia state needs to run 3rd string. They need one more portal guy inside.

Linebacker - #51 fansisco m - kids gonna make an impact on Miami defense. He was very good at Miami spring practice. Bissainthe will be very good. I really liked what I saw from bobby Washington. In practice he came off the edge and just destroyed the back. He is going to be a good one.

Defensive backs - i really liked what I saw from kitchens. He is all over the field. I think he Coord have an all conference type season in this new scheme. Davonte Brown was a nice portal pick up. His brother may start at some point. Porter kid is a good player but his size may be an issue


Excellent post Elite80, especially regarding Emory Williams who hails from the Panhandle. If there was ever a kid completely obsessed with football, it is Emory Williams. If Van Dyke falters, I think we’re in good hands with Emory. I know former Univ. of West Florida coach Pete Shinnick personally, and one of his biggest disappointments that fostered his decision to leave West Florida after winning the Div II National Championship, was not getting Emory to commit to playing locally for the Argos. You’ll recall it was Shinnick who recruited Austin Reed whom I believe is the real sleeper in the NFL draft. While Reed just didn’t look like a football player, you can’t say the same thing about lanky Emory Williams. Indeed Shinnick lamented not getting Emory Williams. One thing I know about Emory, he consistently can throw the deep ball accurately.

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Young and not very good at some key spots. Compounded by new schemes on both sides.

Yeah, good points.
QB-A need in the 2024 class. Would like to see 2, prefer one to be a 5 star type of kid.
RB-We seem to have some good horses here but I agree health with Chaney is key. If we can truly run the ball well…
TE-Some good studs here
OL-HUGE improvement so far from last year.

My concern is still the defense.

DT-Like you say, very thin. Need 2-3 beefy portal guys IMO
LB-One stud LB in Francisco, One potental stud in Wesley and then what else? Still somewhat thin here as well.
DB-Safeties we are set but our DB’s??

I say 7-5 this year, maybe 8-4

I see 9 wins this year. The offensive and defensive lines seem ready to go. The coaching staff last year was not together. I think TVD can play well enough to get to be a third round pick which is better than most we have had in the 2000’s. We will have to depend on the freshman too much to be in the 10-11 wins season.

No way we get a 5 star QB in 2024. They are all gone and none were coming after last years performance. Now we all know there will be a few in the portal like there is every year. But then they are a used car and the tires have been rotated on them so are you really that excited about them? We have been through that 5 star QB before that I am surprised that fans are still wishing for one.

6-6. I’m not falling for it anymore.


Back when I was a student at Miami, going to all the games and watching the 'Canes whip everyone’s ass, I NEVER in a million years envisioned a time when I would see a 6-6 prediction…

How the mighty have fallen…
So sad… :frowning:

Oh, and for the record, I have Miami at 7-5. :roll_eyes:

That’s about where I’m at.

Maybe they get to 7, but last year didn’t show me much hope. TVD didn’t look that good, the Oline was mediocre, and the defense had some gaping holes.

I don’t see how one year of the same players plus some portal additions changes that much.

Welcome to the pessimism club…. Where our motto is ”there’s only the upside.”

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I don’t care about the season record, I just want to see clear improvement that shows there will be better seasons ahead.

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5-7 in 2023

W Miami Ohio
L Texas A&M
W Bethune Cookman
W at Temple
W Georgia Tech
L at North Carolina
L Clemson
W Virginia
L at North Carolina State
L at Florida State
L Louisville
L at Boston College

8-4…I think 9-3 is doable with good health.

I expect some things to be night and day. Major culture shock from Diaz to Cristobal (even if you look at it without a preference for either, they are just WAAAYY different) and I’d say 15-20 upperclassmen were checked out by October.

6-6 to 10-3 are possible

Zion playing?
Chaney stay healthy with major snaps?
Kam staying healthy?
TVD staying healthy?

The four weaknesses are QB (questionable talent of depth), RB, Safety, and new coaches/schemes.

Only 18 kids remain on the roster since the day Mario stepped foot on campus. This is now his team.

I’m leaning towards 9-3 with a chance at a bowl win for 10-3 but think we could slip to 7-5 if we drop ATM and UNC.