Why was my post deleted 51? I'm asking a fair question

Well it wasn’t actually my family ya stupid fuck

Also, that would be like you telling me to go away and come back

They are meltdown prone, distraught, partisan sheep…Just like you

Says the guy who can’t go a day without freaking out over Covid, called for political assassinations, and can’t stop attacking people’s children on a message board. You’re a fucking loser…everyone around you sees it and saw it. Sad, pathetic, piece of trash

The best part of you ran down your whore mother’s leg in the Burger King bathroom after she got that trucker gangbang she was begging for

A bit dramatic and exaggeratory aren’t we your fucking cunt?

Little dramatic meltdown prone partisan sheep…Tell us how you are saving the world against you little fucking sheep twat

Look how corny dude is

Shit like ain’t even funny…And cliche. Can you imagine what a fucking dork he is in person?

Not in the slightest. You’re the most unhinged, meltdown laden pussy I’ve ever seen. You haven’t gone a day in more than a year without melting down over Covid. You’re the biggest pussy on this board. Also, you’re the most unhinged person on here. Odds are, everyone around you, throughout your life has seen you the same sack of trash, rotten from the inside out as we do. You offer nothing to anyone

It was funny to the 5 dudes that watched that stinky twat lick it up off of the floor. Odds are that fucking bitch knew the crabs she got was more valuable than the shithole kid that popped out of her whore cunt

My mother would laugh in a little twerp faggot like your face and beat the jujitsu out of you.

Imagine someone saying “I do all my fighting on the mats”…

Bahahahahahahahhahahah…Ya you’re real tough you faggot

Your whore mother hasn’t had a cock out of her mouth long enough to laugh in years

He said “I do my fighting on the mats”

What good’s that mat gonna do when I kick the teeth out of your head in the street you faggot?

You know where to find me, pussy

You don’t want me to find you little boy…I’ll fuck your whole life up.

You’re a wishy washy, overly emotional little fucking twat.

Sure, Meltdown Mollie.

Imagine a progressive cunt calling accusing someone else of meltdowns? Your whole ideology is you not being to handle your meltdowns and throwing a cunty tantrum over it…

Not to mention all you have done from the first day you joined this board is inflict your meltdowns and attack other posters.

You’re a worthless partisan sheep…It’s pure comedy to watch