Wow, what is going on?

WV Corner coming here via portal?

I guess I’ve grown unused to all the good fortune, lol

could be another one…

This is not good fortune. This is the result of a motivated, competent coaching staff. The good fortune was that Miami was able to get CMC who is turning Miami back into the monster it should have been all these years.

The future is bright!


Very Bright! CMC means business!

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20d later…

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Is he good enough to start?

247 describes him as an “instant impact transfer”.

Mesidor is most likely our best Portal addition

I think a lot of these guys may end up just being depth but that’s ok you need that too.

Not so fast, Skeeter…

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I’m almost to a point where I’m allowing myself to have some hope for Miami football again

This staff recruits extremely well. A few really good classes stacked together and Miami
is a contenda again.

Hey, it only took 20 years. :roll_eyes:

Don’t do it. You have better chances of success spinning a wheel of random cryptocurrencies and profiting than believing in UM Football lol.

You mean you aren’t all in on BitCoin?

I don’t think Miami will be back with 2-3 classes but give Mario 5-6 years and another great QB. I’d give Miami a better chance than crypto.

I don’t mess with crypto.

nor do I

Honestly, a new coach is a reason to look.
Good news is a reason to pay attention.
What we’ve got going now is reason to hope.

Another DL transfer…

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Post of the year… to this point. :grin:

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Media department will be busy…lotta new faces…