Yikes! McClain ain't signing today, says mommy

Worried? Y not 2day? Anyone know anything here?

Not today! :frowning:

Yeah that can’t be a good sign for Miami…:sob:

I want Mario and Ruiz at the mother’s front door today! :grin: :pray:t2:

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Saw a tweet about a last second offer by Deion. So expect a big barstool sports offer to mull over.

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Immediately you think it’s possibly Saban but I’m seeing it’s UF making the late push so who knows? If it’s Deion, then let’s get Travis Hunter in here. :grin:

coach prime

Maybe someone should remind him about the snow and how cold it is there.

So have we lost him or not? Anyone?

Not lost. Prime is likely begging Barstools to fund his CU kids. Barstools funded his Coleman/Hunter NILs. Barstools would have to want to fund the NILs then beat Ruiz.

Hearing we are in for other big names.

Could miss out on Hussey and Joseph to FSU.

Innis and Williams both signed afterall.

Seems like the McClain vibe is UM is fine here. But honestly w this wild, wild west shit we won’t know until pen meets paper

And then we will have to worry about then the whole time they are here.


This whole thing is CRAZY. Cormani has to hold…

Do we pull any magic big star player we didn’t see coming as well today, or later??!

Double the NIL deal if at all possible. It would be a disastrous look to lose a player to Colorado.

F him. The last thing any team needs is another prima donna pain in the ass. Sign or go F yourself.
Miami should just drop him IMHO.

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Not really…This is the new NCAA format. It is what it is.

No but we have several magic big star players already on deck and even without McClain class will rank in top 6-7

In case you forgot…We were 5-7 this year…And non-competitive in many games.

Money trumps loyalty.

Brown signed​:+1::+1:

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I think McClain will is parrying for better offers and may get one. Hope the hell we don’t lose Robert Stafford whom I believe will be an upcoming star player. I agree with Stork, sign or go fork yourself.

It’s clear McClain chose us initially because of bags…Am I supposed to believe Colorado now magically has the dough to outbid us? We better seal this deal.

You think we ain’t trying lol

And of course he chose us because of bags…Maybe a little DVD sprinkled in too.

It is what is…We are holding on for dear life. Hopefully know by tomorrow

I know one things…His mother is PIMPING him right out, and as talented as he is…There are more red flags by the day with the kid. Going to be interesting to see if kids like him also love football as much as they love the dough.

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