
Add him to the list of Top 10 ranked QB’s that Miami recruited who failed miserably.
Wright, Olsen, Marve, Martell, et al.

At least Williams had the Louisville game.

Oh, and you forgot to mention Kirby Freeman… Mr. 1 of 14, 1 TD, 3 INTs :face_vomiting:

Sadly, Williams also had the FIU game; the one for which he will always be remembered.

I didn’t think Freeman was ranked Top 10 in his class but yes he was the 6th ranked dual QB. Boy, did they get that one wrong.

The most notable thing about him was that at one point, even though he was terrible, he managed to beat out Kyle Wright for the starting job.

Other than Berlin and TVD, Miami’s QB’s have all pretty much sucked since Dorsey graduated.
Morris was okay, I guess. I was never a fan of Harris or Rosier who were very much JAGs.

He had a ton of talent and all the tools. Sad.

Kaaya was ok. He should have stayed. He torched WVU in that bowl game. You could see Richt on the sidelines that game just spitting plays out. He didn’t have much to work with after he left.

Forgot about Kaaya. Yes, he was pretty good. Couldn’t run at all though sort of like Kosar in that respect. He was no Spencer Whipple though.

Like Morris, at least he hung around the league for a few years which is more than Rosier, Harris, Wright, etc can say.

Meanwhile, TVD looks like a first round pick probably.

Indeed. No argument from me against this. TVD has the goods. I’m looking forward to next season.

Remember Ryan Williams? He was supposed to be the starter after Morris graduated in 2014 but blew out his knee just running around in spring practice and never played much because Kaaya.

He is the WR Coach at UGA now?

Kaaya is trying to make it as a screen writer.

Happily, I’ve managed to forget about most of these guys.

No…Grad assistant I believe.

We could never put together good OL’s with Good QB’s. Morris was fine. Kaaya was fine. We could never put it together though. Our fans would blame the QB for poor WR and OL play. Can no one remember Patrick Mahomes in the Superbowl with 2 backup Tackles? The guy became Average at best. Same with TVD. The guy needs to be protected. If we throw him out there with no help or no chipping the good Edge rushers with a TE then stick a fork in him.